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The "I Have A Confession To Make" thread

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Go ahead and post some innocent, silly bad deeds that you have done in he past from any part of your life.

Let's see how interesting this thread can get...

I'll start....

While walking on the way to school in the 9th grade I passed by a house with a car (a Ford Tempo to be exact) idling in the driveway while the owner was still the house.

I jumped in the car and drove it to school. Then I drove it back home after school (but parked it a few blocks from my house).

I drove it to school the next day and then the next.

Later that weekend I found myself driving around my friends in it.

I drove the car for about 1 month.

I even drove to Canada and back with it in that span.

Then about 1 month after I took the car, I drove it back to the house where I 'borrowed' it from early one morning and left it in the person's driveway the way I found it, idling and waiting for it's rightful owner to jump in it and go to work...

PS I was also kind enough to put some gas in the tank....

What say you???

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Guest lulamishka

There was a message board I used to read back in '98 or '99 that started a thread similar to this... Called it, "I dare you..." And in it people posted some REALLY FREAKIN DEEP stuff. But there's no way in hell I'd do something like that here, cuz I know too many of you peeps here compared to that message board full of strangers. Made for a really interested read, though.

Anyway, thought I'd share that since your thread reminded me of it.

p.s. Terry, please friggin' have Dan change your screen name! I'm so not used to swirlundergrounder anymore! :P

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Guest swirlundergrounder
There was a message board I used to read back in '98 or '99 that started a thread similar to this... Called it, "I dare you..." And in it people posted some REALLY FREAKIN DEEP stuff. But there's no way in hell I'd do something like that here, cuz I know too many of you peeps here compared to that message board full of strangers. Made for a really interested read, though.

Anyway, thought I'd share that since your thread reminded me of it.

p.s. Terry, please friggin' have Dan change your screen name! I'm so not used to swirlundergrounder anymore! :P

I want to have Dan change my screen name but for some reason I can't remember how to spell it out in the funky manner that I did...

Anyways this thread is by no means meant to be a a serious, reveal your deep dark secrets thread..

It aimed for funny and humorous events...

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Guest jona7
Go ahead and post some innocent, silly bad deeds that you have done in he past from any part of your life.

Let's see how interesting this thread can get...

I'll start....

While walking on the way to school in the 9th grade I passed by a house with a car (a Ford Tempo to be exact) idling in the driveway while the owner was still the house.

I jumped in the car and drove it to school. Then I drove it back home after school (but parked it a few blocks from my house).

I drove it to school the next day and then the next.

Later that weekend I found myself driving around my friends in it.

I drove the car for about 1 month.

I even drove to Canada and back with it in that span.

Then about 1 month after I took the car, I drove it back to the house where I 'borrowed' it from early one morning and left it in the person's driveway the way I found it, idling and waiting for it's rightful owner to jump in it and go to work...

PS I was also kind enough to put some gas in the tank....

What say you???

WTF!??! and the person you borrowed it from never found out? thats some crazy shit..how'd you get in the car in the first place??

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Guest lulamishka
I want to have Dan change my screen name but for some reason I can't remember how to spell it out in the funky manner that I did...

Anyways this thread is by no means meant to be a a serious, reveal your deep dark secrets thread..

It aimed for funny and humorous events...

Well then think up a new way to spell it out, damnit! :P

I have a funny confession of the worst lie I ever told. But its funnier to say in person, as it would be a long typed explanation of how it went down.

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Guest trancepriest
Go ahead and post some innocent, silly bad deeds that you have done in he past from any part of your life.

Let's see how interesting this thread can get...

I'll start....

While walking on the way to school in the 9th grade I passed by a house with a car (a Ford Tempo to be exact) idling in the driveway while the owner was still the house.

I jumped in the car and drove it to school. Then I drove it back home after school (but parked it a few blocks from my house).

I drove it to school the next day and then the next.

Later that weekend I found myself driving around my friends in it.

I drove the car for about 1 month.

I even drove to Canada and back with it in that span.

Then about 1 month after I took the car, I drove it back to the house where I 'borrowed' it from early one morning and left it in the person's driveway the way I found it, idling and waiting for it's rightful owner to jump in it and go to work...

PS I was also kind enough to put some gas in the tank....

What say you???

Have you stolen anything recently?

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Guest swank
I want to have Dan change my screen name but for some reason I can't remember how to spell it out in the funky manner that I did...

I've been trying to remember for the last couple of weeks, and for the life of me am drawing a blank too.....:P

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Guest JMT

This particular event happened last summer on my uncle's farm in Virginia. My brother and I had just finished cutting a field of hay, and were enjoying the evening meal under the shade of an elm tree. He went down for water by the creek and when he was gone, I took a bowl that was filled with delicious plum pudding and placed into it, not one, but two large pieces of sheep shit. When he returned I encouraged him to taste the plum pudding... and as sure as I'm standing before you, he did! He ate it all. Shit pudding! He ate shit pudding!

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Guest yume

A while back I dated a young single mom for a while. Not too long after we had started dating, we were going at it hard one night. A lot of dirty talk, slapping, choking and shit.

All of a sudden we turn around and see her 4 year old boy sitting in the back of the room watching us. We didn't know how long he had been there.

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Guest swirlundergrounder
A while back I dated a young single mom for a while. Not too long after we had started dating, we were going at it hard one night. A lot of dirty talk, slapping, choking and shit.

