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BUSH IS A TOTAL IDIOT! I can't believe some of you voted for him... LOL

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'm commenting towards Bush's response to Bin Laden's video...

Bush said "Iraq is part of the war on terrorism becasue Bin Laden mentioned Iraq in his video"...


Does this jack ass ever have anything intelligent to say?

I'd rather have Dick Cheney as President at this point than the current idiot..

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Guest slamminshaun

Terry, I found someone who agrees with you....take a look.

"President Bush's words echo 'neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld".....

"You permitted Bush to complete his first term, and stranger still, chose him for a second term, which gave him a clear mandate from you -- to continue to murder people in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

"...you neither brought to account nor punished those who waged this war, not even the most violent of its murderers, Rumsfeld…â€

"Those with the real power are those with the most money"

Man, that sounds like Air America....who said that? Michael Moore? Bill Maher? Nope....honorary Democrat, Osama Bin Laden in his most recent tape...


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Guest web_norah

damn Terry, i thought you were going to mention his calling Australians, 'Austrians' while he was at the OPEC (Apec) in ...that was real smart sounding.

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Guest drlogic

Terry' date=' I found someone who agrees with you....take a look.

"President Bush's words echo 'neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld".....

"You permitted Bush to complete his first term, and stranger still, chose him for a second term, which gave him a clear mandate from you -- to continue to murder people in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

"...you neither brought to account nor punished those who waged this war, not even the most violent of its murderers, Rumsfeld…â€

"Those with the real power are those with the most money"

Man, that sounds like Air America....who said that? Michael Moore? Bill Maher? Nope....honorary Democrat, Osama Bin Laden in his most recent tape...



love it!

peace out....go CANES! 100% chance of rain....might get interesting!

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Guest slamminshaun

I especially liked this quote from OBL. It proves Al-Qaeda uses our media to further empower their own cause. It also proves that our media is out of control and needs to shut it's pie-hole...

“It would benefit you to listen to the poignant messages of your soldiers in Iraq, who are paying -- with their blood, nerves and scattered limbs....Among them is the eloquent message of Joshua which he sent by way of the media, in which he wipes the tears from his eyes and describes American politicians in harsh terms and invites them to join him there for a few days.â€

Remember, kids....


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Guest jamu

Hmmm how can I say this with out the idiot Right Wingers taking my comments out of context. Well there really is no way to idiot proof this, since "an idiot will see, what an idiot will see". But here goes anyways.

He's got a point Shaun.

"President Bush's words echo 'neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld"..... obviously since he is an idiot neoconservative. And what we have in power are a bunch of Idiot Conservative Republican Politicians that are doing exactly they do when they are in power. Screw us our democracy and our rights, and encourage idiots like you abroad.

"You permitted Bush to complete his first term, and stranger still, chose him for a second term, which gave him a clear mandate from you -- to continue to murder people in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

He's on point with this one. We have MURDERED Countless women and children day and night trying to take out a few terrorists that would have never have been there had we not Invaded Iraqi. (Again I think we should have invaded Afghanistan and focused there, but hey I'll forgive the idiots that actually believed that they had weapons of mass destruction. I didn't believe from day one nor did I support that war from day one.) Congrats evil one for noticing something intellectual America already knew. Thanks for killing our hopes in helping retarded right America understand (See these Americans can't read between the lines like liberal America can, everything is bad or good kindergarten style for conservative America).

"...you neither brought to account nor punished those who waged this war, not even the most violent of its murderers, Rumsfeld…â€

If I could I would give him Rumsfeld, Dick Chaney, Bush, and Codi Rice. Did I miss anyone in that Administration?

P.S. Send us the Video so we can see and get some satisfaction from the Video because they just basically fuc**d us.

"Those with the real power are those with the most money"

Wrong on this one. The people that have excellent ratings on our TV networks with the help of Ruppert Murdock (Would you like him too?) and the support of Radical Feminists, Progressive Educational Instructors, Right Religious America, and Soccer Moms. All in all the Republican Party.

Now Shaun I would love to see this guy dead. But really do you think supporting Bush, is the way to do it? If you do you've got to be kidding . Seriously that is a joke if you do support Bush. You really can't love our country when you support that scumbag. This is our modern Vietnam and the history books will show that people like you brought greater blindness rather then light upon this country.

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Guest drlogic

::) Puhleeez...... Sounds like something only a misguided highschooler woudl believe.

where to being??????????? Can you just imagine if what you believed were actually true???? Absent from your rant was any mention of Demz who voted and continue to vote for the war and it's funding. That automatically disqualifies your objectivity,,,hence.....Puhleeeez! I've seen others who support the war effort criticize(in detail) both sides, yet can't seem to see the same from the crazies on the left? Not that I'm surprised...Just noting the obvious which too often is conveniently ignored. Did you go to(or do you currently attend) public school? Is this what passes for public education nowadays? If so,,that's just wrong. They might as well teach that Santa & the Easter Bunny are real.

