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Always the Nice Guy


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It always seems like I'm the nice guy to the girls - they all come and cry on my shoulder but wouldnt sleep with me, saying I'm too nice. then they go off and get hurt by all the playas, come back and whine about it to me. if women always talk about relationships, then why do they do this to themselves?

Ladies? Whats your opinion?

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Guest xfactor834

I'm not a lady, but here's my take:

Women, just like men, like to be in control of their lives. Just about everyone does.

If a girl is rejected by a guy, or is treated like shit by a guy, she obviously doesn't like that.

There are two possible continuations at this point. If the guy who treats the girl like shit looks bad, then the girl wouldn't care anyway because the guy is nasty.

But if the guy looks good, now the girl starts wondering what's wrong with herself, and tries to prove to the guy that she's acceptable for him.

Thus, girls get caught up in a circle trying to prove themselves to people who are just playing them. This is sad.

There are other factors too. If a girl's mother happened to be abused, and if the girl's mother married and went out with people who treated her like shit, most likely the daughter will follow the same path.

Bottom line: NEVER change yourself for someone else. Never try and alter your being just to please and satisfy others. This is different from sacrificing. We always should try and sacrifice for our loved ones.

But if a girl doesn't like you for who you are, or if a guy doesn't like you for who you are, then turn your back and walk.

No one needs trash in his/her life.

I could write a book on this topic.



Power is nothing without control

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There's a little more to this. He's caught in the 'nice guy' syndrome.

Don't be the 'nice guy'. Nice guys are pushovers 99% of the time. I'm not saying don't be a good person, but sometimes being good doesn't mean the simple definition of just being nice. The most important thing is to be yourself, confident, and honest (well, most of the time).

Don't ever be a pushover, and don't let yourself be used for anything, even mental support. The rest will come to you. That's all I'm going to say...

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OK...here is my honest opinion on this subject...

Yes, there is such a thing as being too nice...its unfortunate, but its true...

First, some women, like men, like a challenge...it sucks, but its true...

Second, if you are a total pushover, agreeing with everything she says, doing whateever she tells you, then you look like a wimp, with no mind of your own...

Third, you have to consider that the girls who are telling you they just wanna be friends, really are not attracted to you, you don't do it for them...

Fourth, women, for some reason, think they can change people and some women look for that, (back to the challange issue)...they want to find someone they can mold into the perfect man...

Keep your head up, you'll find the right one, but its not easy, it never is!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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aww sweetheart... i would offer advise, but all my buddies got it covered... im just here offering my support cause you're in a shitty situation definitely, but remember tomorrow's always another day and thing's will get better...

good luck with everything!!!

~mooney cwm38.gif



life's a ride... pack light...


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I'm just getting past my nice guyness. I had two girls who I was interested in tell me that they wanted to be no more than friends. They wouldn't want to ruin the good friendship that we had. I don't mind this too much, but when it comes two weeks apart, it's a crushing blow. I'v ealways been the "nice guy" I guess I still am, because I passed up an opportunity to move a casual flirtation to the next level on saturday night. She was drunk, and I was sober. We messed around a little bit at a bar, but I decided not to take it to the next level because she was drunk, or at least more than me. I didn't want to take advantage, and I didn't want sex with womeone that was drunk while I was stone cold sober and not planning on drinking. At four in the morning, rather than follow her to after hours, I gave her a good night kiss and went home, kicking myself the whole way. Shit, I'm still kicking myself for being such a nice guy that i can't help it sometimes.







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Guest boyfrombklyn

Just be yourself. If a girl doesn't like you for who you are, then fuck her! Believe me, there are plenty of girls out there who will. It just takes time finding them. Some girls have admitted to me that they sometimes like when guys treat them like shit (something I'll never understand), but you shouldn't have to change the way you are just to impress some girl, or anyone for that matter!

When it rains, it pours!!

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Originally posted by fatherian:

they all come and cry on my shoulder but wouldnt sleep with me,

Tell the bitch, if she wants to put her head on your shoulder, she's gotta take your head in her mouth.

I mean, WTF? Do guys ever go crying to girls? Why the fuck do they think we care? And if you DO go crying to girls about your sad-ass love life, then I think you just answered your own question.


*i'm in love with the modern world*

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