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Happy Birthday to the dynamic duo....

Guest bootstah

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Considering I got home at 3 PM and considered the tile floor of my apt as a comfortable place to sleep, I would guess they're feeling under the weather too.

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I really dont know where to begin....

This weekend from friday nite till sunday nite was one of the best we have ever had. To everyone that came in contact during the 3 day gala of sorts, thank you, it means alot to know how many great folks there are around here.

Natalie thanks for the wishes, im sure we will see u again sometime soon.

I have to thank Jamison for gryphon as well as biz and alan for being so kind at lc. Diego, im glad i made it by so i got to see u, i know u had fun, rbv's like always, lex nice to see u as well. that cake was awesome! and that was friday...

Saturday at Karu and Y to start off. Bruce that was most appreciated, im glad to have finally been able to check out Karu and it couldn't of happened any better nothing but thanks for all that u did, way beyond what i expected and just truly amazing. Those cabanas are great. Major(thanks for getting this gig in perfect timing!) playing some amazing music, the cabana and bottle, not to mention i have never seen that many hot women in one place ever! i am sure to be back! What a great precursor to the evening, will see you soon, this past weekend truly kicks off the party season! Seb and Kat, Coach and Annete and Rolly also very nice to see u all. Zach and Karen so happy that you guys decided to come hang with us over Lawler, we were happy that you guys were with us.

Space well what else can i say other than it was just as good as it is every week cept it was my bday so that made it all the more fun. Everyone who made it out, the chib, u were the first to find us and was nice to have u chillin at our table, what a mess. alki-i know ur on a plane to ibiza but like we discussed bing bang it up. Ryan and Sara been a lil while, great to see u both again, Ryan, google the word google! hehe, thanks! ;) Pod, just for doing what u do, nothing but fun like always, pics should be cool, and ill see u friday. Shaun, good to see u about, happy bday too! Diogo i saw u twice this weekend, good times. If i missed anyone, i will use my bday pass, although i i think i remembered most.

Of course the whole space family i don't think i could of asked for more, Ariel for meeting me outside like u had some esp or something to take care of the table, most appreciative. Gregory the welcome and wishes were awesome, we love you! Kirk, although i didn't see u at the door, thanks for taking care of a few guests who came later on, was much appreciated. Special thanks to Cedric for coming by my table before your set and wishing me a happy bday,(and playing a great set), nice that u were with Steve Lawler, that was great, lawler was really nice gave us bday wishes and pics. Gino at least you got there before we left, so we could chat, be seeing alot of u in the coming months. I don't think it could of gone any better, there truly is no place like space!

Thank god i took a vacation day today, no reason for one to have to work the day after their bday. To everyone that made it out and all the people that took care of us, i can say thank you all for making this one better then last. They have been getting bigger and better by the year, so till 08! ( next weekend will start the training regiment for the 08 gala, hehe:cool:)

see everyone soon.


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There was certainly a lot of fun to be had. I remember seeing you guys around 5, as I already had been at the club for an hour or so already. Drinking was had, and I remember mercilessly hitting on some girls.

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Guest tekniQz

Happy Post B-Day Riz and Kelly!!

Thank you to Major for being so nice and playing some excellent tunage.

Nice meeting everyone.You know who you are!!

Thanks to everyone.You are all truly class acts.

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Guest Major
Happy Post B-Day Riz and Kelly!!

Thank you to Major for being so nice and playing some excellent tunage.

Nice meeting everyone.You know who you are!!

Thanks to everyone.You are all truly class acts.

Hope you got your vote in on time:)

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Guest tekniQz
Hope you got your vote in on time:)

Major you and i both know you love Erick Morillo!!

If that's the vote you speak of.It's already in and if ya don't mind i made a profile in your name voting numerous times for Mr.Morillo using your name.Just so that in the event you forgot.



Thanks again for everything Major!!!

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