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Nas to perform for Virginia Tech victims

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest slamminshaun

Imagine you're a surviving victim of the Virginia Tech shootings. Imagine you're a family member of someone who was murdered at Virginia Tech. Now imagine you're at a concert in honor of those who died. Imagine the artist on stage has a song out that says, "shoot 'em up, shoot 'em up, kill, kill, kill, murder, murder, murder..."

How would you feel about that only 6 months after the Virginia Tech murders?

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Guest slamminshaun

Lyrics aside, Nas has a gun possession conviction on his rap sheet along with violent crime. Am I the only one who thinks this is a wee-bit inappropriate?

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Guest web_norah

Lyrics aside' date=' Nas has a gun possession conviction on his rap sheet along with violent crime. Am I the only one who thinks this is a wee-bit inappropriate?



Do you honestly think he is going to sing about thugging and violence in this performance?

Should Pat Robertson or perhaps Dolly Parton sing to them instead?

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Guest cire

This has to be a publicity stunt for his new 'greatest hits' album. What a sham! Not a good way to pay tribute, they should not allow him to use the victims as his platform to have a concert!

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Guest Mattivi

i have to agree with the slamming cowboy on this one. this is the equivalent of lindsay lohan making a D.A.R.E appearance at the local elementary school.

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Guest jbit

Lyrics aside' date=' Nas has a gun possession conviction on his rap sheet along with violent crime. Am I the only one who thinks this is a wee-bit inappropriate?


No your not. I don't see what NAS brings to that table. Diversity? Then why not Slayer or Marilyn Manson.

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Guest LeVeL

Come on Shaun your smarter than that, you actually think Nas would perform a song like that to the VT SHooting victims come on.

Nas is a long-time artist with enough songs that provide a positive message on them, not every rapper out there speaks of nonsense and violence only, a lot of these guys actually have albums that portray different sides of them.

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Guest dahzel

Do any of you even listen to Nas anymore. If you want to talk about 10-15 years ago than fine... thugged out nas wouldv'e been a bad idea but today?!?! Check out some of his lyrics from his last double album and then you tell me how thugged out nas still is. nas is a positive influence... not a negative one.


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Guest mr.miami

i think it is okay to have nas. i mean you try to move on and if students at that school like ghetto thug music then give it to them. I think this is one time orielly is off his rocker.

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Guest RzO

are u kidding

nas is actually one of the true rappers out there. Part of the dying breed that made me enjoy rap to begin with.

what one must understand with nas, tupac, and the likes is that when they started rapping, it was about life in the hood, it was real. Nowadays these guys are glorifying something that wasn't meant to be glorified, as in those times it was reality and rap was a way for these folks to express what really happened in their life.

Good for Nas, for christ sake this is the same irrational context that makes me hate the conservative folk. He is offering his services to help others and all you can do is pick it apart? For one to look at this in a negative way is asinine at best. The dude who shot up vt was a sociopath korean, there is no relation to rap music. I hope this happens, for one reason, there will be MORE people at vt that will benefit from this than the people starting threads and yapping about how bad this is.

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Guest slamminshaun

Do you honestly think he is going to sing about thugging and violence in this performance?

Should Pat Robertson or perhaps Dolly Parton sing to them instead?

I have no idea what he's going to sing about. It's irrelevant to me. The guy has a weapons conviction! He sings about shooting people and murder. Can't they find anyone else???

Come on Shaun your smarter than that, you actually think Nas would perform a song like that to the VT SHooting victims come on.

Nas is a long-time artist with enough songs that provide a positive message on them, not every rapper out there speaks of nonsense and violence only, a lot of these guys actually have albums that portray different sides of them.

Maybe he HAD a positive image, but today he's nothing more than a convict who got nailed on weapons charges. He sings about murder, shooting people, and even belongs to something called "Murder, Inc." I don't think someone who works for a company called "Murder Inc." has any business singing to people who's loved ones were murdered.

Do any of you even listen to Nas anymore. If you want to talk about 10-15 years ago than fine... thugged out nas wouldv'e been a bad idea but today?!?! Check out some of his lyrics from his last double album and then you tell me how thugged out nas still is. nas is a positive influence... not a negative one.


No, I don't listen anymore. I think his music is pure garbage. Anyone whose lyrics say "kill-kill-kill, murder-murder-murder" is enough for me to turn the dial.

what one must understand with nas, tupac, and the likes is that when they started rapping, it was about life in the hood, it was real.

Show me in history books where blacks used to sing about picking cotton and hanging from a tree. I doubt you'll find it, but wouldn't you agree that was reality for them 150 years ago? "Kill Kill Kill, Murder Murder Murder, Shoot 'em up, Shoot 'em up"....actually, anything WE think is irrelevant. Let's see what the families of the victims think, click here

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Guest web_norah

So you feel Nas is wrong for performing for VT people but you support the right to bear arms and gun ownership like most Republicans do? Good one.

Oh the irony. Write a letter to his label and shut it already, if you feel so 'bothered' by this. Telling us how wrong it is does NOTHING.

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Guest Buck White

And speaking of arrests:

* The first arrest of George W. Bush was for theft at a hotel.

* The second arrest was for disorderly conduct at a football game.

* The third arrest is for a very serious crime -- drunk driving.

Nas writes, recites and performs poetry.

Bush deploys men and women to slaughter and be slaughtered....in droves. Am I the only one who thinks this is a wee-bit

inappropriate ?

