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Grow Up, America!

Guest drlogic

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Guest coach

me too......but long hair in texas? Hello! Isn't that the mecca of "mudd flaps"..aka- mullet hair cut?

Do you mean the clean-cut cowboy culture? Who are the "mean-o's" u'r talk'n 'bout?

Mullets seem to be a relatively new invention. I certainly didn't see many when I was there. In any case, I do not sport a cowboy style mullet, or any kind of mullet.

The cowboy culture is gone. "Live and let live and help your neighbor build his barn" have given way to "make sure everyone is just like you and fuck everyone else."

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Guest drlogic

me too......but long hair in texas? Hello! Isn't that the mecca of "mudd flaps"..aka- mullet hair cut?

Do you mean the clean-cut cowboy culture? Who are the "mean-o's" u'r talk'n 'bout?

Mullets seem to be a relatively new invention. I certainly didn't see many when I was there. In any case, I do not sport a cowboy style mullet, or any kind of mullet.

The cowboy culture is gone. "Live and let live and help your neighbor build his barn" have given way to "make sure everyone is just like you and fuck everyone else."

Well, I'm sorry to hear people were mean in Texas,,,but from my experiences, some of the rudest people on earth (next to the French) live right here in South Florida. That goes for my fellow Cuban/latin american brethren. People down here suck monkey cahk! This town is full of dickheads. I must confess, sometimes I pray some cocky, confused knucklehead gets brave w/ me so that I have an excuse to just stomp 'em! I'm not a violent dude, but I can't stand rudeness and lack of manners. Just to be able to grab 'em and smack 'em like 3 times while I remind them that it pays to be polite....LOL AAAAH,,,,One can only dream.......... ;D

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Guest trancepriest

Here I iz w/ ma' better half too:

Extreme Close Up:


View from the front:


Here's a view from the back:


Her name is OCTOPUSSY. She sho nuff special. I couldn't do what I do without her.

These are her vitals:

24GHz . 9GB . 3TB . BT . Airport . DL x 2 . KONA LHe . X1900 XT . Dual 30" + BT-LH1700W . OS X 10.4.10. She's a tease... private mesage me if you want to see pictures of her without the clothes on.

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Guest coach

One of the main reasons that we moved here is because we loved the people. A lot of locals talk about how horrible the people are down here, but I think that is because of a lack of experience outside of the zone.

I find people here to be much more tolerant and less close minded. There is certainly less of the fake politeness that is relatively common in places like TX, but I didn't like that, anyway. I have found people here to be genuinely courteous when appropriate. People here are friendly, outgoing, and warm.

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Guest pod

I find people here to be much more tolerant and less close minded. People here are friendly, outgoing, and warm.

Then the drugs wear off and they turn into raging assholes until their next fix. :o

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Guest drlogic

Hey TP,

No offense, but I like my better half more. LMAO

Nice setup though,,,,,,,,

do you own a "gimp" too that you keep locked in a chest? LOL J/K BRO.

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Guest trancepriest

Hey TP,

No offense, but I like my better half more. LMAO

Nice setup though,,,,,,,,

do you own a "gimp" too that you keep locked in a chest? LOL J/K BRO.

Mos def.. I keep a old computer running linux with Gimp around. I also got a terminator machine coming pretty soon:

diagram.jpg?1186471053 RED will be my second wife.

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Guest slamminshaun
I've never met more personally mean, intollerant and malicious people than liberals. Not that the right doesn't have it's fair share (still doesn't make it right). Just that all the hate I read and hear seems to all come from the left. Where's the hope? Vision? Optimism?

You have much different experiences than I. I had to flee the great state of Texas bacause I could not tolerate the hate displayed by all the conservatives there. You do anything even slightly different (like say, have long hair) and you are treated like the demon child of hell. All they ever wanted to conserve was their right to tell everyone to conform to their little perception of how reality "should" be. That kind of close-minded thinking just sickens me.

