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Grow Up, America!

Guest drlogic

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Guest drlogic

Grow Up, America!

One of West’s shrewdest ideas is to link multiculturalism’s self-loathing idealization of the “other†to the adolescent “identity crisis.†Our ignorance of the West’s unique goods enshrined in its history and traditions has led to a loss of cultural identity, which “would seem to be linked to the loss of maturity. At the very least, the easy retreat from history and tradition reveals the kind of callow inconstancy and lack of confidence that smacks of immaturity as much as anything else. It seems that just as we have stopped ‘growing up,’ we have forgotten ‘who’ it was we were supposed to grow up into.†At the same time, we give to non-Western cultures a groveling respect and timidly acquiesce in their dysfunctions. This bad habit, as West shows with numerous examples, is particularly dangerous for the struggle against Islamic jihad. That battle isn’t going to be won by calling Islamic terrorists “gunmen†or “activists,†or by ignoring the West’s long, unique tradition of tolerance for the “other†at the same time we indulge the myth of Islamic tolerance.

These bad habits — evident everywhere in the timidity, appeasement, and outright lies that many Western politicians and media display in dealing with Islamic jihad — are linked by West to the “culture war†that before 9/11 seemed to many to be much ado about nothing. But that “culture war†legitimized and mainstreamed the politically correct attitudes that now hinder the West as it fights the real culture war, the one between the West and Islam. Even politicians who should know better have caved in to multicultural political correctness whenever they spoke the truth about Islam and violence. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s comments about the superiority of the West and its tradition of freedom — one absent, as a point of historical fact, from Islamic civilization — drew down the wrath of the p.c. media, leading to a craven apology from Berlusconi. So too with President Bush, who backed off from a perfectly acceptable use of the word “crusade.†This retreat legitimized the anti-Western, multiculturalist interpretation of the Crusades — which were in fact a counterattack in the long European defense against Islamic imperialist jihad — as instead some sort of proto-imperialist land-grab at the expense of the peaceful, dark-skinned “other.†This “terminal tolerance,†as West calls it, bespeaks the loss of confidence that maturity brings.

West concludes with a sobering question — can a culture of children wage war against a culture of aggressive confidence? With the loss of the virtues typical of adults­­, such as courage, loyalty, and duty; with a childish preference for passive victims rather than active heroes, one evident in the media’s depiction of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, what hope of success can we have? Our refusal to speak honestly about Islam, our self-loathing, our eager seeking of the enemy’s approval, our constant donning of the hair-shirt of historical guilt — all these immature behaviors hearten the enemy and weaken our own cause.

Diana West’s book — passionately written and clearly argued — is a much-needed shout to America to grow up. And we’d better listen, for as West concludes, “It should now be clear that the civilization that forever dodges maturity will never live to a ripe old age.â€



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Guest jamu

Multi-culturalism is a way to study of human diversity. Not a tool of political correctness. However if you would like to back up the bigots in this country feel free to. However being agressive in your stance against violence and extremism has nothing to do with restorting to bigotry.

Learn to make a distinction before you put one in place of the other. You say all people of Islam are murders because Jihadists murder people. 90% of Islam is peaceful.

The real problem that we face in America in the "Culture War" is people like you that; Don't understand the etiology and epistemology of multiculturalism. Who read one books by Conservatives with a BA in English not Dr in Sociology or Psychology (For those that are currious; a lot of psychologist specialize in the study of multiculturalism). And who thinks the problem is a religon and a people (hmm sounds familiar for those that understand world history) rather then a group of radical occulitish individuals.

If you want to get into this start reading books on Multiculturalism such as:

Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers By Appiahv

Multiculturalism of Fear by Levy

The Mismeasure of Man by Gould

Black Athena by Bernal

Occults in Our Midst by Singer

Snapping by Conway and Sigleman

I have whole other array of books I read during my MA on multiculturalism and I also have articles written by some close friends that went to Nova with me on this topic as well. Please stop spreading ignorance on the boards. And if your truely interested in understanding what multiculturalism is and its role in our diverse society hit me up.