::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)


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Guest jamu

::) Puhleeez...... Sounds like something only a misguided highschooler woudl believe.

where to being??????????? Can you just imagine if what you believed were actually true???? Absent from your rant was any mention of Demz who voted and continue to vote for the war and it's funding. That automatically disqualifies your objectivity,,,hence.....Puhleeeez! I've seen others who support the war effort criticize(in detail) both sides, yet can't seem to see the same from the crazies on the left? Not that I'm surprised...Just noting the obvious which too often is conveniently ignored. Did you go to(or do you currently attend) public school? Is this what passes for public education nowadays? If so,,that's just wrong. They might as well teach that Santa & the Easter Bunny are real.

::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)


You are an idiot. But to humor you I have a Master's Degree in Counseling where I specialized in Multicultural Counseling. I have several credits to my PhD (which I have not yet finished), and have given several seminars on Multicultural Awareness. I have worked in Both the Dade and Broward Public system. And have counseled in the Boca Area. As for your words of stupidity learn to read quality publications, learn to read between the lines, and get off your egocentric I'm a cowboy view of the world.

The only person here that should be tisk tisk tisk is I to you. And with great shame, because people like you continue to embarrass us in front of the rest of the world. And continue to show how idiots like you don't really actually understand world politics, other cultures, and to say the least what the hell is really going on in the Middle East. People like you are an embarrassment to the American way of life and its ideology. Go read something not on the internet.

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Guest drlogic

well then that's even more embarasing....All that education and you'll gleefuly rant about one big ole' scandal (none of which include Democrats). Where's the logic? Where's there any hint of objectivity? It's all one big neo-con, republican scandal.

Last time I checked, the first place we ever heard of WMD was from a dem prez. in 90's.

First person to attack and kill/murder Iraqi's over WMD was a dem prez. in the 90's

First person to attack another another nation on the basis of tracking down a terrorist(ie..UBL) was a dem prez. in the 90's.

You see, we could go back and remind folks of history regarding our response to terrorism but something tells me it'll do no good. You want nothing to do w/ putting issues into perspective. You probably (and I might be wrong??) think there was no Al-Qaida in Iraq when we invaded. They were in every nation including a few states in America (which include Florida), yet you'll proudly and loudly claim Al-Qaida was never in Iraq. I could go on......but you get my drift.

Idiot? me? 4 real? Well,,,thufering thuckotash! Great googly moogly.......

All that education and you still think appeasment and socialism work? Where's your tolerance for those who differ from you? Or do you only tolerate different cultures and races? How about different religions? How about different political parties (OOOOPS! Did I just say that?)?

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it.....If today's demz only lived by the same standards they demand from Repz, we might all be better off........but they don't.

If you and those like minded only showed the same passion against terrorist and their attrocities, your arguments might appeal to more than just the crazies on the FAR left.

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Guest coach
You probably (and I might be wrong??) think there was no Al-Qaida in Iraq when we invaded. They were in every nation including a few states in America (which include Florida), yet you'll proudly and loudly claim Al-Qaida was never in Iraq. I could go on......but you get my drift.

So, because there are Al-Qaida cells in FL, we should invade there, too? Your logic doesn't follow, DrLogic.
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Guest Buck White

Republican or Democrat....both of your miserable parties are being lied to the same. Who cares what side you're on...when both are being spoonfed the same mendacity.

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Guest drlogic

maybe so?

but nothing in comparison to how the muslims are lied to by their radical leaders. not even close.

I pity many of those who eat up all that "stealing oil" crap which is what the radical leaders and terrorists spew to their people.

my point in the previous post meant to shed light on the fact that America's Iraq Policy was not one created by the Bush Admin, rather one adopted from the previous Clinton Admin. Only differnce b/w the 2 is that Bush actually did something about it while the other only threatened to. My hope being that folks would just stop w/ the Bush rhetoric and get a grip. It's extremely counter productive and only makes me wanna make fun of 'em....illustrating the absurdity and counter-productivity of such rhetoric.

I can be serious and I can act a fool. At the end of the day, I just want a safe and prosperous America. No domocracy in history has achieved so much in so little time as America has and I BELIEVE it's our duty to maintain that, not destroy it. We should inspire the world to better itself, not destroy ourselves so that we're all living in equally shitty environments/nations,etc.....

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Guest coach

You may think that invading Iraq makes us significantly safer. I think you are wrong. I think you are believing the lies fed to you by your gov't and the big corporations. You think I am believing the lies fed to us by the peaceniks. Who's lies are more lying?

