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Right wing senator arrested in bathroom: I am not gay

Guest trancepriest

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Guest drlogic


yeah,,,tap,tap,tap means I WANNA SUCK U'R CAHK!

if i wiggle my fingers under the door, then that means I wanna get a dirty dick and drill for oil up your salad shooter.


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Guest trancepriest


yeah,,,tap,tap,tap means I WANNA SUCK U'R CAHK!

if i wiggle my fingers under the door, then that means I wanna get a dirty dick and drill for oil up your salad shooter.


LOL ;D At least you know the drill. ;D

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Guest coach

I love it! I figured this would already be posted when i got home.

Oh yah' date=' we hate gays and are all about family values yet we get caught playing with little boys and now this. [/quote'] Who got caught playing with little boys?

The GOP is going down hard, not only due to their lack of good policy, but for their repeating hypocritical run ins as of late. This just adds fuel to the fire that has been started, i know i am happy, finally people can see what a crock of shit these people are.

Most Republicans are calling for this governor's immediate resignation, not defending him. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, pardoned a Democrat congressman who was convicted of child pornography. I suppose that's an example of "good policy"?

Hey! Mr. "Balanced views. Hates both parties" weighs in again! When you just gonna admit your a Rep-lover?
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Guest obby


yeah,,,tap,tap,tap means I WANNA SUCK U'R CAHK!

if i wiggle my fingers under the door, then that means I wanna get a dirty dick and drill for oil up your salad shooter.



What about: tap tap pause tap pause tap tap


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Guest RzO

Well I just wrote a short novel as a post, regarding this and when i went to post it, it was too long and when hitting back it was all fucking gone!

Anyhow, now that i wasted 20 minute i need to say a lil something...

My ideas are not robotic in the sense that someone tells me to do it, I have been working for the DNC since 00 and worked both on Gore and Kerry's campaigns(ok, i know i guess that makes me a loser, lol) and this because i truly believe in an ideology. I did my thesis at UF of the study of political knowledge, since for their polisci degree requirements you have to do some sort of empirical study, and why people vote has always been interesting to me. Political Knowledge is the study of how and why people vote, what was determined is the fact that alot of reasons are embedded in people from a very young age. If one becomes very active in politics these qualities obviously show through stronger.

Ideological theory is what any and all of my thoughts are based on. The traditional theory of liberalism is very different from what being a liberal is. Although the democrats have their beliefs based in this, people who don't actively study politics relate it all in the same. Republican beliefs are derived from a classic realist theory which is the complete opposite. A basic contrast between the two is the egalitarian values instilled within liberal theory compared to and individualistic basis on the realist/republican side. The reason i am going on this tangent is to obviously explain that i am not some retarded hack who pushes an agenda that i read of some website, these are things I spent 5 years studying, why I can get a bit into it.

As for the libertarian thing. Well they have alot of good ideas but if their is anything to be learned in US political history and structure, its that their are only two parties that have any significance, hence you have to be on one of the two sides. Also I think that their needs to be a strong government influence since not everyone gets the same opportunities and I don't think they should be fucked over, we need social programs they help the less fortunate. This is also a main divide between the two. Politics is just as competitive as anything else is in life, kinda like a rivalry if you will, I am happy when FSU, Tennessee, or Georgia loses since I am a Gator just like I am happy when democrats win over republicans. The recent past has been in our favor and that is why I say the things i do.

The strength and liveliness of our country on a global scale has been lowered because of the recent administration. the middle class is dying at the hands of a semi-oligarchic administration that caters to the rich, and that is fucked up. Anyhow, hopefully this can all be turned around within the next ten years or perhaps longer, but the idea is that it needs to start soon. The parties base everything on these ideas and the candidates job is to get in office by playing the middle, but once in will use all of this to run their belief, and it is very much evident in what has happened since Bush has been in office. I hope that no matter what one believes in that they are doing for the right reasons, both sides have an agenda and they will use any means possible to create their own vision of the ultimate end.

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Guest slamminshaun

I love it! I figured this would already be posted when i got home.

Oh yah, we hate gays and are all about family values yet we get caught playing with little boys and now this.

Who got caught playing with little boys?