I could see you having an issue with this if he, you know, raped college students.

You conservative dudes are strange. I don't know if it's the sexual repression or the surreptitious racism....but it's definitely something.

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Guest slamminshaun

And speaking of arrests:

* The first arrest of George W. Bush was for theft at a hotel.

* The second arrest was for disorderly conduct at a football game.

* The third arrest is for a very serious crime -- drunk driving.

LOL, did you just use the "blame Bush" card??? I knew someone wouldn't be able to resist....let me know next time Bush speaks at a MADD convention, until then, that comment is really fuckin' retarded.

Why don't you guys just say how you really feel? The Virginia Tech victims' families should all just STFU and deal with it. After all, THEY are the one's complaining, in case you didn't notice! Apparently, their opinion doesn't count with this. Norah, you can lecture the Virginia Tech families on what a bunch of Pat Robertson-loving, redneck Republicans they are while Buck draws a comparison between Nas and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Take me out of the equation, why are you guys so against what the Va. Tech families want????

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Guest Buck White

And speaking of arrests:

* The first arrest of George W. Bush was for theft at a hotel.

* The second arrest was for disorderly conduct at a football game.

* The third arrest is for a very serious crime -- drunk driving.

while Buck draws a comparison between Nas and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

lol. ;D Listen, if they don't want him there I'm sure they'll find a way to stop it. And I don't think we're anymore for it than you are against it. The only reason I brought up Bush is to remind you that noone is infallible. As far as retarded comments...I could line a fur coat

with some of the pugnacious sh*t you say on here. No offense.

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Guest Mattivi

"line a fur coat" roflmao, keep the laughs coming guys. ;D seriously what VT needs is Daves Matthews Band, not NAS no matter how much of a Stan "Tookie" Williams turnaround this guy has done to his career. and what does being "a true rapper" have to do with anything? total immaterial and inconsequential to why this guy should or shouldnt be doing this event. i agree with shaun, there is vast amount of talent out there far more congruent to do this event than nas.

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Guest coach
Show me in history books where blacks used to sing about picking cotton and hanging from a tree.

Oh my god' date=' dude. Seriously? You *really* have no clue. YOU need to check into your folk song history, for sure. They absolutely had songs about both those things.

However, that's neither here nor there. Nor does your or anyone else on here opinion matter one fuck. What matters is the VT students. If they do not want him to perform because they think it is inaproppriate, then he definitely should not. If, on the other hand, they would like to have him there, then it's all good.

However, as usual, the article you post has little useful information in it. Where the hell do you find these things? It says "several". Fucking great. Here is your dictionary.com definition of "several": [i']1.being more than two but fewer than many in number or kind:

So, by several, does the blogoron mean "most"? Does he mean 3? What is the percentage? I note in the article this passage:

Despite the outrage expressed by Bove and the families, officials of the university revealed that the overall response for the concert has been positive

By suggesting that he not be allowed to perform, it looks like you are actually going against the ideal of majority rule. Is that correct?

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Guest Buck White
Show me in history books where blacks used to sing about picking cotton and hanging from a tree.

Oh my god, dude. Seriously? You *really* have no clue. YOU need to check into your folk song history, for sure. They absolutely had songs about both those things.

I figured it better if he heard that from you. These are the guys that drive into the city, mince prostitutes into small portions, drive back to the burbs, tuck their children into bed....and then blather on about the "violence" in the ghetto. Not you personally, Double S.

Just, sorta, duplicitous Republican type guys like you.

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Guest LeVeL

Come on Shaun your smarter than that' date=' you actually think Nas would perform a song like that to the VT SHooting victims come on.

Nas is a long-time artist with enough songs that provide a positive message on them, not every rapper out there speaks of nonsense and violence only, a lot of these guys actually have albums that portray different sides of them.


Maybe he HAD a positive image, but today he's nothing more than a convict who got nailed on weapons charges. He sings about murder, shooting people, and even belongs to something called "Murder, Inc." I don't think someone who works for a company called "Murder Inc." has any business singing to people who's loved ones were murdered.

Dude your mistaking Nas with Jarule...these are 2 different rappers..lol

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Guest slamminshaun

By suggesting that he not be allowed to perform, it looks like you are actually going against the ideal of majority rule. Is that correct?

I'm siding with the Virginia Tech families on this one, who admittedly are in the minority. I think they have a unique perspective on this, one that the majority seems to care less about. It almost sounds like some people on here think the Virginia Tech families should have to suck it up and shut up, rather than just change the performer. It's not a matter of "well, nobody's forcing the families to go"....the concert is FOR them, don't you think their wishes should be honored?

Dude your mistaking Nas with Jarule...these are 2 different rappers..lol

I'm not mistaking anything. click here.

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Guest coach

By suggesting that he not be allowed to perform' date=' it looks like you are actually going against the ideal of majority rule. Is that correct?


I'm siding with the Virginia Tech families on this one, who admittedly are in the minority. I think they have a unique perspective on this, one that the majority seems to care less about. It almost sounds like some people on here think the Virginia Tech families should have to suck it up and shut up, rather than just change the performer. It's not a matter of "well, nobody's forcing the families to go"....the concert is FOR them, don't you think their wishes should be honored?

ZOMG, did you even read what I posted? That is exactly what I said.

However, you are not siding with ALL of the VT families. You are siding with "several". The majority want it to happen. You are siding against the majority of VT families with only a small minority of the VT families.

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