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Carter says U.S. tortures prisoners

Guest trancepriest

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Guest trancepriest

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States tortures prisoners in violation of international law, former President Carter said Wednesday.

"I don't think it. I know it," Carter told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

"Our country for the first time in my life time has abandoned the basic principle of human rights," Carter said. "We've said that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to those people in Abu Ghraib prison and Guantanamo, and we've said we can torture prisoners and deprive them of an accusation of a crime to which they are accused."

Carter also said President Bush creates his own definition of human rights.

Carter's comments come on the heels of an October 4 article in The New York Times disclosing the existence of secret Justice Department memorandums supporting the use of "harsh interrogation techniques." These include "head-slapping, simulated drowning and frigid temperatures," according to the Times.

The White House last week confirmed the existence of the documents but would not make them public.

Responding to the newspaper report Friday, Bush defended the techniques used, saying, "This government does not torture people."

Asked about Bush's comments, Carter said, "That's not an accurate statement if you use the international norms of torture as has always been honored -- certainly in the last 60 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was promulgated.

"But you can make your own definition of human rights and say we don't violate them, and you can make your own definition of torture and say we don't violate them." Watch Blitzer's interview with the former president »

After reading a transcript of Carter's remarks, a senior White House official said, "Our position is clear. We don't torture."

The official said, "It's just sad to hear a former president speak like that."

Carter also criticized some of the 2008 Republican presidential candidates, calling former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani "foolish" for his contention the United States should be open to use force on Iran.

"I hope that he doesn't become president and try to impose his conviction that we need to go to war with Iran," Carter said.

CNN was attempting to get a response from the Giuliani campaign.

The former president didn't spare the rest of the GOP field either.

"They all seem to be outdoing each other in who wants to go to war first with Iran, who wants to keep Guantanamo open longer and expand its capacity -- things of that kind," Carter said.

"They're competing with each other to appeal to the ultra-right-wing, war-mongering element in our country, which I think is the minority of our total population."

Carter declined to say which Republican candidate he feared the most.

"If I condemn one of them, it might escalate him to the top position in the Republican ranks," he said.

Democratic Sens. Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois also drew Carter's criticism for refusing recently to pledge to withdraw all troops from Iraq by the end of their first terms if they win the presidency in 2008.

"I disagree with their basic premise that we'll still be there; I think the American people want out," Carter said. "If there is an unforeseen development where Iraqi people request American presence over a period of time I think that would possibly be acceptable, but that's not my personal preference."

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i was watching the republican debate last night...and i noticed that all of the rep candidates (other than ron paul) now feel that it is ok to go to war without approval of congress. what the hell is that??? because of what bush has done, there is now a precedent that the president (like that play on words?) has authority to act alone....this is absolutely insane. like he is the only one with the country's best interests at heart. this goes against what this country was founded on, and leaves the decision to go to war in the hands of one person. there is supposed to be a separation of powers in this country, and bush has eroded that in the name of "national security".

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Guest coach
"Our country for the first time in my life time has abandoned the basic principle of human rights," Carter said.

Waaaait a second, he's older than that! Wasn't he alive during WW2 when we threw a bunch of people in concentration camps! How about the civil rights era (or previous to that) where we had to have the military force integration? How about Vietnam and Korea where we carpet-bombed innocent villages and sprayed farmers with agent orange? I think Jimmy is getting a little senile.

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Guest trancepriest
How about Vietnam and Korea where we carpet-bombed innocent villages and sprayed farmers with agent orange?

You forgot about Cambodia too.

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Guest trancepriest
The government in general does not have the peoples' interests at heart. It's just another "industry" to get rich in.

Or a mechanism for the plutocrats to increase and protect their wealth, power and prestige.

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Guest drlogic

Carter? Pffft!

Might as well take advice from Captain Kangaroo or even Mr. Magoo. Stick to growing peanuts and Habitat for Humanity. Besides, who loses an election by 49 states to 1? LOL I think I saw him on "the great space coaster" once.

Taken from another poster :

Carter is a perfect example......Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

I remember paying 22% interest on a tax agreement with the IRS, home loans at 14% and GMAC car loans for 18%. He should hang his head in shame for his Iran mess. Anyone remember gas lines, only on odd or even days and then maybe getting 5 gallons? Oh yes, he should talk!!

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Guest slamminshaun
i was watching the republican debate last night...and i noticed that all of the rep candidates (other than ron paul) now feel that it is ok to go to war without approval of congress. what the hell is that??? because of what bush has done, there is now a precedent that the president (like that play on words?) has authority to act alone....this is absolutely insane. like he is the only one with the country's best interests at heart. this goes against what this country was founded on, and leaves the decision to go to war in the hands of one person. there is supposed to be a separation of powers in this country, and bush has eroded that in the name of "national security".

If the issue came up at the Democratic debate the answer would have been exactly the same. Tell me why exactly people elected Democrats to congress? To end the war, right? Check out what Nancy Pelosi had to say today....


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Guest drlogic
If the issue came up at the Democratic debate the answer would have been exactly the same. Tell me why exactly people elected Democrats to congress? To end the war, right? Check out what Nancy Pelosi had to say today....


Shaun, I know you do this 4 fun,,,as do I. But it's like beating a dead horse. These folks are completely consumed by hate.

If this admin would have a press conference in the middle of a blizzard and say it's snowing, these same people would likely claim he was lying.

I feel you though, I like playing w/ 'em cause it keeps me on my toes. As funny as some of their logic seems, ulitmately I do pity them.

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Guest RzO
Shaun, I know you do this 4 fun,,,as do I. But it's like beating a dead horse. These folks are completely consumed by hate.

If this admin would have a press conference in the middle of a blizzard and say it's snowing, these same people would likely claim he was lying.