I do think it was a good thing to remove a despot like Hussein from a humanitarian standpoint. I do not think it makes us significantly safer. I also think that Bush is a moron and has completely fucked up the invasion through his inept handling of it strategically, diplomatically, and economically.

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Guest drlogic

while I might disagree w/ what you just wrote...I WONT make fun of it, cause it was clearly YOUR BELIEF. We're gonna agree to disagree only cause I believe Bushs options were severly limited post 9/11. We (America) didn't have the l uxury of hyndsight which is always 20/20. I believe our leaders voted for and continue to vote for what we're doing. The whole "lied" crap is just that,,,,crap. There was nothing presented to the country, America or the UN that was not publicly known or reported from the previous admin. But we(as a nation) just get so caught up in the spin, that what wild claims and accusations become fact over time to many....which I find sad.

I hear ya' Coach,,,,I just disagree and I think I can back up my side of the argument which is essentially retort the litany of accusation spewed by the left.

In a perfect world, the left would not only complain but they would provide alternatives that have not already been tried and failed. I'm still waiting for that day. Even if I disagree, it would finally legitimize their argument. Until then, it's just a bunch of wet toilet paper that they hope will stick.

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Guest drlogic

We have our moments, but I BELIEVE it's so much tougher than any of us can fathom. With that said, looking at this issue through a soda straw (which is what I believe your question is trying to trap me into answering) is not the best way to look @ it.

I'm a believer of Iraq being a "battle" in this war on terror. So, time tables or knee jerk reactions to individual battles do the overall mission of this war on terror a diservice. Again, just my belief. I want to win. I want to see Iraq evolve into something better. I also NEVER believed this would be something that happens overnight and I look to our own American history as an example of how difficult domocracy can be. The same people who refuse to believe anything from the Bush admin seem to want to hang on to the Bush admin. claim that Iraq would be a democracy in no time. The Bush admin has said this war (on terror) would be a war that lasts generations. I never doubted that,,BTW. So, as Iraq being A battle, not THE battle I think our only option is victory. Exactly what victory "is" remains to be clearly elaborated by EITHER party.

Let's put it this way....being that I come at this from a position of hope I think it's clear that WHEN we succeed in Iraq none of the critics will be able to take any credit given that they've made it tougher for us and easier for our enemies. Like I said before, if they only would add an alternative(to their bitching), then I believe they would have the right to claim credit in any victory we have. But they haven't and have basically shown utter contempt for America and our soldiers either by what they've said and done or by what they've implied. Again, just my opinion.

That's my take, at least.

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Guest coach

Actually, I agree with everything you said. The main difference is that I think that Bush has done a shitty job in executing the war. He's also, if not outright lied, misled the public. But, I guess you can say every politician does that and let him off the hook for it.

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Guest web_norah

if you're a registered voter, voted for Bush and think that invading Iraq was the best idea out of his 'anti-terrorism' 'let's find Osama' scheme, you're living in fantasy land or just plain stupid.

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Guest michael^heaven

I'll go a step further Norah...

if you're a registered voter, voted for Bush


just plain stupid.

I did a bit of editing. ;D ;)

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Guest slamminshaun

if you're a registered voter, voted for Bush

Good point Norah. Half of the people who vote for Democrats aren't even registered voters usually.

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Guest web_norah

if you're a registered voter' date=' voted for Bush


Good point Norah. Half of the people who vote for Democrats aren't even registered voters usually.

I don't understand that.

Another thing I do not understand is people who bitch about how much they hate what's happening politically and they don't even vote. Don't talk to me if you can't even bother to cast your vote in general elections, it is a privilege and an obligation as a citizen, something people in the US do not take seriously at all.

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Guest drlogic

it is a privilege and an obligation as a citizen, something people in the US do not take seriously at all.

finally, we actually agree on somthin'(almost). "obligation" is a matter of opinion. Although I personally feel we all should vote.

Remember, Bush claimed nothing about Iraq that had not already been claimed by Clinton and many demz. He practically repeated verbatim what Clinton did. Only diff. is he did so post 9/11. So much for the "Bush Lied" psycho-babble. (note: I repeat this only because of some comments I've read implying Bush is some dictator w/ supreme power to do as he pleases. Anyone who took civics knows the prez. doesn't have that sort of power, regardless of what crazies on the far left claim w/ reckless abandon). Both parties voted and continue to vote for what we're doin'. I just wanna make sure that reality doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

if you're a registered voter, voted for Bush....

..then you should jump on the next troop transport to Iraq and take up arms with all the soilders there who are dying, forced to fight in this war and who did not vote for Bush!
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