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Right wing senator arrested in bathroom: I am not gay

Guest trancepriest

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Guest trancepriest


Senate Republican leaders are calling for an ethics committee to review Senator Larry Craig's arrest and guilty plea to disorderly conduct stemming from a June arrest at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

A police officer who arrested Craig June 11 said the Idaho senator peered through a crack in a restroom stall door for two minutes and made gestures suggesting to the officer he wanted to engage in "lewd conduct."

Craig's blue eyes were clearly visible through the crack in the door, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport police Sgt. Dave Karsnia wrote in the report he filed on the June 11 incident.

"Craig would look down at his hands, 'fidget' with his fingers, and then look through the crack into my stall again," Karsnia wrote in documents accompanying the arrest report.

The Idaho Republican later said the officer misinterpreted his actions.

Craig will make a statement at 4:30 p.m. ET Tuesday, his office said.

But Craig, 62, pleaded guilty August 8 to a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge in the incident, according to Minnesota criminal records.

The officer wrote that he was on a plainclothes detail in the restroom because of citizen complaints and arrests for sexual activity there.

Read more: CNN.com

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Guest mr.miami

maybe he was masturbating isnt that allowed in public bathrooms these days. I think the cop was staring at him. :-X

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Guest Clubhopper11

This is hysterical. Hypocrisy at its best. ::)

For him and the Democrats who will tar and feather him.

Must admit, you are right on that one.

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Guest RzO

I love it! I figured this would already be posted when i got home.

Oh yah, we hate gays and are all about family values yet we get caught playing with little boys and now this. The GOP is going down hard, not only due to their lack of good policy, but for their repeating hypocritical run ins as of late. This just adds fuel to the fire that has been started, i know i am happy, finally people can see what a crock of shit these people are.

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Guest mr.miami

I love it! I figured this would already be posted when i got home.

Oh yah, we hate gays and are all about family values yet we get caught playing with little boys and now this. The GOP is going down hard, not only due to their lack of good policy, but for their repeating hypocritical run ins as of late. This just adds fuel to the fire that has been started, i know i am happy, finally people can see what a crock of shit these people are.

Just as bad as the dems saying they are pro gay but against gay marriages

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Guest slamminshaun

I love it! I figured this would already be posted when i got home.

Oh yah, we hate gays and are all about family values yet we get caught playing with little boys and now this.

Who got caught playing with little boys?

The GOP is going down hard, not only due to their lack of good policy, but for their repeating hypocritical run ins as of late. This just adds fuel to the fire that has been started, i know i am happy, finally people can see what a crock of shit these people are.

Most Republicans are calling for this governor's immediate resignation, not defending him. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, pardoned a Democrat congressman who was convicted of child pornography. I suppose that's an example of "good policy"?

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Guest RzO

I love it! I figured this would already be posted when i got home.

Oh yah' date=' we hate gays and are all about family values yet we get caught playing with little boys and now this. [/quote'] Who got caught playing with little boys?

The GOP is going down hard, not only due to their lack of good policy, but for their repeating hypocritical run ins as of late. This just adds fuel to the fire that has been started, i know i am happy, finally people can see what a crock of shit these people are.

Most Republicans are calling for this governor's immediate resignation, not defending him. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, pardoned a Democrat congressman who was convicted of child pornography. I suppose that's an example of "good policy"?

im sorry foley was only wishing to play with little boys. and i don't care what clinton did, he balanced the budget and created a surplus, not spend money on a bunch of bullshit. Im not sure about the child porn pardoning, but its over and done, this is the now so we can talk about it. Im not saying I agree with that pardoning either, just pointing put the current state. Bush has made people hate the GOP, and all these scandals aren't helping.

My main issue is this and its an inherent problem I have with the whole right wing. To sit and try to pass judgment on other people for socially demoralizing issues, yet conduct the same is ridiculous. They way I see, I don't care about the demons people have, obviously since I live a pretty crazy lifestyle. Pointing out that recently there have been alot of reps that are known for being part of bills and debate on family values and against gays or whatever but then are busted doing the very thing that they speak out against. Now i know that many are on the right for fiscal reasons(many of my friends, whom I have been arguing with for the better part of ten years as well), but I could never support a party that has such an issue with sociological factors (drugs,stem-cell, sexual preferences, i mean so what if they want to be married, fuck it, why do they care soo much?!)

Yah, i obviously have pretty biased views from the other side but its the way i see it. The way others see it is their own beliefs as well, but when you study politics it tends to make you a little more polarized and in touch with the issues. I am big on ideology and debating the other side is something i have always and will always do. Not to mention alot of people don't think through all the issues and it is good to at least elicit thought amongst them.

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Guest slamminshaun

I love it! I figured this would already be posted when i got home.

Oh yah, we hate gays and are all about family values yet we get caught playing with little boys and now this.

Who got caught playing with little boys?

The GOP is going down hard, not only due to their lack of good policy, but for their repeating hypocritical run ins as of late. This just adds fuel to the fire that has been started, i know i am happy, finally people can see what a crock of shit these people are.