The GOP is going down hard, not only due to their lack of good policy, but for their repeating hypocritical run ins as of late. This just adds fuel to the fire that has been started, i know i am happy, finally people can see what a crock of shit these people are.

Most Republicans are calling for this governor's immediate resignation, not defending him. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, pardoned a Democrat congressman who was convicted of child pornography. I suppose that's an example of "good policy"?

Hey! Mr. "Balanced views. Hates both parties" weighs in again! When you just gonna admit your a Rep-lover?

Considering I didn't vote for Bush in 2004 and didn't vote for Republicans in 2006, I'm sure they'd take issue with me calling myself a Rep-lover.

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Guest web_norah

John Mc Cain asking this Senator "I AM NOT GAY" to quit ....

His own political party is deserting him.


Big ups to loyalty. Keep defending his tarnished integrity!

You can't buy pr like this. He should have never gone public to say anything. We get it, Mr Senator, YOU'RE NOT GAY. Sure.

"This is not a decision we take lightly, but we believe this is in the best interest of the Senate until this situation is resolved by the ethics committee," a statement issued by Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell and others said.

Speaking on the NBC network's Tonight Show, Arizona Senator John McCain said: "It harms our reputation with the American people, which is already pretty tarnished."

Republican Senator Norman Coleman, of Minnesota, called for him to stand down, saying: "Senator Craig pled guilty to a crime involving conduct unbecoming to a senator."

Michigan Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra also urged his resignation, saying Mr Craig "represents the Republican Party".

Spokesman Scott Stanzel said in a statement that the White House was "disappointed in the matter".

"We hope that it will be resolved quickly, as that would be in the best interests of the Senate and the people of Idaho," he said.

And for those who still believe this is not a big deal, please ...


reporter John McArdle, who broke the story late Monday, admits he only received word of the arrest and subsequent guilty plea via a tip last week.

"We have been working the story since we got the tip, getting the specific arrest report," he said. "We had to go through their different filing systems and we were able to expedite that process."

and more on this;

But in addition to the delayed reporting on the arrest is the way news outlets responded to last year's blogger allegations. The initial blog item was eventually reported by several news outlets nationally and locally, including four Idaho papers, according to the Idaho Statesman.

Miller said his paper reported the accusation and Craig's denial, but did not follow the story after that. "It was almost an anecdotal piece about Larry Craig being cool under fire," he said. "There was nothing documented, you were not going to substantiate anything."

Miller said he did not investigate the allegations further and did not have enough resources to pursue possible other accusations against Craig. "Outing a closeted U.S. senator was not our highest priority. But there were members of the staff who disagreed with that strenuously, that it was everyone's absolute right to know."

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Ha ha... I love it!

More Republican gay scandals!!

Let's preach against gay marrage. In fact lets make gay rights and gay marrage the heart of the Republican campaign.

And while we're at it, preaching that it is un-godly to have homesexual relations, etc..etc... lets suck some dude off in the bathroom and continue to have same-ass-sex while we're at it...


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Guest trancepriest

It seems Congressional Pages exist as fodder for dirty republicans. Note in the article he was suspected of having sex with underage pages back in 1982.... dirty dirty bastards at the heights of hypocrisy. Now here is a perfect example of an axis of evil.

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Guest web_norah

He should've never gone public to say


that's his worst mistake, just suck it up, lay low.

He's going to end up like the NJ Governor...Watch this space.

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Guest trancepriest

What ever happened to the high standards that Republicans would set after the Clinton scandal? HaHa... they've turned the senate into a bacchanalian orgy complete with little boys and everything. Turn the pages back to Rome.. the Republican senators want to get it on. Tap... Tap... wiggle... wiggle... the Republicans are back it again.

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Guest drlogic

What ever happened to the high standards that Republicans would set after the Clinton scandal? HaHa... they've turned the senate into a bacchanalian orgy complete with little boys and everything. Turn the pages back to Rome.. the Republican senators want to get it on. Tap... Tap... wiggle... wiggle... the Republicans are back it again.

