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Think the U.S. will be leaving Iraq anytime soon?

Guest michael^heaven

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Guest web_norah

of course not, the US can't abject defeat ---too cool for school to do that, only losers keep fighting a losing battle.

and Iraquis are as happy as pie with troops around.

come on now.

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Guest michael^heaven

I just think it's funny (although no suprise!) that it was all over national news last night that Bush is going with the General's recommendations to pull some troops out but not one single mention about the U.S. building a new base in Iraq. Once again, you have to search for articles, like the one above, to get the real scoop.

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Guest drlogic


it's all Bush w/ you huh?

Push, push in the da' bush, in da' bush you push! LOL

So, if we've lost,,,,as was said by Harry Reid several months back, then WHO WON? Al-Qaida? Seems to me that ever since the demz took the "WAR IS LOST" position, they've done everything in their power to make sure their premature assessment remains as is. But that's just me??? Silly, i know..... ;)

Base in Iraq? Makes sense!.....and all along i thought we were just stealing oil.

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Guest Mattivi

logic, at this point its not about who won or lost at this point, its pretty obvious that no one won this war. to me it seems at this point we are just trying to save face. the situation is fudged at this point, to me its just about getting our troops home safely on a reasonable time table. sooner or later the iraqis are going to have to assume control and stabilize their own country. but im laughing at myself because that wont happen anytime soon. so should we just continue to stay there because the county is embroiled in civil war that precipitated from operation iraqi freedom? not an easy answer, and no one wins. does pulling out really concede defeat? or does it just concede that we tried our best, but the situation is utterly futile? a lot of different ways to view it.

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Guest drlogic

you right about one thing...we're not leaving Iraq any time soon..I don't care who's in congress and who's in the whitehouse. That's just a reality I accepted long ago. With that said, i don't think it's JUST saving face although I'm sure that has something to do w/ it. It's about our way of life and fighting Al-Qaida to make sure another 9/11 doesn't happen..or worse.

that's how I see it.

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Guest drlogic

One more thing I was thinking about........don't know where, but I heard someone make a point that resonated w/ me.

Demz and crazies on the far left wanted Rummy's head for not listening to the generals and not sending enough troops maintain the peace postwar victory in Iraq.

Now, we've got a general which the demz demanded and approved of, then later funded his surge effort.

Now, they're trashing a general they unanimously approved of and funded and want to reduce the troops, despite the proven successes as of late to return to what? What exactly, a smaller force? Didn't they(demz) want more troops to better deal the struggles in Iraq? Now they wanna reduce the #'s? So, these demz are back to adopting the Rumsfeld strategy which they were so critical of?

I'll never understand these demz in d.c. I don't know how anyone can?

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Guest jamu

We'll be out off Iraqi in time for the elections so Bush can claim success in Pulling out the troops ::) And people can credit him with a successful war and put him on their pedestal and pray thanks ::)

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Guest Mattivi

you right about one thing...we're not leaving Iraq any time soon..I don't care who's in congress and who's in the whitehouse. That's just a reality I accepted long ago. With that said, i don't think it's JUST saving face although I'm sure that has something to do w/ it. It's about our way of life and fighting Al-Qaida to make sure another 9/11 doesn't happen..or worse.

that's how I see it.

i thought techjunkie posted awhile back that the military objectives in iraq is not about fighting al qaeda, or so its been rumored. there is bigger problems over there at this particular moment than trying to root out a few clandestine al qaeda opertives, like a full blown civil war/sectarian violence.

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Guest drlogic

Does a frog have a water tight ass?

I dunno? Not sure? I would assume so?

I believe there was more to that statement...not the bullshit I wrote..What the Gen. said. You should probably post the entire exhange so as to not lose perspective or context.

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