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that was great to see...i really like the way he sees things in this country. glad they gave him a lot of time to talk. it was weird how the other candidates would snicker, acting like his ideas were crazy. and the strength of his grassroots campaign is proof that more and more people are listening to him. the things he says would be revolutionary in this country...i think it would be the best decision this country ever made, to vote him into presidency.

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Guest pod

It's weird that he allies himself and is accepted by the Republican Party.

He doesn't go far enough on some issues I believe in, but at this point in time, I would see him as a good stepping stone to getting the people I want in government, who will then proceed to dismantle it.

Barring armed revolt, it's the only way of changing things. A step at a time.

And a lot of the times, armed revolt doesn't work, because the revolutionaries kind of forget that there's a period of time after you depose the current government. Then they panic and put someone in even worse.

His only demons right now I would say is that some of the lunatic fringe has adopted him as their pet candidate. I love the lunatics, but unfortunately a lunatic fringe fanbase will lose you votes, not gain you votes.

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Guest drlogic

I watched the entire debate...Apparently so did the rest of America. According to the ratings, it's been the most watched debate from either side, yet. And on FoxNews of all places? The place top demz refuse to debate..yet it's the station MOST AMERICANS watch. But I digress......

Of those who debated, my favorite was Huckabee. He came across to me as the true conservative. He was articulate and polite and spoke clear, common sense, not emotional psycho-babble. Didn't come across as a rambling idiot and was very "statesmen-like"...IMHO. We'll see what Fred Thompson brings to the debate soon enough?????????

I thought Paul looked like a kook. I'm convinced he's there for pure entertainment value. I also liked some of the zingers lobbed @ the demz like....."they wanna pull out the troops and remove the Iraqi president?",,,NICE!!!! LOL The other "Of the 3 top democratic candidates, none has ever run a city, state or business yet they think they can run America?"....LOL CLASSIC! Well said Rudy!!!!

Side note: I love the stark contrast of questions between the dem debates and rep debates. Dem candidates have never looked more unfit or incapable of dealing w/ today's major issues. I look forward to more debates........and I expect the left to adjust their stance on Iraq and terrorism and move more to the middle as time goes on.

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Guest Mattivi

yeh iagree with logic, i like paul, but when he went on record saying that the CIA, FBI, and a few other govt agencies should be dismantled he looked like a complete quack. saw Fred Thompsons interview on H&C and the guy seems like a rational, straight forward, common sense kind of politician, I will have to see how he fares in debates but i like what i see so far.

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Guest slamminshaun

yeh iagree with logic, i like paul, but when he went on record saying that the CIA, FBI, and a few other govt agencies should be dismantled he looked like a complete quack. saw Fred Thompsons interview on H&C and the guy seems like a rational, straight forward, common sense kind of politician, I will have to see how he fares in debates but i like what i see so far.

The idea of dismantling govt' agencies is not that quacky if they'd give the guy more than 30 seconds to explain what he means....I'm all for abolishing Homeland Security, IRS, Dept of Education, etc, etc....

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Guest drlogic

I hear ya' Shaun!

Too many people running....30 sec just isn't enough time to explain one's position on today's VERY SERIOUS issues regarding national security. The process is flawed for sure!

BTW: Did ya' hear? Dennis K. did a mid-east trip, trashed his own country while in Syria and said he refused to visit Iraq because he believes the war was illegal!

Amazing! He refused to visit U.S. troops who have nothing to do w/ the policy. They're just following orders and doing their job....He does this on foreign territory from a terrorist sponsored state......???? Yet he wants to lead this country? I'm all for getting out of the way and letting these clueless dem candidates walk right off the cliff, but it still baffles the mind.....IMHO...as always.

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yeh iagree with logic' date=' i like paul, but when he went on record saying that the CIA, FBI, and a few other govt agencies should be dismantled he looked like a complete quack. saw Fred Thompsons interview on H&C and the guy seems like a rational, straight forward, common sense kind of politician, I will have to see how he fares in debates but i like what i see so far.


The idea of dismantling govt' agencies is not that quacky if they'd give the guy more than 30 seconds to explain what he means....I'm all for abolishing Homeland Security, IRS, Dept of Education, etc, etc....

isn't the whole republican idea, to have LESS government??? why does today's republican party not follow this concept? it's ridiculous to me. earlier this week, same shiat, with the bailout plan for home loans....this IS NOT the way a republican government is supposed to function.

i'm tired of the bs.

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Guest drlogic

I agree 100%....

while Bush may be personally conservative, he spends money like a liberal democrat....(Domestic spending dwarfs what we spend on the military,,,BTW)I can't understand why either? It's not like they'll ever like him. 6 yrs. and he's still "reaching out" to his domestic enemies. Note: There would be a very different spin on this if it were a Dem in office. It would be applauded and heralded as brave, bold and compassionate.

I'm sick of it too! I want a TRUE conservative in office...who'll keep us safe, limit gov't spending, cut taxes and proudly preach family values.

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Guest slamminshaun

yeh iagree with logic, i like paul, but when he went on record saying that the CIA, FBI, and a few other govt agencies should be dismantled he looked like a complete quack. saw Fred The Thompsons interview on H&C and the guy seems like a rational, straight forward, common sense kind of politician, I will have to see how he fares in debates but i like what i see so far.

The idea of dismantling govt' agencies is not that quacky if they'd give the guy more than 30 seconds to explain what he means....I'm all for abolishing Homeland Security, IRS, Dept of Education, etc, etc....

isn't the whole republican idea, to have LESS government??? why does today's republican party not follow this concept? it's ridiculous to me. earlier this week, same shiat, with the bailout plan for home loans....this IS NOT the way a republican government is supposed to function.

i'm tired of the bs.