Isn't this what liberals fought so hard to keep private and personal? Libz should be happy...D.C. has become what they've always wished it would be...a modern day sodom and gomorrah. So, I don't see what all the fuss is about? Seriously.

and for all the brilliant people.....ever wonder why it only makes news when the culprit has an R next to his name? Hello? Deja el show! Avanza, ponte manza! LOL Just cause the press isn't interested in smearing sicko's on the left doesn't mean there are none....quite frankly, that's where it all comes from.......it's the left that fights so hard for all the pillow biting ass pirates.......so they should be defending these freaks on the right. Maybe we have Clinton to thank for corrupting the culture of America and "re-defining" sex? LOL

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Guest obby

it's the left that fights so hard for all the pillow biting ass pirates.......so they should be defending these freaks on the right.

Great point!






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Guest trancepriest

Ladies & Gentlemen we on the Left are highlighting a thing here called HYPOCRISY.

hypocrisy |hi?päkris?| noun ( pl. -sies) the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

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Guest RzO

What ever happened to the high standards that Republicans would set after the Clinton scandal? HaHa... they've turned the senate into a bacchanalian orgy complete with little boys and everything. Turn the pages back to Rome.. the Republican senators want to get it on. Tap... Tap... wiggle... wiggle... the Republicans are back it again.

Isn't this what liberals fought so hard to keep private and personal? Libz should be happy...D.C. has become what they've always wished it would be...a modern day sodom and gomorrah. So, I don't see what all the fuss is about? Seriously.

and for all the brilliant people.....ever wonder why it only makes news when the culprit has an R next to his name? Hello? Deja el show! Avanza, ponte manza! LOL Just cause the press isn't interested in smearing sicko's on the left doesn't mean there are none....quite frankly, that's where it all comes from.......it's the left that fights so hard for all the pillow biting ass pirates.......so they should be defending these freaks on the right. Maybe we have Clinton to thank for corrupting the culture of America and "re-defining" sex? LOL

you just answered your own question. I'm Sure there are plenty of left wing peeps doing gay stuff, thats the point we don't care! The whole reason the republicans get all the news stories is because those are the hypocrites who are doing the very thing they are against. The party stands for all this bullshit, like defending the sanctity of marriage, for christ sake 55% get divorced anyway so why make an issue. Their beliefs are in line with hating on these types of behaviors yet they are the ones getting caught, so there is a simple reason to why they always make the front page.

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Guest slamminshaun

Ladies & Gentlemen we on the Left are highlighting a thing here called HYPOCRISY.

hypocrisy |hi?päkris?| noun ( pl. -sies) the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

And by probing into this man's private business, the left is also guilty of hypocrisy. Whatever happened to "sex is nobody's business" that was trumpeted through the 90s?

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Guest coach

Ladies & Gentlemen we on the Left are highlighting a thing here called HYPOCRISY.

hypocrisy |hi?päkris?| noun ( pl. -sies) the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

And by probing into this man's private business' date='

[/quote']aaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahhaaa! Probing! Private business! Nice play on words.

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Guest trancepriest

And by probing into this man's private business' date=' the left is also guilty of hypocrisy. Whatever happened to "sex is nobody's business" that was trumpeted through the 90s?


Having sex in a public bathroom is private business? ;D

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Guest web_norah

And by probing into this man's private business, the left is also guilty of hypocrisy. Whatever happened to "sex is nobody's business" that was trumpeted through the 90s?

Having sex in a public bathroom is private business? ;D

Private business is soliciting sex in a men's stall.

Is that a new thing? Or secret code for hanky panky amongst men?

Here is a new twist:

The officer who arrested Sen. Larry Craig in a police undercover operation at an airport men's room accused the senator of lying to him during an interrogation afterward, according to an audiotape of the arrest.

On the tape, released Thursday by the Minneapolis Airport Police, the Idaho Republican in turn accuses the officer of soliciting him for sex.

"I'm not gay. I don't do these kinds of things," Craig told Sgt. Dave Karsnia minutes after the two men met in a men's room at the airport on June 11.

"You shouldn't be out to entrap people," Craig told the officer. "I don't want you to take me to jail."

Karsnia replied that Craig wouldn't be going to jail as long as he cooperated.

The two men disagreed about virtually everything that had occurred minutes earlier, including whether there was a piece of paper on the floor of the stall and the meaning of the senator's hand gestures. At no time did Craig admit doing anything wrong, although weeks later he pleaded guilty to a reduced misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct.

Oh ok, he is just not gay but a big time liar.

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