I have spent summers in Longview, Texas (certainly not a metro area) and found them to be the most friendly people I've EVER encountered. "But Shaun, you're a white conservative American, blah blah blah..." I'll give you that, but my family sure isn't. They're all originally from London, England, not exactly cowboy country. They all have thick British accents, dressed different, etc., but have NEVER had any problems with Texans.

My father plays in a rock band and has had long hair ever since arriving from England, he's never had a problem. My uncle is mentally retarded, he's never had a problem. My cousin has wacko piercings, and nobody seems to bother her (except my aunt). My nephew (who now serves in Iraq...that's right, I now have 3 family members who've been there), never had a problem despite having long surfer hair as a teenager. Interestingly, my family over there is very much anti-Bush, but don't seem to be ostracized for it.

Conservatives are accused of always generalizing, stereotyping, and making uninformed statements. Liberals, on the other hands, are supposedly enlightened, open-minded, and tolerant. With that said, how can you as a liberal honestly say "all the conservatives" when nobody I know (except you) has experienced this? How can you say you fled Texas because of all the hate, then move to the road rage capital of the entire country???

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Guest coach

I spent 30 years there, you spent a few summers, so your difference in experience is certainly understandable. I don't deny your experience, I am just saying mine is different. I was only trying to give the good doctor a perspective of why I have such dislike for the conservative mindset, and why I always call shenanigans on anyone who claims that conservatives are so open-minded and accepting.

I only generalize when others do it first. But, let me put it this way to be less generalized: from my experience, I have found a higher percentage of Miamians to be enjoyable to be around than Dallasites.

Shaun, are you saying your hippy-freak family lives in Longview?

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Guest trancepriest

I spent 2 summers in Dallas, Texas when I just came from Jamaica. I love the damn place.. but damn did those kids laugh at me like crazy in debate class because of my accent. I'm still traumatized by the experience. :'(

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Guest coach

I disagree with the entire supposition. America is neither tolerant nor multicultural. And it certainly could never be described as timid.

We had one, small fringe group attack us with some success and we attacked 2 nations. How the hell is that timid????

what terrorism?

what's a couple skyscrapers and some pentagon shaped bldg? No biggie.

If we only obeyed them we'd all be skipping thru wildflower praries and sharing chocolate shakes at the local diner.

"fringe group".."w/ some success".....NO YOU DIDN'T! I'd say that's the understatment of the year. They were VERY successful

Bullshit. This is exactly what I'm talking about. The Nazis were VERY successful, Stalin was VERY successful, the Japanese in WW2 were VERY successful. I could go on and on.

In any case, that's beside the point. Explain to me how you get "timid" out of a country that has bombed the fuck out of 2 nations? Her claim is that we are "timid." I'm calling bullshit on that. And I'll be happy to kick anyone's ass who disagrees with me.

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Guest slamminshaun

I spent 30 years there, you spent a few summers, so your difference in experience is certainly understandable. I don't deny your experience, I am just saying mine is different. I was only trying to give the good doctor a perspective of why I have such dislike for the conservative mindset, and why I always call shenanigans on anyone who claims that conservatives are so open-minded and accepting.

I only generalize when others do it first. But, let me put it this way to be less generalized: from my experience, I have found a higher percentage of Miamians to be enjoyable to be around than Dallasites.

Shaun, are you saying your hippy-freak family lives in Longview?

Yep, on Crestview Dr. I was born at Good Shepherd Medical Center in 1977. My father was a student at Pine Tree High School after coming over from London in the late 60s. Everyone is still there 40 years later....

Like I said, it's ironic you left Texas "because of all the hate", and moved to the road-rage capital of the entire country (Miami).

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Guest coach

Oh, I agree. I'm not like "everyday America." I gladly admit that I fit in with Miami better specifically because of my uniqueness. If you knew me, you wouldn't think it is ironic at all. It's funny that you mention the road issue. I often mention that the people in Miami drive crazy, but they drive *my* kind of crazy. I *hated* the way people in Dallas drove. It's like no one has anywhere to be soon and think that nobody else does either.