The Republican party 50 years ago is the Libertarian party today.....

The Democrat party 50 years ago is the Republican party today....

The Socialist party 50 years ago is the Democrat party today....

Hope that explains it.

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Guest drlogic


Go for the juggular why don't you! We've still got a long way until NOv 2008.

Well said though! Hit the nail right on the head. JFK might be considered a war mongering NEO-CON by today's standards.

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Guest coach

yeh iagree with logic' date=' i like paul, but when he went on record saying that the CIA, FBI, and a few other govt agencies should be dismantled he looked like a complete quack. saw Fred The Thompsons interview on H&C and the guy seems like a rational, straight forward, common sense kind of politician, I will have to see how he fares in debates but i like what i see so far.


The idea of dismantling govt' agencies is not that quacky if they'd give the guy more than 30 seconds to explain what he means....I'm all for abolishing Homeland Security, IRS, Dept of Education, etc, etc....

isn't the whole republican idea, to have LESS government??? why does today's republican party not follow this concept? it's ridiculous to me. earlier this week, same shiat, with the bailout plan for home loans....this IS NOT the way a republican government is supposed to function.

i'm tired of the bs.

The Republican party 50 years ago is the Libertarian party today.....

The Democrat party 50 years ago is the Republican party today....

The Socialist party 50 years ago is the Democrat party today....

Hope that explains it.

That explains everything except the Republicans riding the fundamentalist "Christian's" dick. The Democrats didn't do that 50 years ago, to my knowledge.
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Guest slamminshaun

yeh iagree with logic, i like paul, but when he went on record saying that the CIA, FBI, and a few other govt agencies should be dismantled he looked like a complete quack. saw Fred The Thompsons interview on H&C and the guy seems like a rational, straight forward, common sense kind of politician, I will have to see how he fares in debates but i like what i see so far.

The idea of dismantling govt' agencies is not that quacky if they'd give the guy more than 30 seconds to explain what he means....I'm all for abolishing Homeland Security, IRS, Dept of Education, etc, etc....

isn't the whole republican idea, to have LESS government??? why does today's republican party not follow this concept? it's ridiculous to me. earlier this week, same shiat, with the bailout plan for home loans....this IS NOT the way a republican government is supposed to function.

i'm tired of the bs.

The Republican party 50 years ago is the Libertarian party today.....

The Democrat party 50 years ago is the Republican party today....

The Socialist party 50 years ago is the Democrat party today....

Hope that explains it.

That explains everything except the Republicans riding the fundamentalist "Christian's" dick. The Democrats didn't do that 50 years ago, to my knowledge.

Maybe not, but it's interesting that The South was nothing but "blue states" back then.

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Guest drlogic

back then, Christian wasn't a bad word either like it is to the left today. Just mentioning the name "Christ" to a lib is like flashing a crusifix to a vampire.

But let's get back to UBL reciting Howard Deans fax.

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The other candidates are jokes.. brainwashed puppets who repeat catch phrases and get funded by special interest groups.

Ron Paul is the freakin man.. hes not afraid of losing.. because even if he does lose.. hes shedding knowledge on americans and bringing up very good issues.

....elections are rigged anyways.. choice is a illusion.. atleast i'll die knowing i voted for someone who cared about the people.

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Guest drlogic

I beg to differ. I guess I'll have to respectfully disagree. Puppets? Catch phrases? Are you sure you're not talking about Ron Paul? He's reciting DNC talking points. Not afraid of losing? And??? Should we give him a cookie? Any candidate who shackles him/herself w/ political correctness is afraid to lose.....bye-bye to ALL but 1 of the dem candidates and MOST of the rep candidates too. So, that leaves Paul and Huckabee,,,maybe Hunter on the right.....on the left....Dennis Kooksinich.

Rigged elections? You mean only when a rep. wins they're rigged. Cause I haven't heard anything about rigged elections as of late w/ Demz winning. I heard more "America has spoken" when Demz win and when they lose, "ELECTION WAS RIGGED/STOLEN!" LOL (childish, right? EXACTLY!..ie.unfit to lead America..IMHO).

Good 4 u, as far as voting your conscience. I'm the same in that respect. I want a proud conservative...we'll see what happens?

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Guest Mattivi

yeh iagree with logic' date=' i like paul, but when he went on record saying that the CIA, FBI, and a few other govt agencies should be dismantled he looked like a complete quack. saw Fred Thompsons interview on H&C and the guy seems like a rational, straight forward, common sense kind of politician, I will have to see how he fares in debates but i like what i see so far.


The idea of dismantling govt' agencies is not that quacky if they'd give the guy more than 30 seconds to explain what he means....I'm all for abolishing Homeland Security, IRS, Dept of Education, etc, etc....

some of these bureaucracies you mention should be dismantled, but the FBI AND the CIA?! sorry man thats quacky. we are not in position right now to dismantle those agencies, too much of a security risk is involved, no matter how inept at times they have been. anyways i like Fred Thompsons suggestion of having debates that were old school like Lincoln-Douglas style so you can a real idea were candidates stand on the issues.

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Guest pod

Ron Paul has valid points, but again, the internet fanatics are doing more harm than good right now.

A lot of his supporters seem to be knee-jerk voters who are just looking to vote for "anybody but..."

I've done some analysis, and out of the major party candidates, I can back him, since for years and years, I've been preaching a lot of the same shit. He doesn't go far enough, but at this point, I'm willing to use him as a stepping stone to dismantling the United States government, and perhaps reorganizing it along the lines of a confederation, where states and cities have more control over their laws.

My support of him isn't a knee-jerk reaction. Knee-jerk politics blows since in the end, it goes nowhere.

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