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Right wing senator arrested in bathroom: I am not gay

Guest trancepriest

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Guest RzO

And by probing into this man's private business, the left is also guilty of hypocrisy. Whatever happened to "sex is nobody's business" that was trumpeted through the 90s?

Having sex in a public bathroom is private business? ;D

Private business is soliciting sex in a men's stall.

Is that a new thing? Or secret code for hanky panky amongst men?

Here is a new twist:

The officer who arrested Sen. Larry Craig in a police undercover operation at an airport men's room accused the senator of lying to him during an interrogation afterward, according to an audiotape of the arrest.

On the tape, released Thursday by the Minneapolis Airport Police, the Idaho Republican in turn accuses the officer of soliciting him for sex.

"I'm not gay. I don't do these kinds of things," Craig told Sgt. Dave Karsnia minutes after the two men met in a men's room at the airport on June 11.

"You shouldn't be out to entrap people," Craig told the officer. "I don't want you to take me to jail."

Karsnia replied that Craig wouldn't be going to jail as long as he cooperated.

The two men disagreed about virtually everything that had occurred minutes earlier, including whether there was a piece of paper on the floor of the stall and the meaning of the senator's hand gestures. At no time did Craig admit doing anything wrong, although weeks later he pleaded guilty to a reduced misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct.

they played his interrogation audio tonight on nbc news..he really sounded like an idiot

Oh ok, he is just not gay but a big time liar.

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Guest web_norah

He got caught, he is in the closet.

He should just admit it. The NJ governor did eventually -hell, he even wrote a book!

Instead, he is looking more like the idiot. I don't care that he is gay, bi or a tranny, Craig should just own up and resign ...His own party doesn't want the controversy ...

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Guest slamminshaun

He got caught, he is in the closet.

He should just admit it. The NJ governor did eventually -hell, he even wrote a book!

Instead, he is looking more like the idiot. I don't care that he is gay, bi or a tranny, Craig should just own up and resign ...His own party doesn't want the controversy ...

Admit what? This guy plead guilty in a court of law! How much more admission do you fuckin' want? It's on the record! It's obvious the only reason this is news is because the media/Demz are only concerned with using this to fully embarrass him, his family, and of course the Republicans. It's all political, and you guys are the little robots the Demz can always count on to march into battle....

Since when did you guys care if a politician lies about their sex life? Clinton lied under oath about his affairs and the country still moved on. You guys just can't seem to let this one go....you're obsessed with this man's sex life like a bunch of perverts, making it VERY hypocritical considering you were the same people telling everybody to leave Clinton alone once he admitted he was a scumbag. Leave the fucker alone already.

And I don't know if we heard the same audio tape on the news, but my opinion of it was that the police sounded more like the idiots. It didn't sound like he was going to admit it, so they all but tried to coerce him into doing so.

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Guest trancepriest

LOL... since when did you stop supporting police officers? ;D No need for this guy to come out of the closet anyway.. its obvious he's more in the bathroom stall. ;D

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Guest drlogic

I just heard the tape of the arrest last night....wow,,,,they really don't have shit on this guy. This is nothing more than a psuedo-scandal..yet another one......interesting how it comes up just when Hillary gets snagged in some shady donations from the Chinese dude......After what I heard on the tape....they have absolutely nothing on this man. They got him to plead guilty on a MISDEMEANOR for "disorderly conduct", not for any sexual advances or what was originally reported. There is NO TAPE, NO VIDEO, NO CONVERSATION/S, WORDS EXCHANGED, ETC....Only: feet bumping and an aleged hand reaching under the stall divider which the man denied on the spot. That's it.....so, all this broo-ha-ha over this guy is nothing more than the (ready for this) LEFT WING ATTACK MACHINE...ie...CLINTON MACHINE deflecting from a REAL SCANDAL w/ Hillary and the donations w/ their loyal buddies in the press/media. The guy denies all the allegations on day 1 and there is no proof of any of it....not even "talking". Yet what gets reported is a big ole' orgy and the press eats it up....and says he pleaded guilty, but never expains that he only pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor of disorderly conduct, not the original accusations made by the police officer. Yet another example of how media "SPINS" shit.....See what I mean by CRIMINALIZING CONSERVATIVES? Seems like those doing it and all those supporting it are all acting like good lil' Stalinists.

Try removing emotion and just go w/ the facts......On facts alone, they have nothing on this guy..and if anyone who's ever had a misdemeanor should resign from Congress, then we'd have a pretty empty gov't.

Is this guy a queer and "wook'n pa' nub in all da' wong pwacis"? Maybe? Maybe not...Either way,,his life is ruined! Way to go libz! How tolerant of you. Destory a man and his life and career....just like that! That's why today's libz scare me....If this is how they act when they don't have power, imagine how they'll act when and if they actually do get it?