I feel you though, I like playing w/ 'em cause it keeps me on my toes. As funny as some of their logic seems, ulitmately I do pity them.

yah that is why he has the worst approval rating and its also why the country is as polarized as its even been in history. you must be kidding with all that swill you speak. I mean seriously look around you, most are not in that court, the GOP is in shambles(good for them) and almost all in the 08 race have defected from the president. So what does that tell you?

Don't worry, everything is fine, the administration is great. i know everyone has political beliefs, whether based on family and ridiculous banter or substance (which most don't have ) there will always be disagreement on issues. At this point to even be on the side of what is happening parallels betting on the dolphins right now, plain retarded.

So pity you say? I don't see the relation, the majority have spoken, partisan politics aside, our country as a collective society has realized its time for a change. The gubernatorial elections proved it quite well, both houses are back, now you all get to sit on the minority area, and thank god for it.

Everyone believes what they want for a certain reason, but by watching fox news and listening to Rush Limbaugh(oh lets talk about people who do drugs but i am an oc junkie, remember that one? another prize from the right side...) is not the way to show pride for our country, on the contrary just seeing what is going on around us and because of the direction of our leaders, it sternly points out the true problem. I'm no revolutionary but I do have a brain and using it to simply observe the state of affairs right now i can inductively come to the conclusion i have, which i so elegantly pointed out in this post and others i have wrote. So I ask you, dr LOGIC to logically explain what is good about the current situation?

Politics are soo much fun! :cool:

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Guest trancepriest
Hold the phone....who controls Congress? Their approval rating is actually LOWER than Bush's.

Only because they are too scared to impeach Bush and stop the war. The same reason why every politician supports Israel so much... scared of the backlash.

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Guest slamminshaun
Only because they are too scared to impeach Bush and stop the war. The same reason why every politician supports Israel so much... scared of the backlash.

I thought they were voted into power to impeach Bush and stop the war???? What happened? Now they're talking like war hawks! With Democrats like these, who needs Republicans.

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Guest drlogic
yah that is why he has the worst approval rating and its also why the country is as polarized as its even been in history. you must be kidding with all that swill you speak. I mean seriously look around you, most are not in that court, the GOP is in shambles(good for them) and almost all in the 08 race have defected from the president. So what does that tell you?

Don't worry, everything is fine, the administration is great. i know everyone has political beliefs, whether based on family and ridiculous banter or substance (which most don't have ) there will always be disagreement on issues. At this point to even be on the side of what is happening parallels betting on the dolphins right now, plain retarded.

So pity you say? I don't see the relation, the majority have spoken, partisan politics aside, our country as a collective society has realized its time for a change. The gubernatorial elections proved it quite well, both houses are back, now you all get to sit on the minority area, and thank god for it.

Everyone believes what they want for a certain reason, but by watching fox news and listening to Rush Limbaugh(oh lets talk about people who do drugs but i am an oc junkie, remember that one? another prize from the right side...) is not the way to show pride for our country, on the contrary just seeing what is going on around us and because of the direction of our leaders, it sternly points out the true problem. I'm no revolutionary but I do have a brain and using it to simply observe the state of affairs right now i can inductively come to the conclusion i have, which i so elegantly pointed out in this post and others i have wrote. So I ask you, dr LOGIC to logically explain what is good about the current situation?

Politics are soo much fun! :cool:


c'mon now scooter,,,,,,you forgot to mention haliburton.

What is good is that we had someone in office who didn't stick his finger in the air to see which way the wind was blowing before deciding to defend the country he was elected to lead.

If you know me by now, you'll know there is plenty I'm disgusted w/ as far as this Bush admin is concerned but taking a stand against an enemy who wants us all dead is not one of 'em.

As for the parties(REP/DEM), both are repugnant to me right now. the right, because I expected better of them. The left, cause they behave like traitors.

Remember, the left held congress for 40 yrs. until Newt's "contract w/ America". You beloved left has nothing to be proud of regarding it's wars on poverty and education. You folks should hang your head in shame the way you treat our military, closing bases, handing out pink slips, cutting funds for our intel.......but still found time to feed the poor in Somalia and paint churches in Haiti. Yeah, that's what folks join the military for?????? It's no surprise we were unprepared for 9/11.

Where you and I differ is that I respect a man more who tries and fails, than one who just tries to skate by as did our prev. prez. But that's all water under the bridge now.

Don't you wonder why your beloved Demz can never campaign on their vision? They have to motivate the misguided and mental migets in this country to vote against the other guy, rather than FOR them. Reason is obvious,,,if they actually campagined on what they stood for(higher taxes, redistribution of wealth, impotent military, etc...), they'd never EVER win an election. So they feed all you wild banshees red meat in the form of concocted pseudo-scandals to distract you from their ultimate goal of governing OVER you, not FOR you.

You folks behave like bitter, physically ugly, social misfits desperate for attn. and acceptance into the mainstream.

Do you hold your leftist leaders in the Dem party to the same standards you demand from Repz? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say....HELL NO!

I on the other hand do. When's the last time you said anything bad about a dem? LOL does it not strike you as odd that according to the press, the Repz don't do ANYTHING right? Hello??? Even the worst of the worst get some things right from time to time. I could be wrong, but you've had too much Kool-Aid.

Ta-ta 4 now, sweetlips!

Don't call me logic....I like "sexy"....or maybe "mr.fantastic".....LMMFAO!!!!

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Guest slamminshaun

I was looking at the title of the thread, and I have to admit....Carter has plenty of credibility. Nobody knows more about torture than Jimmy Carter. For 4 straight years, he tortured this country with 20% interest rates, wacky inflation, long lines at the gas pump, and acting like a pussy to the Soviets.... ( =

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