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Guest Kenny410

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Guest Kenny410

Never in my fuckin life, have i seen such racist fucking assholes as bouncers in clubspace. These bunch of black idiots, gain some temporary power every night, and fucking abuse it like if they are the shit. That is why they are bouncing instead of clubbing, cuz they are broke fucking losers who cant find a fucking job anywhere else.

Anyone who has complaints about bouncers, post your story on here. Now you wonder why you see bouncers getting shot in the news? Because they most likely disrespected someones gf or sister, and they deserve what they got.

As i am waiting in line, handing in my license, the bouncer goes off on some poor girl, who they didnt want to let in because they didnt like her license. She goes across the street to talk to an officer because her license is legit. The cop checks it, scans it, and approves it, she comes back in line and this fucking piece of dog shit tells her this :

"I dont give a fuck what that pig says. You do what i say and i say to get the fuck out of here you fucking whore. Get the fuck out of my line stupid slut. Fucking bitch ass whore"

She replies with "You dont have to disrespect me like that" and he continues on with the name calling... FOR NO FUCKING REASON! This same fucking cocksucker, later on kick my friend out, after finding 2 girls, and going to their friends birthday party upstairs in which we got invited to. This piece of shit sees my friend and just grabs him, shoves him to the back door and kicks him out of the club. Guess what for?

FOR NOT HAVING HIS SHIRT TUCKED IN!! mind you, im with a fucking T-SHIRT, he has a nicer shirt than me on, and mines not even tucked him, and he just gets kicked out. FUCKING POWER ABUSING PIECES OF SHIT. They are just fuckin haters. They see us with 2 fucking hot chicks going to VIP, and he fucking hates that he cant do that shit.


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Guest Ryan EliteEnt

Never in my fuckin life, have i seen such racist fucking assholes as bouncers in clubspace. These bunch of black idiots, gain some temporary power every night, and fucking abuse it like if they are the shit. That is why they are bouncing instead of clubbing, cuz they are broke fucking losers who cant find a fucking job anywhere else.

Anyone who has complaints about bouncers, post your story on here. Now you wonder why you see bouncers getting shot in the news? Because they most likely disrespected someones gf or sister, and they deserve what they got.

As i am waiting in line, handing in my license, the bouncer goes off on some poor girl, who they didnt want to let in because they didnt like her license. She goes across the street to talk to an officer because her license is legit. The cop checks it, scans it, and approves it, she comes back in line and this fucking piece of dog shit tells her this :

"I dont give a fuck what that pig says. You do what i say and i say to get the fuck out of here you fucking whore. Get the fuck out of my line stupid slut. Fucking bitch ass whore"

She replies with "You dont have to disrespect me like that" and he continues on with the name calling... FOR NO FUCKING REASON! This same fucking cocksucker, later on kick my friend out, after finding 2 girls, and going to their friends birthday party upstairs in which we got invited to. This piece of shit sees my friend and just grabs him, shoves him to the back door and kicks him out of the club. Guess what for?

FOR NOT HAVING HIS SHIRT TUCKED IN!! mind you, im with a fucking T-SHIRT, he has a nicer shirt than me on, and mines not even tucked him, and he just gets kicked out. FUCKING POWER ABUSING PIECES OF SHIT. They are just fuckin haters. They see us with 2 fucking hot chicks going to VIP, and he fucking hates that he cant do that shit.


Well I would say some bouncers abuse their power and don’t handle problems very well in the night club. But I would have to say that you are exaggerating this story and generalizing all bouncers as “black idiotsâ€, which is very wrong! You had a problem at a club, you are not the first. But I know some bouncers that are the nicest guys you will ever meet! So I would have to say that this shit you wrote is sooo wrong. Now if you go to a vip type of club (like SET) the bouncers are normally nicer then a club like space. But then you have to put up with the meaner door guy. I know you are mad for having a bad night, but some of the shit you said in here is just fucking wrong!!

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Guest RzO

and another priceless story.

There are always two sides, id love to find out what really happened. Surely there has to be something.