Finally, right is right and wrong is wrong...Just cause libz in DC depend on votes from criminals/criminal sympathizers, illegals, homos, drug addicts........they have no choice but to NOT take a stand on moral issues because their constituents include the morally bankrupt......so taking a stand on right/wrong, means losing their votes.......The true conservative is guided by his/her principles which should never be fluid, so anything that happens on the right get attacked by the left and they scream hypocrisy..I'm all for getting rid of the trash in washington,,,but let's not get confused.....just cause libz quietly condone all this deviant behavior does not mean that those who engage in these acts on the left are exempt from prosecution....but they always get a pass and protection from the press. Election still a long ways away and already we've got some bullshit.....this is going to get ugly. Hillarys got a ton of baggage that the left and their budz in the press will work to bury or cover up/deflect from like what seems to have been done w/ this rediculous story in the bathroom stall.

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Guest trancepriest

What kind of conservatives are you guys? You support perverts in bathroom stalls? I hope you were saying the same thing when the Republicans were trying to destroy Clinton's life because he had a blow job in the oval office. A blow job compared to a pervert aggressively cruising for men in PUBLIC bathroom stalls. At least your party is smart enough to distance it self from this pervert... too bad you guys are not. ;D

Support decency for christ sakes. ;D

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Guest tres-b

Gay/Straight/Bi...I dont care. I have friends in each flavor however...

If you are looking for sex in a public bathroom, you are disgusting.

After reading the transcript, it looks like the senator is very aware of how to answer questions in a way that makes it look like he is being forthcoming while at the same time being evasive.

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Guest drlogic

Gay/Straight/Bi...I dont care. I have friends in each flavor however...

If you are looking for sex in a public bathroom, you are disgusting.

After reading the transcript, it looks like the senator is very aware of how to answer questions in a way that makes it look like he is being forthcoming while at the same time being evasive.

and,,,,it looks like the cops failed in his attempt to paint a picture that the senator was doing things which are know "signs"....the cop never went far enough,,and probably should have if what he was trying to do was get the guy to admit he was looking for sex...but the cop didn't go far enough and the Senator eventually pleaded to a lesser charge of disorderly conduct which is just a misdemeanor.

JUST THE FACTS: The feet "may" have accidentally touched, but that's it. He denies reaching under the stall and denies peeping through the cracks of the door. They didn't even speak to each other. Basically, the cop has no case here as far as proving he was soliciting sex which is what everyone is all bent out of shape over.....so,,,given the lack of any evidence or admission to soliciting sex, there is no case against the guy and all the hoop-lah is nothing more than painting a dirty picture so as to influence public opinion(ie..charcter assassination). The guy is cooked. The Senator is ruined. His GOP brethren have all abandoned him. Maybe he guilty(even though it can't be proven),,but then again,,maybe he's not...if so....is what is happening to him fair? I don't think so. HE'S DONE! Libz pick off yet another Rep...........It's not like he stuffed TOP SECRET docs down his pants and socks and destroyed them? Or lied under oath? etc..etc....

Reeks to me of a distraction from Hillary's scandal.

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Guest drlogic

What kind of conservatives are you guys? You support perverts in bathroom stalls? I hope you were saying the same thing when the Republicans were trying to destroy Clinton's life because he had a blow job in the oval office. A blow job compared to a pervert aggressively cruising for men in PUBLIC bathroom stalls. At least your party is smart enough to distance it self from this pervert... too bad you guys are not. ;D

Support decency for christ sakes. ;D

Sup TP,,,

First of all, I hope you understand that Clintons sex thing had NOTHING to do w/ the act and EVERYTHING to do w/ the state of vulnerability the most powerful man on the planet put himself in by doing what he did. Rendering himself susceptible to blackmail which may have in turn jeapordized the nations security and/or influence public policy. Again,,it's not about the BJ,,,it's about the position of weakness he put himself in because he couldn't control himself or at the least be a bit slicker about it. Arrogance got the better of Slick Willy. and THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE ON THAT! Not the BJ.

TP,,there is no evidence whatsoever that this guy was trolling for cock in the bathroom..NONE! That's an accusation gone wild. He very may well have been, but we'll never know because the cop couldn't prove it. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GULITY RIGHT???? Or does that only apply for liberals?

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Guest trancepriest

Dude this guy is a SENATOR.. one of the highest lawmakers in the great imperialist nation of the United States of America. You're telling me he couldn't have gotten a lawyer? Why the heck did he plead guilty to disorderly conduct? Because he was fucking embarrassed and didn't want the news to get out. You know he's a pervert... stop looking for UFO's and conspiracies. Stop being a fool... Hillary is not a grey alien ???

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Guest trancepriest

Sup TP,,,

First of all, I hope you understand that Clintons sex thing had NOTHING to do w/ the act and EVERYTHING to do w/ the state of vulnerability the most powerful man on the planet put himself in by doing what he did. Rendering himself susceptible to blackmail which may have in turn jeapordized the nations security and/or influence public policy. Again,,it's not about the BJ,,,it's about the position of weakness he put himself in because he couldn't control himself or at the least be a bit slicker about it. Arrogance got the better of Slick Willy. and THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE ON THAT! Not the BJ.

