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Bye Bye Alberto Gonzales

Guest web_norah

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Guest web_norah

another 'ally' finally decides to go.

i wonder if he and Karl Rove timed their sad goodbyes to president Bush.

WASHINGTON, Aug 27 (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced his resignation on Monday after months of questions about his competence and accusations from Congress that he politicized the office to benefit President George W. Bush.

Bush, who doggedly supported Gonzales during repeated confrontations with the Democratic-controlled Congress, said Gonzales had endured "months of unfair treatment that has created a harmful distraction at the Justice Department."

"It's sad that we live in a time when a talented and honorable person like Alberto Gonzales is impeded from doing important work because his good name was dragged through the mud for political reasons," Bush said.

Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress had demanded the 52-year-old Gonzales' resignation over the sacking of federal prosecutors last year, which critics said were politically motivated. He faced a possible perjury investigation for testimony before Congress, where lawmakers complained that his leadership had rendered the Justice Department dysfunctional.

Gonzales also weathered criticism on several other fronts, including his support for Bush's domestic spying program and his 2002 legal opinion that parts of the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war were "obsolete."

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Guest RzO

thank god we finally got him to resign. I like the progressions that have been made, the culmination will be winning in 08, and then getting this country back to normal. :)

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Guest slamminshaun

Yes, thank God we got Gonzales out of there! It's going to make such a huge difference in all our lives. Hey Norah will you inform us when the Secretary of the Federal Railroad Administration resigns?

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Guest slamminshaun

If I get the FRA post, do I get to ride any train in the country for free?

No, but might be eligible for a free plot if you break the news on the Director of the National Cemetery Administration resigning. I blame Bush for the decay at our nation's cemetery's!

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Guest RzO

Yes' date=' thank God we got Gonzales out of there! It's going to make such a huge difference in all our lives. Hey Norah will you inform us when the Secretary of the Federal Railroad Administration resigns?


you do know that republican senator first called for his resignation

he is just another piece of Bush's lying sleaze trying to proliferate the rambunctious ideas of a shoddy president.

i'll be happy when all of his cronies, including himself are gone, and since many of us are not in the top 2% of the wealth of this country i am still baffled why any that aren't continue to support any of this administration.

In ten years when many look back and say they might be the worst administration in modern history then you will see it, Or perhaps you actually want to be paying for this mess when the dems come back and have to raise taxes for his reckless tenure.

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Guest web_norah

what a joke the president for saying

"It's sad that we live in a time when a talented and honorable person like Alberto Gonzales is impeded from doing important work because his good name was dragged through the mud for political reasons"

oh my Lord.

this is a man who's lied under oath and accused of abusing civil liberties.

shall we look at the list of 'great' men leading this country, now finally gone:




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Guest coach

Yes' date=' thank God we got Gonzales out of there! It's going to make such a huge difference in all our lives. Hey Norah will you inform us when the Secretary of the Federal Railroad Administration resigns?


Heh, nice comeback. Like the Attorney General's office is some chumpweed place that has no relevance.

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Guest web_norah

Yes, thank God we got Gonzales out of there! It's going to make such a huge difference in all our lives. Hey Norah will you inform us when the Secretary of the Federal Railroad Administration resigns?

Heh, nice comeback. Like the Attorney General's office is some chumpweed place that has no relevance.

i thought so myself [on the rebuttal ]

there is nothing you can possibly say about Gonzales that does him any justice, quite frankly, i'd say NO COMMENT or not even reply.

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Guest slamminshaun

Point is, I don't know why you get all excited about stuff like this. You act as if Bush is going to replace him with someone you WILL approve of. C'mon, this is all a big setup for you to complain about whoever the successor ends up being....

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Guest web_norah

I get 'excited' ... no, I don't think so.

Rove, Gonzales et al, I think they're despicable politicians who should be brought to justice for what they've done to the American public, voters like me and everyone else who gives a shit.

Does this make me personally happy? A little. It brings the winds of change closer, something I've been waiting since the last election.

I'll be excited when I see all these guys on trial, indicted and charged. One can only hope ...

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Guest trancepriest

I keep picturing a bunch of bare breasted American women charging the white house... with guillotines in tow... chopping off heads and holding it up high for the crowds to see.

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Guest saintjohn

It's not just Bush administration critics who are glad to see the Gonzales step down. This is how the editors of the National Review responded to the news of the Attorney General's resignation:

We are not sorry for him. He was too disengaged to register when he was in trouble, and insufficiently aware of his limitations to turn down the job in the first place. The Justice Department is at the center of a series of debates about the war on terrorism, and Gonzales was never capable of holding up his end of those debates.

When a conservative publication like National Review takes a stand like that, you know Gonzales was in serious trouble.

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Guest coach

Look, the guy is either an idiot or a crook. When the Congress asks, "Did you fire these people for political reasons?" and all you can say is "Uh...... duh........", then you need to go.

For a while, I honestly thought he was trying to be a nice guy and cover up the fact that the attorneys who were let go were fired for gross incompetence. How mean would you have to be to answer, "No, Mr. Senator, we fired Attorney X because he is a complete bonehead. Attorney Y was shitcanned because he had 40 Gigs of porn on his work computer. And Attorney Z, well, he kept showing up for work 6 hours late after being out at afterhours at Space till 11am." So, I was thinking maybe he was just trying to help his boys out and not call them out as losers. But the more it went on, and the more the stories go more confused, the more I realized they were doing something bad.

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Guest slamminshaun

gees, like who didn't see this coming.. lol

You can always count on Norah to post things that are so earth-shattering. I'm sure people were dancing in the streets when they heard the news. Considering nobody will remember this guy's name in 2 years, I'm still trying to figure out why anyone cares...

I especially liked how Matt Lauer called Gonzales a pinata this morning on the Today Show. What if Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, or Imus referred to a Hispanic person as a pinata? Hmm....

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gees' date=' like who didn't see this coming.. lol


You can always count on Norah to post things that are so earth-shattering. I'm sure people were dancing in the streets when they heard the news. Considering nobody will remember this guy's name in 2 years, I'm still trying to figure out why anyone cares...

I especially liked how Matt Lauer called Gonzales a pinata this morning on the Today Show. What if Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, or Imus referred to a Hispanic person as a pinata? Hmm....

newsflash: the DMX pitbull thread wasn't earth shattering either.....


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Guest Clubhopper11

Wasn't Alberto Gonzales voted as "man of the year" on some hispanic magazine not too long ago? What a joke!

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Guest slamminshaun

newsflash: the DMX pitbull thread wasn't earth shattering either.....


;D :P

I don't recall seeing it on the news. Alberto, on the other hand, was on every station, every hour, for every minute. Why, I have no idea, since nobody really cares anyway. I'd rather know about a rapper potentially abusing dogs in the wake of the Vick scandal so we can all make a choice as to whether we want to continue buying his crappy music anymore...

I guess it's a matter of opinion.

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Guest JMT

Wasn't Alberto Gonzales voted as "man of the year" on some hispanic magazine not too long ago? What a joke!

Hitler was Time's Man of the Year in 1938. i guess both magazines should have done a tarot card reading before making the decision.

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