Also how is it that in 5 years of going there (or any club for that matter), I never had a problem, not to mention the 36473 people I know who got there often. Any person that I have witnessed the security do anything too, is someone who had it coming and that is the way it is at any club. Its there place to run, running your mouth will surely get you the boot, which is what this perhaps may be a case of.

I mean really are we to believe that security grabbed your friend for no reason at all and just kicked him out. Seems like there is something missing.

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Guest Buck White

I tell you what....I've seen Space Security "neutralize" fisticuff situations with precision. I was impressed. They were like contras. One patron looked like he was walking with a severe limp after the dust had settled.

Ahhhhh....Space Security, huh ? I had one accosting me about my hat all night. Incidentally...that was the last time I was at Space. I do love Space btw, though. It reminds me of the big Manhattan nightclubs. But, I agree, if he said that to her and it was completely unwarranted...of course it's disrespectful....and bizarre. It's possible you might have missed the part where she whispered to him," Youre gonna let me into this club you goddamn loser nigra bouncer". You could of been well out of earshot to hear that. It's possible. Although, I've seen non-black security there. Was it just the black idiot bouncers that were agitating this night ? There had to of been a couple of cool ones. In fact there has to be....I've talked to some. I've even tipped money to one of the...black idiot ones. I tell you what...you try bouncing for five weekends. You'll see the flipside of what goes down in clubs nightly. And problems start to occur.

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Guest macboy

Never in my fuckin life, have i seen such racist fucking assholes as bouncers in clubspace.

Exactly what race were they discriminating against? ???

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Guest Buck White

Never in my fuckin life, have i seen such racist fucking assholes as bouncers in clubspace.

Exactly what race were they discriminating against? ???

I'm praying before god not Latin.

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Guest swank

LMAO! Not again...

I call 4 pages.

If this doesn't get deleted.....it's good for at least 10 pages and a 'gazibian' views...

By the length and demure of the first post, I think that there is probably more to this story. I am not here to defend Space security or any club security for that matter. I'm sure it can't be easy dealing everyweekend with spoiled drunk kids who think because they have $20 and a credit card that they get immediate access to someone else's property.

People sometimes forget that they are actually entering someone else's house. If they don't want you in....they don't have to let you in.

Instead of generalizing, you should have walked up to said bouncer and asked...."excuse me Mr. Big Negro Bouncer...but could I see YOUR drivers licence so that I could get your full name since I would like to post on CJ this unfortunate set of circumstances that took place tionight."

This way you wouldn't be generalizing... ;)

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Guest RzO

LMAO! Not again...

I call 4 pages.

If this doesn't get deleted.....it's good for at least 10 pages and a 'gazibian' views...

what is it they say, all publicity is good publicity! 8)

oh yah and nice seeing you and your friend Alfredo the other nite @ gryphon, he is awesome, had me laughing may ass off!

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Guest swank

LMAO! Not again...

I call 4 pages.

If this doesn't get deleted.....it's good for at least 10 pages and a 'gazibian' views...

what is it they say, all publicity is good publicity! 8)

oh yah and nice seeing you and your friend Alfredo the other nite @ gryphon, he is awesome, had me laughing may ass off!

hey good seeing you too Rzo!

BTW it's "Alfred" and yes! he cracks me up all of the time too!

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Guest RzO

LMAO! Not again...

I call 4 pages.

If this doesn't get deleted.....it's good for at least 10 pages and a 'gazibian' views...

what is it they say, all publicity is good publicity! 8)

oh yah and nice seeing you and your friend Alfredo the other nite @ gryphon, he is awesome, had me laughing may ass off!

hey good seeing you too Rzo!

BTW it's "Alfred" and yes! he cracks me up all of the time too!

LOL, I think i was calling him Alfredo!, either way tell him I appreciated his banter, he had me going, see you guys around!

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Guest swank

LMAO! Not again...

I call 4 pages.

If this doesn't get deleted.....it's good for at least 10 pages and a 'gazibian' views...

what is it they say, all publicity is good publicity! 8)

oh yah and nice seeing you and your friend Alfredo the other nite @ gryphon, he is awesome, had me laughing may ass off!

hey good seeing you too Rzo!

BTW it's "Alfred" and yes! he cracks me up all of the time too!