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Guest pod

Tolerance means you tolerate something, doesn't mean you have to like it. I think religion is a leftover of the irrational primitive mindset of the past. But I tolerate it when someone still holds those beliefs. In other words, I tolerate it, but I don't have to like it.

People confuse tolerance with acceptance.

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Guest trancepriest

The West sure tolerated indigenous "indians" when they were killing them off like crazy in the Caribbeans, South America, Central America, North America. The West sure tolerated Africans when they enslaving them and throwing them off ships during the middle pasage. The West sure tolerated the Chinese when they were forcing them to accept the opium trade. The West sure tolerated Black americans during segreagation... with a lynching and mass murder every now and then.

From a colored man's point of view I don't like the West's historial version of tolerance and so called democracy.

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Guest JMT

"multiculturalism" gets buses bombed and girls' clitorises hacked off. the USA is a melting pot, not a fruit salad. multiculturalism has failed everywhere on the globe. it doesn't unite, it divides.

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Guest trancepriest

"multiculturalism" gets buses bombed and girls' clitorises hacked off. the USA is a melting pot, not a fruit salad. multiculturalism has failed everywhere on the globe. it doesn't unite, it divides.

Well we can easily solve that multiculturalism problem by telling the hispanics that they can't speak their language anywhere on American soil.. same goes for Asians, Arabs, etc. But even further we can kick all of those people with other cultures out of America. That solves the problem pretty easily. I for one wouldn't mind that at all. No joke kick all the Africans back to africa.. asians, hispanics, etc. Let America just be filled with all white people. ;D

P.S. Where would we kick the Native Americans back to? Concentration camps?

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Guest drlogic


So u'r tell'n me you disagree w/ Diana West's book?

I could be wrong, but it sounded like you assumed those were my words? It's okay, honest mistake. I'll squash it. LOL

And if there is any spreading of mis-information or hate it's on internet blogs and the rabid hate from the left seems like something that should be addressed w/ as much vigor as what you believe to be bigotry from the right. Personally, I think the name calling like "bigotry" and "ignorancy" surely isn't something your MA studies enlightened you with, correct? Where's the tolerance from the group of folks who work so hard to ignore all that is evil? Tolerate dictators, terrorists and even murdering unborn babies,,,,but no tolerance for conservatives, foxnews and now those who partake in dog fights? Confusing, right? When did Americans become so weak that they can't even discuss issues w/out first taking a stance of "professional victim/potential offendee".

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Guest trancepriest


So u'r tell'n me you disagree w/ Diana West's book?

I could be wrong, but it sounded like you assumed those were my words? It's okay, honest mistake. I'll squash it. LOL

And if there is any spreading of mis-information or hate it's on internet blogs and the rabid hate from the left seems like something that should be addressed w/ as much vigor as what you believe to be bigotry from the right. Personally, I think the name calling like "bigotry" and "ignorancy" surely isn't something your MA studies enlightened you with, correct? Where's the tolerance from the group of folks who work so hard to ignore all that is evil? Tolerate dictators, terrorists and even murdering unborn babies,,,,but no tolerance for conservatives, foxnews and now those who partake in dog fights? Confusing, right? When did Americans become so weak that they can't even discuss issues w/out first taking a stance of "professional victim/potential offendee".

I'm, with you DrLogic... but your white peeps are too medicated on prescription drugs, kids playing video games, watching jack ass videos.. to listen to you.

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Guest JMT

"multiculturalism" gets buses bombed and girls' clitorises hacked off. the USA is a melting pot, not a fruit salad. multiculturalism has failed everywhere on the globe. it doesn't unite, it divides.

