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Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory

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My boyfriend said he was able to see lots of different contrails as he drove across the country last week so he looked it up, finding this. Its not impossible....what are your thoughts?

The Chemtrail conspiracy theory claims that some trails left behind jet aircraft are different in appearance and quality from those of normal contrails, may be composed of harmful chemicals, and that these different contrails are being deliberately produced, and covered up by the government. These unusual trails are referred to as "chemtrails" (a portmanteau of "chemical trails").

The belief is that a chemical and/or biological agent of some sort is being released. The term "chemtrail" does not refer to common forms of aerial dumping (e.g. crop dusting, cloud seeding or aerial firefighting). It specifically refers to systematic, high-altitude dumping of unknown substances for undisclosed purposes, resulting in the appearance of these unusual contrails.

180px-X-Chem-Contrails.jpg magnify-clip.png

Chemtrail advocates say these trails are often laid down in patterns, such as grids, Xs and crosshatches.

The chemtrail theory apparently first achieved prominence in mid-to-late New Years - 1990s Domain Name for Sale - New Year's Eve Party Guide and Nightlife Information.[1][2] Chemtrails have been discussed on radio programs hosted by Art Bell and Jeff Rense with investigative journalist William Thomas who first reported on chemtrails.[3] According to a FAQ[4] posted at Jeff Rense's website, "chemtrails (CTs) look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of X's, tic-tac-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mares' tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join together, forming a thin white veil or a 'fake cirrus-type cloud' that persists for hours."

More: Chemtrail conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Guest JMT

people have way too much free time on their hands.

different air pressures and temperatures treat contrails differently. there are many planes taking off from the same airports within minutes of each other and using the same flight paths. the airport doesn't move, the contrails do.

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