Most Republicans are calling for this governor's immediate resignation, not defending him. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, pardoned a Democrat congressman who was convicted of child pornography. I suppose that's an example of "good policy"?

im sorry foley was only wishing to play with little boys. and i don't care what clinton did, he balanced the budget and created a surplus, not spend money on a bunch of bullshit. Im not sure about the child porn pardoning, but its over and done, this is the now so we can talk about it. Im not saying I agree with that pardoning either, just pointing put the current state. Bush has made people hate the GOP, and all these scandals aren't helping.

My main issue is this and its an inherent problem I have with the whole right wing. To sit and try to pass judgment on other people for socially demoralizing issues, yet conduct the same is ridiculous. They way I see, I don't care about the demons people have, obviously since I live a pretty crazy lifestyle. Pointing out that recently there have been alot of reps that are known for being part of bills and debate on family values and against gays or whatever but then are busted doing the very thing that they speak out against. Now i know that many are on the right for fiscal reasons(many of my friends, whom I have been arguing with for the better part of ten years as well), but I could never support a party that has such an issue with sociological factors (drugs,stem-cell, sexual preferences, i mean so what if they want to be married, fuck it, why do they care soo much?!)

Yah, i obviously have pretty biased views from the other side but its the way i see it. The way others see it is their own beliefs as well, but when you study politics it tends to make you a little more polarized and in touch with the issues. I am big on ideology and debating the other side is something i have always and will always do. Not to mention alot of people don't think through all the issues and it is good to at least elicit thought amongst them.

I could pick your views apart issue by issue, but there's no point. You blindly support Democrats and seem to think they care about you. That's awesome, they love people like you just like the GOP loves their religious zealots. If you ask the Democrat candidates their views on drugs and gay marriage with the whole country watching, how do you think they'll respond? Quit kidding yourself, they're against it.

When someone says, "I don't care that Clinton pardons child porn convicts" and in the same breath tries to make the rest of us care about gay senators and Alberto Gonzales, you instantly come off as a partisan hack. At least you own up to being a robot for the left-wing, something the media has yet to do.

Perhaps you should check out the Libertarian party. Not only do they PUBLICLY support the legalization of most substances, they also believe gays should be allowed to have a legal union, AND are ok with stem cell research. You sound more Libertarian than Democrat....quit being a robot and think about who actually shares your views.

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Guest saintjohn
the police report

Yes, the Smoking Gun rules. Thanks for the linkage.

Now that I've read the report itself (as opposed to secondhand interpretations of the case), I've got a couple of questions:

Craig was arrested on June 11. Why are we only hearing about this now?

Also, in the police report, the arresting officer states that Craig "entered the stall and placed his roller bag against the front of the stall door. My experience has shown that individuals engaging in lewd conduct use their bags to block the view from the front of their stall."

What was he supposed to do with his luggage? Leave it outside of the stall? Placing the bag against the door seems reasonable enough - why should doing so be considered evidence of lewd conduct?

Also, I don't know why the media seems so interested in Craig's foot tapping and "wide stance" (heh), the real story here is the peeping charge. "I was able to see Craig's blue eyes as he looked into my stall." Ewww.

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Guest trancepriest

Dude the guy was also swiping his hand under the bathroom stall divider for a few seconds. It's clear as day in the report. Heck I don't know how the cop could do that job. LOL.

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Guest saintjohn

Yeah, the rest of the report suggests that Craig was cruising, but I still don't understand the bag thing. It seems like a good defense attorney could tear that up in court and weaken the rest of the prosecution's case. The officer should've concentrated on Craig's peeping and reaching under the stall divider, not the fact that he set his luggage in the most logical place.

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Guest trancepriest

Yeah, the rest of the report suggests that Craig was cruising, but I still don't understand the bag thing. It seems like a good defense attorney could tear that up in court and weaken the rest of the prosecution's case. The officer should've concentrated on Craig's peeping and reaching under the stall divider, not the fact that he set his luggage in the most logical place.

The fact is the guy is an hypocrite. That is the main part that stands out. I don't really care if he's getting his rocks off in public bathrooms with adult men.

It would be great if we could expect U.S. Senators to conduct themselves a little more honorable than cruising for sex in public bathrooms.

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Guest drlogic

I could pick your views apart issue by issue' date=' but there's no point. You blindly support Democrats and seem to think they care about you. That's awesome, they love people like you just like the GOP loves their religious zealots. If you ask the Democrat candidates their views on drugs and gay marriage with the whole country watching, how do you think they'll respond? Quit kidding yourself, they're against it.

When someone says, "I don't care that Clinton pardons child porn convicts" and in the same breath tries to make the rest of us care about gay senators and Alberto Gonzales, you instantly come off as a partisan hack. At least you own up to being a robot for the left-wing, something the media has yet to do.

Perhaps you should check out the Libertarian party. Not only do they PUBLICLY support the legalization of most substances, they also believe gays should be allowed to have a legal union, AND are ok with stem cell research. You sound more Libertarian than Democrat....quit being a robot and think about who actually shares your views.