Well we can easily solve that multiculturalism problem by telling the hispanics that they can't speak their language anywhere on American soil.. same goes for Asians, Arabs, etc. But even further we can kick all of those people with other cultures out of America. That solves the problem pretty easily. I for one wouldn't mind that at all. No joke kick all the Africans back to africa.. asians, hispanics, etc. Let America just be filled with all white people. ;D

P.S. Where would we kick the Native Americans back to? Concentration camps?

there is no room on this board for that kind of racism.

a case can be made for the difference between a "multi-ethnic society" and "multiculturalism".

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Guest trancepriest

there is no room on this board for that kind of racism.

a case can be made for the difference between a "multi-ethnic society" and "multiculturalism".

LOL... How do we get rid of the other cultures though? Sooner or later it comes down to Liebensraum.

Wait... hold up... I have a way. Lets create a fascist state. First step reintroduce the draft... second step all kids from the age of seven go into youth camps.. where they learn the art of war. Kids that cannot make survive this training.. get euthanized... same for retards and handicapped people. Lets create a Spartan America my friends. Also we will need some type of womens unit for the propagation of the new race.

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Guest drlogic

People confuse tolerance with acceptance.

ain't dat da' troof!

which is why i don't understand why the left fights so hard to criminalize conservatives rather than just debate them and let the public decide who's policies make more sense...but let it be in the arena of ideas....rather than finding ways to get the oppostion jailed, tarred and feathered.

For me, those tactics just come across as fear. Fear that the message won't sell, therefor eliminate any oppostion which might shed a little light on negatives from the left.

I've never met more personally mean, intollerant and malicious people than liberals. Not that the right doesn't have it's fair share (still doesn't make it right). Just that all the hate I read and hear seems to all come from the left. Where's the hope? Vision? Optimism?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Why aim low, when you're free to aim high? What makes a peson so rotten and miserable inside that all is always doom/gloom? I think that's sad. Seriously! Pity.

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Guest trancepriest

People confuse tolerance with acceptance.

ain't dat da' troof!

which is why i don't understand why the left fights so hard to criminalize conservatives rather than just debate them and let the public decide who's policies make more sense...but let it be in the arena of ideas....rather than finding ways to get the oppostion jailed, tarred and feathered.

For me, those tactics just come across as fear. Fear that the message won't sell, therefor eliminate any oppostion which might shed a little light on negatives from the left.

I've never met more personally mean, intollerant and malicious people than liberals. Not that the right doesn't have it's fair share (still doesn't make it right). Just that all the hate I read and hear seems to all come from the left. Where's the hope? Vision? Optimism?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Why aim low, when you're free to aim high? What makes a peson so rotten and miserable inside that all is always doom/gloom? I think that's sad. Seriously! Pity.

You do realize you are posting on an immature board. These people don't share any of our fascist principles mate. Heck most of them don't even know there is a war going on. ;D

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Guest drlogic

I'm, with you DrLogic... but your white peeps are too medicated on prescription drugs, kids playing video games, watching jack ass videos.. to listen to you.

Big Up TP!

My white peeps? Wuchoo talk'n 'bout Willis? LOL

American w/ Cuban blood, potna!

Right on 'bout the kids all drugged up and playing games rather than playing outside......Time have changed and I don't like what I see. I think a lot of that falls back on "tolerance"...tolerating bad parents. ZERO accountability! Relying on "gubmint" to raise your kids...

Americans today are just so frigin' spoiled they've gotta invent disorders and embrace moronic issues like political correctness. Most of today's folks probably couln't sit through a Tom & Jerry cartoon cause they'll get offended everytime Toms shoots a gun @ Jerry or a fire cracker blows up in his face leaving him looking black faced w/ tiny locks on his head. Those were some funny frigin cartoons which today offend all those who roam this earth as professional vicitims waiting to see or hear something to offend them so they can draw attn. to themselves and show everyone "HOW MUCH THEY REALLY, REALLY CARE" about the feelings of others. LOL

Strange days we find ourselves in......FO' SHO'!

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Guest drlogic

there is no room on this board for that kind of racism.

a case can be made for the difference between a "multi-ethnic society" and "multiculturalism".