All of a sudden we turn around and see her 4 year old boy sitting in the back of the room watching us. We didn't know how long he had been there.


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Guest swirlundergrounder
This particular event happened last summer on my uncle's farm in Virginia. My brother and I had just finished cutting a field of hay, and were enjoying the evening meal under the shade of an elm tree. He went down for water by the creek and when he was gone, I took a bowl that was filled with delicious plum pudding and placed into it, not one, but two large pieces of sheep shit. When he returned I encouraged him to taste the plum pudding... and as sure as I'm standing before you, he did! He ate it all. Shit pudding! He ate shit pudding!

Did you ever tell him?

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Guest swirlundergrounder
WTF!??! and the person you borrowed it from never found out? thats some crazy shit..how'd you get in the car in the first place??
The door was wode open and the car was running in the driveway.

If you live in a cold climate, it is customary for people to warm up their cars prior to driving in the morning because their engines will stall if they don't...

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Guest trancepriest

Did you also shoplift as a kid? I imagine if you were stealing cars then you were shoplifting too? Back in the day i tried to steal a VGA board.. this is like back in 1990. I grabbed it and just walked out of the store with it. After getting about 50 meters from the store I looked back and saw one of the workers coming after me. I went into a bookstore and stashed the card then went right up to the worker and told him that I would show him where I stashed the card if he let me go. He agreed and I pointed in the general direction of where I placed it on the shelf and bolted. The store was located across from the Broward Mall at the time and I didn't have a car. I had to wait 30 minutes for a bus all the time looking out for the cops and thinking I was going to be arrested. That's the last time I ever shop lifted.

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Guest swirlundergrounder
Did you also shoplift as a kid? I imagine if you were stealing cars then you were shoplifting too? Back in the day i tried to steal a VGA board.. this is like back in 1990. I grabbed it and just walked out of the store with it. After getting about 50 meters from the store I looked back and saw one of the workers coming after me. I went into a bookstore and stashed the card then went right up to the worker and told him that I would show him where I stashed the card if he let me go. He agreed and I pointed in the general direction of where I placed it on the shelf and bolted. The store was located across from the Broward Mall at the time and I didn't have a car. I had to wait 30 minutes for a bus all the time looking out for the cops and thinking I was going to be arrested. That's the last time I ever shop lifted.
Well this one time me and a friend where at a party in high school and we had no beer.

One of my friends who at the time I was in a fight with told our beer buyer (someone we knew who was over 21 at the time) not to buy beer for me.

So me and another buddy ended up at a 7-11 about 1 mile from the party and we sat in front of it bootlegging (trying to get someone to buy beer for us 16 year old minors).

No one would buy us beer.

Then about 45 minutes of standing in front of the 7-11, my buddy who I was in a fight with drove by the 7-11 with our beer buyer in the car and they drove by us and rolled down the window and started making fun of us and waving their bottles of beer out the window, taunting us.

I looked at my friend and said fuck this!

So we came up with a plan.

I told him to walk into the store and start acting suspicious and to grab as much stuff as he could and go up to the counter and dump it all at the cash register and pretend like he was going to buy it.

In the meantime while the clerk was distracted ringing up my friends pile of items, the plan was for me to grab 2 cases of beer (two 24 packs of Budweiser to be exact) and run out the door and run back to the party.

Well we did just that!

Except after I grabbed the beer and ran out the door another clerk came out of nowhere and jumped over the counter and ran after me.

As he caught up to me and reached out to grab me, I turned around and threw the case of beer at him. All the cans flew out of the paper box onto him..LOL

I kept on running with the second case of beer.

Then after about 1/4 of a mile the bottom of the case of beer started to tear and before you knew it most of the beer cans fell out of the box and onto thee street.

After running about a 1/2 of a mile the police swarmed the area and in a matter of minute there were cop cars everywhere. I ended up throwing away the few cans of beer/evidence away in someone's yard.

After doing that I climbed over someone's fence into their back yard and hid in the shadows of their chimney for about 20 minutes watching all the cop cars drive by until they were gone.

I was still about 1/2 of a mile away from the party.

There was no way I was going to walk in the street with cars passing by so I spent the next hour creeping from yard to yard, tree to tree and bush to bush to get back to the party.

I got back to the party and my shirt was all ripped up, my jeans were dirty, there was grass in my hair and i had cuts all over me from twigs cutting me up.

I came back to the party empty handed with no beer.

Worst of all my friend (who at the time I was in a fight with) had all the beer with him and he had all the girls around him...


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Guest trancepriest

You definitely have such interesting stories Terry. 2 cases of beer dude? You were just going to walk back to the party with 2 cases of beer?

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Guest swirlundergrounder
You definitely have such interesting stories Terry. 2 cases of beer dude? You were just going to walk back to the party with 2 cases of beer?
Listen TP. When you do something like that it's all or nothing!
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Guest trancepriest
Listen TP. When you do something like that it's all or nothing!

You tell some good stories. Have you ever thought of script writing?

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Guest coach

My big confession is that I supported the Iraq war when it started. I really did think that Hussein had WMDs. I really did think that we would just walk in like we did in Afghanistan. I really did think that all the Iraqi's would be hailing us as liberators. Seriously.

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