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Kucinich: 'My wife's 29 — You draw your own conclusions'

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I wasn't really concerned about the vegan aspect, since most vegans I know are smug little assholes, but the pimping aspect I'm enjoying. He's a troll and he's scored himself some arm candy half his age.

6' too. She probably beats him up.

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Guest dahzel

I wasn't really concerned about the vegan aspect, since most vegans I know are smug little assholes, but the pimping aspect I'm enjoying. He's a troll and he's scored himself some arm candy half his age.

6' too. She probably beats him up.

and he loves it. I wonder if he meant he doesn't need the little blue pill because of his diet?

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Fred Thompson ain't doing so bad either. She's kind of a chunky monkey, but at Fred's age, you can't be picky.


Maybe we're heading into an era of good-looking First Ladies? Rather than the past 40-some-odd years of 'Thriller' extras?

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Guest web_norah

i actually like this chimp-like Kucinic, he is the only one who has balls to speak his mind (sometimes)...but i realize that ain't going to get him elected or taken seriously.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

i actually like this chimp-like Kucinic, he is the only one who has balls to speak his mind (sometimes)...but i realize that ain't going to get him elected or taken seriously.

I like him also...
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Guest RzO

i actually like this chimp-like Kucinic, he is the only one who has balls to speak his mind (sometimes)...but i realize that ain't going to get him elected or taken seriously.

Now that is a rational thought. id be all about kucinich but im smart enough to know that the party favorite is what will truly represent our beliefs. one cant vote 3rd party or even non popular partisan candidate, its just a waste of everyone's time and takes away from getting the party of choice in the white house.

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Guest slamminshaun

i actually like this chimp-like Kucinic, he is the only one who has balls to speak his mind (sometimes)...but i realize that ain't going to get him elected or taken seriously.

Now that is a rational thought. id be all about kucinich but im smart enough to know that the party favorite is what will truly represent our beliefs. one cant vote 3rd party or even non popular partisan candidate, its just a waste of everyone's time and takes away from getting the party of choice in the white house.

The party favorite does not support gay marriage, voted for the Iraq war and has not apologized for it, and does not support the legalization of substances, does not support socialized medicine, shall I go on?? I thought these were your beliefs.

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Guest drlogic

so if the true lib is lil' monkey boy KOOKSINITCH, then he should win in a landslide??????

Nope,,as always,,,libz have to pretend to be conservative in order to win a national election.....Truth be told,,,,most actually live their personal lives conservatively.

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