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Sabbath/Elevator uproar in Del Boca Vista!


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*couple of years ago i lived in a building in Sunny Isles where they did this..on Sabbath, the elevators stop at every freaking floor, so they don't have to press the buttons. it was a bit annoying to us non-God's-chosen-people who lived on the 9th floor.


Century Village unit criticized for spending $11,000 to alter elevator for Sabbath

By Joe Kollin | South Florida Sun-Sentinel

August 29, 2007

The day of rest is causing some unrest at Century Village East in Deerfield Beach.

Most of the 56 owners in Berkshire E are Orthodox Jews barred for religious reasons from pushing the buttons on their elevator during the Sabbath, which runs from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

They persuaded their board to spend $11,000 to convert the elevator so it automatically stops on each of the four floors during the Sabbath.

But two of the owners, who are also Jewish, are angry their money will be used for a religious accommodation.

"I respect their desires, but why does the building have to pay for this?" asked snowbird Nicki Goldstein, 69, from her New York City home.

By law, however, everyone who buys in a condo community agrees to submit to the will of the majority. About 85 percent of the owners are Orthodox. On the Sabbath, they are not allowed to do anything that would create energy, such as drive a car, turn on a light or push an elevator button.

Those owners purposely bought in Berkshire E because it is an easy walk to Young Israel synagogue of Deerfield Beach, said association president Mark Sussman, who isn't Orthodox.

The board held at least three meetings with unit owners before casting the unanimous vote to take the money — which comes out to about $200 per unit — from the treasury.

But the board "felt our vote wasn't good enough so we sent letters to every owner," said board member Seymour Kleiman, 86. "Of the 56 owners, 50 gave us approval outright, two said absolutely not and the others were wishy-washy, they didn't care."

"I'm on the second floor and don't mind walking up, but we are a family here and since 50 members of the family approved, we're going ahead with it," said Kleiman, who is also board chairman of Young Israel.

The only reason it hasn't been done yet is that "we're just waiting for the elevator company," Sussman said.

Steven D. Rubin, chairman of a Palm Beach County Bar Association real estate committee, thinks the board may have overstepped its boundaries.

"I don't think the board should take a position on spending association funds for religious purposes, regardless of what the majority wants," he said.

But state condo ombudsman Danille R. Carroll said, "There is nothing in the statutes that would not allow a board to do that. It's at the board's discretion.

"And the way they did it is a good thing; you want a board to get input from owners," she said.

What constitutes improper backing of a religious activity by a condo or homeowner association has been debated for years. Every case is different.

Two years ago, a federal judge ruled a Port St. Lucie homeowner association was within its rights to ban religious services in its clubhouse as long as it was applied equally to all religious groups.

Last year, the Sun of Baltimore reported a brouhaha over an attempt to convert one of two elevators to a Sabbath elevator. After the board voted 5-3 against it, a Baltimore council member in May introduced a bill to prohibit buildings from adopting rules that deny reasonable accommodation for practicing one's religion. No decision has been made.

Sandra Bronner, a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp, doesn't want to pay for the Sabbath elevator in Berkshire E.

"It doesn't matter if I have to push the button or not," the snowbird said from her home in Toronto. "If a majority of people are religious, let them pay for it. And I'm Orthodox."

Nicki Goldstein, who said she plans to become a permanent resident, said she won't fight the board's decision because she doesn't have the resources, doesn't want to upset the residents any further and doesn't want more association money spent on the issue.

"Nonetheless, I think the board's action is out of bounds and I can't accept any rationale that supports the whole building paying for a personal religious choice," she said.

Rabbi Pesach Lerner, executive vice president of the National Council of Young Israel, the New York-based organization that coordinates 150 Orthodox synagogues in the country, said the minority must submit to the majority in condos.

"The definition of condominium is communal living," he said. "If a board decides to paint a building, I may not want it painted but everyone must pay so I have to pay. A majority of people voted for the elevator. I think it's unfortunate that people can't accommodate their neighbors."

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Guest slamminshaun

Isn't this private property? Who are we to judge then. If Muslims demanded floor mats so they could pray 5 times a day in the middle of their condo's lobby, and they could successfully get the board to pass it, you have two choices: deal with it or move!