TP,,there is no evidence whatsoever that this guy was trolling for cock in the bathroom..NONE! That's an accusation gone wild. He very may well have been, but we'll never know because the cop couldn't prove it. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GULITY RIGHT???? Or does that only apply for liberals?

The guy plead GUILTY. ;D The same argument you use is what we use for gay people in the military or intelligence community. That's why we don't allow openly gay men to serve in the military. This guy is a Senator and can be easily compromised by blackmail. So the same logic applies.

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What kind of conservatives are you guys? You support perverts in bathroom stalls? I hope you were saying the same thing when the Republicans were trying to destroy Clinton's life because he had a blow job in the oval office. A blow job compared to a pervert aggressively cruising for men in PUBLIC bathroom stalls. At least your party is smart enough to distance it self from this pervert... too bad you guys are not. ;D

Support decency for christ sakes. ;D

Sup TP,,,

First of all, I hope you understand that Clintons sex thing had NOTHING to do w/ the act and EVERYTHING to do w/ the state of vulnerability the most powerful man on the planet put himself in by doing what he did. Rendering himself susceptible to blackmail which may have in turn jeapordized the nations security and/or influence public policy. Again,,it's not about the BJ,,,it's about the position of weakness he put himself in because he couldn't control himself or at the least be a bit slicker about it. Arrogance got the better of Slick Willy. and THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE ON THAT! Not the BJ.

TP,,there is no evidence whatsoever that this guy was trolling for cock in the bathroom..NONE! That's an accusation gone wild. He very may well have been, but we'll never know because the cop couldn't prove it. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GULITY RIGHT???? Or does that only apply for liberals?

i think you're right, until you went your usual "libz" rhetoric crap. why do you ALWAYS do this? you make a good point then go into your "demz/libz" bs.

dude, EVERYONE is judging this guy, both sides.

i don't think there's much of a case here either. the whole thing with his hand touching the bottom of the partition...so strange. but we'll never really know who's telling the truth here. i feel bad for the senator either way.

but what is weird to me...why would he pick up a piece of toilet paper off of the ground of a toilet stall? is he that concerned about keeping the stall tidy?

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Guest drlogic

guilty,,YES,,,to a misdemeanor of DISORDERLY CONDUCT, not soliciting sex or improperly touching someone or exposing oneself..etc.........

If your argument hangs on the "guilty" plea, then you must stick to the plea and ONLY that plea,,,,which is "DISORDERLY CONDUCT",,,,NOT,,"trolling for cock!"

This is sooo weak....From a LEGAL standpoint....This is as thin as it gets. Barney Frank ran a gay brothel from his DC appartment,,,should he step down?

Get my drift?

So, what happened w/ Hillary's buried scandal...oh yeah,,,,what issue.????..NOTHING TO SEE HERE....CARRY ON...lol

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Guest drlogic

What kind of conservatives are you guys? You support perverts in bathroom stalls? I hope you were saying the same thing when the Republicans were trying to destroy Clinton's life because he had a blow job in the oval office. A blow job compared to a pervert aggressively cruising for men in PUBLIC bathroom stalls. At least your party is smart enough to distance it self from this pervert... too bad you guys are not. ;D

Support decency for christ sakes. ;D

Sup TP,,,

First of all, I hope you understand that Clintons sex thing had NOTHING to do w/ the act and EVERYTHING to do w/ the state of vulnerability the most powerful man on the planet put himself in by doing what he did. Rendering himself susceptible to blackmail which may have in turn jeapordized the nations security and/or influence public policy. Again,,it's not about the BJ,,,it's about the position of weakness he put himself in because he couldn't control himself or at the least be a bit slicker about it. Arrogance got the better of Slick Willy. and THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE ON THAT! Not the BJ.

TP,,there is no evidence whatsoever that this guy was trolling for cock in the bathroom..NONE! That's an accusation gone wild. He very may well have been, but we'll never know because the cop couldn't prove it. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GULITY RIGHT???? Or does that only apply for liberals?

i think you're right, until you went your usual "libz" rhetoric crap. why do you ALWAYS do this? you make a good point then go into your "demz/libz" bs.

dude, EVERYONE is judging this guy, both sides.

i don't think there's much of a case here either. the whole thing with his hand touching the bottom of the partition...so strange. but we'll never really know who's telling the truth here. i feel bad for the senator either way.

but what is weird to me...why would he pick up a piece of toilet paper off of the ground of a toilet stall? is he that concerned about keeping the stall tidy?

"is he that concerned about keeping the stall tidy?"


Aren't all queers tidy? LOL

There's no case here...ther are 2 options here......

1) assume he's a fag and trolling for dick,,,but can't prove it..

2) go w/ his guilty plea of disorderly conduct, hence you HAVE TO IGNORE all the sexual accusations.

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