LOL, I think i was calling him Alfredo!, either way tell him I appreciated his banter, he had me going, see you guys around!

ok....now we're boring the peeps with our 'talkshow banter' let's get back on topic...CLUBSPACE BOUNCERS SUCK KOK! remember! ;D

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Guest slamminshaun

Personally, I have no problem with someone voicing a complaint publicly....that's how things get done sometimes. But I'm not amused by the whole "suck kok" title to this thread. If you want to complain, fine, but do so professionally. My vote is to delete the thread.

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Guest saintjohn
My vote is to delete the thread.

That was my initial reaction, too, but honestly - who looks bad here? The Space security staff? Or the one-post wonder who characterizes them all as "black idiots" and "broke fucking losers who cant find a fucking job anywhere else"?

And then there's this line:

"They see us with 2 fucking hot chicks going to VIP, and he fucking hates that he cant do that shit."


Welcome to the CoolJunkie forums, Kenny410.

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Guest slamminshaun
My vote is to delete the thread.

That was my initial reaction, too, but honestly - who looks bad here? The Space security staff? Or the one-post wonder who characterizes them all as "black idiots" and "broke fucking losers who cant find a fucking job anywhere else"?

And then there's this line:

"They see us with 2 fucking hot chicks going to VIP, and he fucking hates that he cant do that shit."


Welcome to the CoolJunkie forums, Kenny410.

I was thinking in terms of why let him use this forum to commit libel. Let him go somewhere else with the "suck kok" talk.

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Guest hiram

any establishment reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. if it was mike checking the ID's hes a nice guy and i dont see why he would act like that unless provoked. i guess im one of the few who have never had a problem at space.

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Guest pod


Right Of Admittance Refusal. They can deny entry for whatever reason they want. You don't have the right to go into a club.

I could make this personal. Over the seven years of my operational career at Space, I've made a lot of friends at Space, including the bouncing staff. Not only are they my "crew", but I hang out with some of them outside of the club.

However, I'm not. You've kinda shot yourself in the foot with the tone of your first post. You're angry about something.

Not to sound negative, but in cases like these, there is a whole lot more to the story than what you are posting. Something isn't being told here. And, quite possibly, you or your friends did something to incur the ire of the security staff. But, as usual, a clubgoer chooses to make a mountain out of a mole hill, and start controversy.

Some of our fellow citizens died in Iraq yesterday, serving our nation in the defense of freedom, the pursuit of happiness, and respect. And you decide to make an issue over your friends getting "drama" at a nightclub? Grow up, sir. Grow the fuck up.

Pardon my French.

Yes, those people you've insulted are my friends and clients. But there is a more effective avenue for dealing with issues with the club. Call them during office hours. Don't bitch about them on a forum, swinging your virtual cock like you're some sort of inmate at Auschwitz.

Welcome to the forum. If I could, I'd give you drink.

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Guest coach
My vote is to delete the thread.

That was my initial reaction' date=' too, but honestly - who looks bad here? The Space security staff? Or the one-post wonder who characterizes them all as "black idiots" and "broke fucking losers who cant find a fucking job anywhere else"?

And then there's this line:

"They see us with 2 fucking hot chicks going to VIP, and he fucking hates that he cant do that shit."


Welcome to the CoolJunkie forums, Kenny410.


I was thinking in terms of why let him use this forum to commit libel. Let him go somewhere else with the "suck kok" talk.

I've always wondered about the difference between free speach protected venting and libel. This seems like protected speach, from what I understand. I mean, I thought we weren't PC around here.
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Guest pod

It's more of a benevolent dictatorship around here. Say what you will and I'll party with ya, but don't piss me off.

My take with 90 percent of the club complaints on here is that they're exaggerated by a factor of 20. I know how people are. I haven't been working in clubs for almost a decade now and still thinking people are all sunshine and lollipops. I've seen friends at their worst and be removed from a venue. It's not my place to intervene. You fuck up in any club, whether it be Space, Gryphon, SET, or stinky old Club Deep, you're gone.

Note Kenny410 hasn't responded. I'm liable to assign him guilt in this, still.

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