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Guest JMT

"Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't get in a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't pick up the phone, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't fucking push an elevator button! Shomer shabbos!"

lol, del boca vista! i've heard of elevators doing this before. they actually do have their own stand-alone temple on the condo property, i've been in there before.

funny, just the other day my friend, who dates a member of the tribe, was telling me how her family had a name for gentiles they keep around on the sabbath so that they can do the tasks they aren't supposed to do for them. i can't remember the name though...

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Guest swank

"Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't get in a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't pick up the phone, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't fucking push an elevator button! Shomer shabbos!"

lol, del boca vista! i've heard of elevators doing this before. they actually do have their own stand-alone temple on the condo property, i've been in there before.

funny, just the other day my friend, who dates a member of the tribe, was telling me how her family had a name for gentiles they keep around on the sabbath so that they can do the tasks they aren't supposed to do for them. i can't remember the name though...

suckers...that's what they're called. I was one of them, my best friend back home...his family was Orthodox but he was the "black sheep" and did everything opposite. So growing up I did all of the things for his family they were technically not supposed to do during shabbat. :-\

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Guest mr.miami

Ok are we in the middle ages, or Something. In what way is pushing an elevator button considered work? Can anyone here educate me on the subject?

Most of the 56 owners in Berkshire E are Orthodox Jews barred for religious reasons from pushing the buttons on their elevator during the Sabbath, which runs from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

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Guest mr.miami

Lazy Jews cant walk up the stairs? Why did they buy a unit above the 1st floor?

I can't believe you are being so insensitive towards someones religion like that. :-*

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Guest Buck White

"Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't get in a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't pick up the phone, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't fucking push an elevator button! Shomer shabbos!"

Hah ! Classic. I'm sure you've seen the condensed version.


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Lazy Jews cant walk up the stairs? Why did they buy a unit above the 1st floor?

I can't believe you are being so insensitive towards someones religion like that. :-*

I dont care whose religion it is...Catholics, Atheists, Muslims, etc. LOL! I realize they voted and passed it and all that but it just seems retarded. Did these people forget that they were Orthodox when they bought their 2nd and 3rd floor units? I dunno. JUst seems freakin lazy to me. They better not go outside, isnt opening a door considered work too?

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Guest endymion

Programming an elevator so that it goes up and down and stops on every floor is exactly the same thing as literally pushing a button.

People who focus their attention on meaningless crap like that are just using it as a way to avoid confronting real problems.

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Guest Seb

Lazy Jews cant walk up the stairs? Why did they buy a unit above the 1st floor?

I can't believe you are being so insensitive towards someones religion like that. :-*

I dont care whose religion it is...Catholics, Atheists, Muslims, etc. LOL! I realize they voted and passed it and all that but it just seems retarded. Did these people forget that they were Orthodox when they bought their 2nd and 3rd floor units? I dunno. JUst seems freakin lazy to me. They better not go outside, isnt opening a door considered work too?

ya I always ask my Orthodox friend at work about this. Seems to me if pushing a button is considered work then so should walking, talking and any sort of movement. I think the only way one could qualify is to lie in bed and not move at all, all day lol to each their I guess. My friend at work also told me that some Orthodox Jews can't tear toilet paper on Sabbath. Apparently the day before Sabbath they have to set out pre torn toilet paper just so they can hang a dump on Sabbath. To much maintenance for me :P

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Guest lyrik

Lazy Jews cant walk up the stairs? Why did they buy a unit above the 1st floor?

I can't believe you are being so insensitive towards someones religion like that. :-*

I dont care whose religion it is...Catholics, Atheists, Muslims, etc. LOL! I realize they voted and passed it and all that but it just seems retarded. Did these people forget that they were Orthodox when they bought their 2nd and 3rd floor units? I dunno. JUst seems freakin lazy to me. They better not go outside, isnt opening a door considered work too?

ya I always ask my Orthodox friend at work about this. Seems to me if pushing a button is considered work then so should walking, talking and any sort of movement. I think the only way one could qualify is to lie in bed and not move at all, all day lol to each their I guess. My friend at work also told me that some Orthodox Jews can't tear toilet paper on Sabbath. Apparently the day before Sabbath they have to set out pre torn toilet paper just so they can hang a dump on Sabbath. To much maintenance for me :P

Sometimes hanging a dumper is more work than some do in a whole day.

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Guest swank

FYI: Having sex on Sabbath is considered a good deed ;D

So in essence the huge (12 member) Orthodox families are really a result of one doing the Lord's work and not just horny couples... :P

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