LOL... How do we get rid of the other cultures though? Sooner or later it comes down to Liebensraum.

Wait... hold up... I have a way. Lets create a fascist state. First step reintroduce the draft... second step all kids from the age of seven go into youth camps.. where they learn the art of war. Kids that cannot make survive this training.. get euthanized... same for retards and handicapped people. Lets create a Spartan America my friends. Also we will need some type of womens unit for the propagation of the new race.

Can I work @ the "propagation" office so I can spread my demon seed? ;D

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Guest drlogic

You do realize you are posting on an immature board. These people don't share any of our fascist principles mate. Heck most of them don't even know there is a war going on. ;D

Mate? Jamaican/Aussie? LOL :)

Yes, trust me. I know how immature it is...but I love it. I too am a big kid and love to push buttons from time to time.

War? What war? War on poverty? War on Drugs? War on Education?

We're @ war? We're America damn it! We're #1! We're #1! Freedom and liberty and our prosperity happned by accident. Shame on us!

Likkle more!

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Guest trancepriest

Mate? Jamaican/Aussie? LOL :)

Yes, trust me. I know how immature it is...but I love it. I too am a big kid and love to push buttons from time to time.

War? What war? War on poverty? War on Drugs? War on Education?

We're @ war? We're America damn it! We're #1! We're #1! Freedom and liberty and our prosperity happned by accident. Shame on us!

Likkle more!

For a second there I thought you had the discipline to ignore me. ;D

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Guest coach

I disagree with the entire supposition. America is neither tolerant nor multicultural. And it certainly could never be described as timid.

We had one, small fringe group attack us with some success and we attacked 2 nations. How the hell is that timid????

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Guest coach

"multiculturalism" gets buses bombed and girls' clitorises hacked off. the USA is a melting pot, not a fruit salad. multiculturalism has failed everywhere on the globe. it doesn't unite, it divides.

No, that's hate and fear and greed.
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Guest drlogic

I disagree with the entire supposition. America is neither tolerant nor multicultural. And it certainly could never be described as timid.

We had one, small fringe group attack us with some success and we attacked 2 nations. How the hell is that timid????

what terrorism?

what's a couple skyscrapers and some pentagon shaped bldg? No biggie.

If we only obeyed them we'd all be skipping thru wildflower praries and sharing chocolate shakes at the local diner.

"fringe group".."w/ some success".....NO YOU DIDN'T! I'd say that's the understatment of the year. They were VERY successful

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Guest coach
I've never met more personally mean, intollerant and malicious people than liberals. Not that the right doesn't have it's fair share (still doesn't make it right). Just that all the hate I read and hear seems to all come from the left. Where's the hope? Vision? Optimism?

You have much different experiences than I. I had to flee the great state of Texas bacause I could not tolerate the hate displayed by all the conservatives there. You do anything even slightly different (like say, have long hair) and you are treated like the demon child of hell. All they ever wanted to conserve was their right to tell everyone to conform to their little perception of how reality "should" be. That kind of close-minded thinking just sickens me.
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Guest drlogic

me too......but long hair in texas? Hello! Isn't that the mecca of "mudd flaps"..aka- mullet hair cut?

Do you mean the clean-cut cowboy culture? Who are the "mean-o's" u'r talk'n 'bout?

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Guest drlogic

For a second there I thought you had the discipline to ignore me. ;D

Me? Dicipline? LOL I'm weak bro! Only when there's waves! For that, I'm diciplined. And my wife and kids....can't ignore them now can I? LOL

Here I iz w/ ma' better half....How she puts up w/ me? I DUNNO?



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Guest trancepriest

If we only obeyed them we'd all be skipping thru wildflower praries and sharing chocolate shakes at the local diner.


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Guest JMT

I disagree with the entire supposition. America is neither tolerant nor multicultural.

try visiting iran or rwanda. you can't see the forest for the trees.

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