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Bush Secretly Authorized Torture

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October 4, 2007

Secret U.S. Endorsement of Severe Interrogations


WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 — When the Justice Department publicly declared torture “abhorrent†in a legal opinion in December 2004, the Bush administration appeared to have abandoned its assertion of nearly unlimited presidential authority to order brutal interrogations.

But soon after Alberto R. Gonzales’s arrival as attorney general in February 2005, the Justice Department issued another opinion, this one in secret. It was a very different document, according to officials briefed on it, an expansive endorsement of the harshest interrogation techniques ever used by the Central Intelligence Agency.

The new opinion, the officials said, for the first time provided explicit authorization to barrage terror suspects with a combination of painful physical and psychological tactics, including head-slapping, simulated drowning and frigid temperatures.

Mr. Gonzales approved the legal memorandum on “combined effects†over the objections of James B. Comey, the deputy attorney general, who was leaving his job after bruising clashes with the White House. Disagreeing with what he viewed as the opinion’s overreaching legal reasoning, Mr. Comey told colleagues at the department that they would all be “ashamed†when the world eventually learned of it.

Later that year, as Congress moved toward outlawing “cruel, inhuman and degrading†treatment, the Justice Department issued another secret opinion, one most lawmakers did not know existed, current and former officials said. The Justice Department document declared that none of the C.I.A. interrogation methods violated that standard.

Secret U.S. Endorsement of Severe Interrogations - New York Times

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Guest dre4

if it is necessary to prevent an attack and save just one life, it is well worth it

many of these terrorist suspects don't deserve any freedoms. that is the price you pay for being a terrorist

the lefties need to grow a spine for once

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Guest obby
if it is necessary to prevent an attack and save just one life, it is well worth it

many of these terrorist suspects don't deserve any freedoms. that is the price you pay for being a terrorist

the lefties need to grow a spine for once

^ what he said!

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Guest trancepriest
if it is necessary to prevent an attack and save just one life, it is well worth it

many of these terrorist suspects don't deserve any freedoms. that is the price you pay for being a terrorist

the lefties need to grow a spine for once

Terrorist suspects is the key phrase. I guess the "lefties" would be Army generals that are against torture. Since torture is against the UCMJ... I would like you to find anyone serving in the military that openly supports torture. I guess the entire military is "lefties".

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Guest Buck White

Ugh, I can't take it anymore. Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist Terrorist. Jesus fucking Harold Christ would you please remove this word from our lexicon.

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Guest trancepriest

Now the Republicans are calling all service personnel lefties... lol. Because the military doesn't support torture.

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Guest coach

Wait, this was a secret?

Anyone scared enough of the terrorists to support torture is the coward. Talk about needing to grow a spine.

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Guest dre4

sometimes it's necessary, especially if a threat is imminent, sometimes it's not. i've heard from several soldiers that would openly support torturing some of these suspects if it weren't for the ucmj rules. They mentioned it would have helped them to prevent further attacks and save innocent lives. Sometimes there isn't the time to go through the arduous judicial process. Wake up everyone. This isn't about hating bush anymore. Europe is next on the list to be overtaken by extremist islamics. Their immigration problems from these middle east countries have exacerbated beyond any control.

while the majority of this country is sitting pretty behind their computers, ripping on the people who would benefit from these "immoral" techniques, there are real people out there making a difference.

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Guest drlogic

on a serious note...I'm with you brutha!

If only these same critics actually showed the same passion when women and children are stoned to death,,,or inoccent people are beheaded by knives duller than spoons then burned and hung from bridges....maybe they might have an argument..but they don't!

libz by def. are miserable, tortured souls.

Today's libz truley illustrate what Lenin meant when he called communist sympathizers in the west "useful idiots".

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What i really want to know is where do you draw the line when deciding when it going too far? Its not like as if the US government is acting selflessly when invading these countries so why use that angle as an excuse? The bottom line of these wars is NOT to help those women and children being stoned, who the hell are you kidding.

As despicable as these acts are, thats their country. If their people aren't starting a revolt because of how they are being treated who the hell are we to do so? Why change the course of a country just because our overconsuming country wants more resources? History will always repeat itself and the superpowers always end up self destructing. I don't understand why people can't learn.

The technology that is being created to save the environment and our world is instead being used to kill people, advance biological warfare and further line politicians' pockets.


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Guest drlogic
Dude the military itself doesn't support torture... are they Liberals?

on paper, NO,,,U'r right.

in reality...C'MON SON!!!!!!

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on paper, NO,,,U'r right.

in reality...C'MON SON!!!!!!

Dude, i'm gonna get a lot of shit for this but there are tons of trigger happy psycho fucks in the military that would relish disemboweling someone just for the thrill of it. Thats the nature of the beast. Does that mean that the military is pro-torture?

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Guest drlogic
What i really want to know is where do you draw the line when deciding when it going too far? Its not like as if the US government is acting selflessly when invading these countries so why use that angle as an excuse? The bottom line of these wars is NOT to help those women and children being stoned, who the hell are you kidding.

As despicable as these acts are, thats their country. If their people aren't starting a revolt because of how they are being treated who the hell are we to do so? Why change the course of a country just because our overconsuming country wants more resources? History will always repeat itself and the superpowers always end up self destructing. I don't understand why people can't learn.

The technology that is being created to save the environment and our world is instead being used to kill people, advance biological warfare and further line politicians' pockets.


Bottom line...

U and I see the threat terrorism poses differnetly. You seem to imply it's just a nuisance. I see the threat as much more and the only issue of importance right now...given that w/out security from this threat, all other matters are irrelevant.

I don't think you see the threat for what it is and you think I'm reading too much into this threat. If you're wrong, we're all dead, If I'm wrong we're not.

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Guest dre4

The decision to go to war was terribly wrong, but now we are there and we have to deal with the consequences TODAY. I'm sick of hearing people say we should have never gone in there. Great, I agree, but move on. One bad decision doesn't make every other decision that emanates from the original decision invalid or wrong. Every country acts with their own interests in mind. Let's not forget the reason the French and Germans didn't support this war. When you have a fraction of the soldiers over there guarding the oil facilities and the reconstruction efforts of American companies, I'd say that the bottom line of this war has transformed into helping these women and children, because in the long run, protecting them is better for evil companies like Haliburton's profits, as well as for the standard of living of these people. Our soldiers over there definitely care for the well being of the Iraqi citizens and are acting accordingly. Now what our politicians care about is a different story, but most of them will end up burning in hell anyway.

It is their country, but they cannot stand on their own two feet yet. A revolt would be admirable, but not effective. There are thousands of Iraqi's everyday helping the coalition forces in ways most people do not know about both in eradicating the terrorists and rebuilding their nation. Not to mention their lives are in danger everyday. That's courage. So just because you don't see a revolt does not mean that they are not helping their country. I doubt 99% of the people in this country would do anything if they received letters from al-queda or some other fanatic organization saying that if you go to work tomorrow, your entire family is dead.

Will the US self-destruct? Maybe, but that is just because they, along with the UK realize that this is not a pretty world, and sometimes you need to get dirty to take care of things. With more help more things would get done. As much as people would love to see the US fall, their ignorance in not seeing how this would effect everyone in this world is shocking. Hey at least we're trying and we aren't guilty of the terrible sins of omissions committed by countless people and nations in this difficult world.

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Guest dre4

I don't think you see the threat for what it is and you think I'm reading too much into this threat. If you're wrong, we're all dead, If I'm wrong we're not.


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