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Guest slamminshaun

Oh, I agree. I'm not like "everyday America." I gladly admit that I fit in with Miami better specifically because of my uniqueness. If you knew me, you wouldn't think it is ironic at all. It's funny that you mention the road issue. I often mention that the people in Miami drive crazy, but they drive *my* kind of crazy. I *hated* the way people in Dallas drove. It's like no one has anywhere to be soon and think that nobody else does either.

So what makes "your kind of crazy" any better than a Texan's kind of crazy? I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. You're tolerant and open-minded to those who are tolerant and open-minded of you. By definition, that's NOT tolerant and open-minded....it actually sounds very homogeneous to me.

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Guest coach

Heh, I set myself up for that one. Nice job on picking up on the irony. I am very intolerant of intolerance. I'm also really intolerant of people who won't get the fuck out of my way.

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Guest drlogic

I disagree with the entire supposition. America is neither tolerant nor multicultural. And it certainly could never be described as timid.

We had one, small fringe group attack us with some success and we attacked 2 nations. How the hell is that timid????

what terrorism?

what's a couple skyscrapers and some pentagon shaped bldg? No biggie.

If we only obeyed them we'd all be skipping thru wildflower praries and sharing chocolate shakes at the local diner.

"fringe group".."w/ some success".....NO YOU DIDN'T! I'd say that's the understatment of the year. They were VERY successful

Bullshit. This is exactly what I'm talking about. The Nazis were VERY successful, Stalin was VERY successful, the Japanese in WW2 were VERY successful. I could go on and on.

In any case, that's beside the point. Explain to me how you get "timid" out of a country that has bombed the fuck out of 2 nations? Her claim is that we are "timid." I'm calling bullshit on that. And I'll be happy to kick anyone's ass who disagrees with me.

Timid? Well, I can't speak for that author but i'll chime in.

Timid? America? I'd say,,yeah! Against terrorists? After all, they've been attacking us and our interests abroad since at least 1993. When they knocked down our bldgs on 9/11, we took the fight to them, remember? We spanked their asses in Afganistan and removed them from power. Sure, that country is still fighting to preserve their new freedom, but then again that's how freedom works. It will always need to be fought for. Always has, always will. But I'm sure you knew that. Then Iraq, which we spent like a year and half working w/ the U.N. and Iraq to enforce the long existing and multiple resolutions from both the Bush 41 admin and the Clinton admin. Iraq would not comply w/ the UN resolutions and the rest is history.

You see, when expained it sure sounds a lot more timid than your blanket stament of bombing the fuck out of 2 countries..as if we were bored and felt like blowing shit up. That's an intellectually dishonest statement aimed at the ignorant and/or mis-informed.

Not for nothing, but the way to mentioned those Nazi's and Stalinists you almost sounded like a fan. What gives? Where is your passion and anger towards terrorists? Are you willing to justify their "rage", but unwilling to justify the manner in which Ameirca chose to defend itself in this new age? Picking on America is easy! Try something tough! It's the new rage, haven't you heard? Everyone's doing it. I say let's strap on a pair and blaze our own trail....Let's try (for once) to focus on our attackers. Granted, it'll be tougher to do for some..especially those who fear having to take a stand and fight(no, that's not meant to be take literally for any nincompoops out there),,rather to take a stand.

Or we can just play the "mea culpa" game and essentially crawl in a shower and get into the fetal position while we cry "WHY? WHY? WHY???"


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Guest coach

You mistake my comparison for fannishness when in reality it is a lack of fear. I do see them as a threat, I do not see them as as much of a threat as many other hostile entities that we have faced down.

Either way you describe the post 9/11 response, your way or my way, does not sound timid to me. So, I still do not buy the original quoters premise. America is not timid.

I do think that the administration is causing Americans to become more fearful in order to fuel the war machine. I think that is unnecessary. Just so you know, I supported the invasion of Afghanistan when it happened. I also supported the invasion of Iraq. However, I do not support the administration's campaign to make Americans into scared little kids.

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