Brilliant reply! Seriously! Intelligent and logical.

Looks like it must have been a slow news day or something....Especially given that this was like 3 months old. Don't liberals ever question why it is that we only see news about gay "republicans" or corruption and scandals from "republicans"? As if demz are lily white angels, clean as the wind driven snow...........WHAT BIAS? THERE'S NO BIAS IN NEWS! lol Besides, shouldn't libz be blasting this news for interfering in this mans PERSONAL life? That's what they always sqeal 'bout isn't it?

Pathetic......especially for anyone who believes Demz are all right and Repz are all wrong. this is the game of liberalism. This is how they play! Criminalize the oppoenents(cause they can't compete against 'em)....at any cost.......Isn't this what they complained about regarding Nixon, yet look @ 'em now. LOL

Like I said, must have been a slow news day...the Vick story is getting stale. The dead miners story has been stale. Oh wait, some senator had an issue 3 months ago...SCANDAL!!!! Keep repeating it enough and tools on blogs like this will start foaming @ the mouth. Dare to expose someone on the left and you get labled as part of the "RIGHT WING ATTACK MACHINE"..lol There's only one side doing all the attacking and it's not coming from the right....even if it did,,the media would ignore them.

God Bless America! lol

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Guest mr.miami

Why would a stall have big enough slits in it where you could actually look someone directly in the eye. Also i dont get this waving moving his hand. Maybe it stank that bad. I'm very suspect about things likes cops implying a lot of things about a persons actions while in the comode. hell maybe the guy doesnt have 20/20 vision. this still sounds like a bs arrest to me.

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Guest trancepriest

Brilliant reply! Seriously! Intelligent and logical.

Looks like it must have been a slow news day or something....Especially given that this was like 3 months old. Don't liberals ever question why it is that we only see news about gay "republicans" or corruption and scandals from "republicans"? As if demz are lily white angels, clean as the wind driven snow...........WHAT BIAS? THERE'S NO BIAS IN NEWS! lol Besides, shouldn't libz be blasting this news for interfering in this mans PERSONAL life? That's what they always sqeal 'bout isn't it?

Pathetic......especially for anyone who believes Demz are all right and Repz are all wrong. this is the game of liberalism. This is how they play! Criminalize the oppoenents(cause they can't compete against 'em)....at any cost.......Isn't this what they complained about regarding Nixon, yet look @ 'em now. LOL

Like I said, must have been a slow news day...the Vick story is getting stale. The dead miners story has been stale. Oh wait, some senator had an issue 3 months ago...SCANDAL!!!! Keep repeating it enough and tools on blogs like this will start foaming @ the mouth. Dare to expose someone on the left and you get labled as part of the "RIGHT WING ATTACK MACHINE"..lol There's only one side doing all the attacking and it's not coming from the right....even if it did,,the media would ignore them.

God Bless America! lol

LOL.. get use to it... you belong to the party of perverts. Right wing hypocritical perverts. ;D

A Scandal-Scarred G.O.P. Asks, ‘What Next?’


I guess this is the new moral majority... lol.

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Guest trancepriest

Why would a stall have big enough slits in it where you could actually look someone directly in the eye. Also i dont get this waving moving his hand. Maybe it stank that bad. I'm very suspect about things likes cops implying a lot of things about a persons actions while in the comode. hell maybe the guy doesnt have 20/20 vision. this still sounds like a bs arrest to me.

I guess that's why he said he's guilty. He should just get married to a man and get it over with... fucking GOP perverts.

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Guest drlogic

Off the top of my head.........

Barney Frank,,a nancy-boy involved in his own sex scandal....swept under rug

Clinton and sex w/ interns or raping women....THAT'S PERSONAL.leave him alone!

Ted Kennedy,,,gets away w/ involuntary murder yet has the audacity to claim Gonzalez tries to skirt around the law?

There are tons more,,,but as I'll always say,,,,Demz refuse to hold themselves to the same standards Repz do.........since they don't take a stand on right/wrong, they obviously assume they're free to do as they wish......after all, the press and their whackos on the far left will never hold them accountable.

Neither side has anything to be proud about now-a-days IMHO. Just more mud sling'n. At least the repz call their boyz on the carpet, while the demz circle the wagons to protect their hypocrits.

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Guest trancepriest

Off the top of my head.........

Barney Frank,,a nancy-boy involved in his own sex scandal....swept under rug

Clinton and sex w/ interns or raping women....THAT'S PERSONAL.leave him alone!

Ted Kennedy,,,gets away w/ involuntary murder yet has the audacity to claim Gonzalez tries to skirt around the law?

There are tons more,,,but as I'll always say,,,,Demz refuse to hold themselves to the same standards Repz do.........since they don't take a stand on right/wrong, they obviously assume they're free to do as they wish......after all, the press and their whackos on the far left will never hold them accountable.

Neither side has anything to be proud about now-a-days IMHO. Just more mud sling'n. At least the repz call their boyz on the carpet, while the demz circle the wagons to protect their hypocrits.

Heck we may as well start talking about the civil war and slavery.

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