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Guest web_norah

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Guest web_norah

religion for children....wtf is wrong with people today?

This video has been viewed more than 3.7 million times--not on Google's YouTube but on Godtube.com, the site's upstart competitor


Godtube, a user-generated content site that focuses on Christian-friendly videos and filters out profane or sexual references, became the single fastest-growing site on the Web just after launching in August, according to comScore Media Metrix. Chris Wyatt, the company's founder and chief executive, says the site attracts over 3 million unique visitors a month.

and yes, i am waiting for the Muslim haters to chime in with their 'Oh but Islam is worse than being a Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, etc'.

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Guest michael^heaven
religion for children....wtf is wrong with people today?

This video has been viewed more than 3.7 million times--not on Google's YouTube but on Godtube.com, the site's upstart competitor


and yes, i am waiting for the Muslim haters to chime in with their 'Oh but Islam is worse than being a Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, etc'.


So, what's wrong with a child reciting/memorizing a bible verse?

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Guest Buck White

If I was god, I would of done away with all of you little lying, littering, destructive, fornicating, selfish, avaricious, disrespectful, blasphemous motherfuckers a long time ago. You shit all over the earth...and you continually shit all over each other. It would be because you monkeys can't get along.... that I'd have to sew all of your assholes closed....and then continue to feed you...and feed you....and feed you....and feed you. All of you megalomaniacs, racists, warmongers, pontiffs and godless medical doctors ( who think they are me ) would suffer a fate far worse than the one just described. I created you retarded baboons with my love in my heart....yet, you have continually managed to destroy everything you touch. Jesus Christ, I must have been getting high when I came up with the blueprint for Adam and what's her name.

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Guest slamminshaun

Look, Norah just hates Christianity....period. In that context, I can see why anything that would advocate or advance that religion would piss her off. At least these children are memorizing verses that inspire peace and love....unlike these gems from the Koran:

Muslims are harsh against the unbelievers, merciful to one another. - 48:25

On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. - Sura 2:161

O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not guide an unjust people. - 5:54

Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. 66:9

Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. - Sura 2:98

Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute.

Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme. - Sura 2:193 and 8:39

Unbelievers are enemies of Allah and they will roast in hell. - 41:14

Do you want more quotes from the Koran? There's plenty of hate in that book to go around.

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Guest jbit

i dont think norah's as pissed with the messasge, but that it's been viewed 3.7 Mil times, thus confirming the power of the religoeus right in this country. Hate it if you want, but chritianity is the tie that binds a large part if this country.

The funniest part was reading the comments of the liberal morons claiming "child abuse".

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Guest pod

Sci-fi novel called Altered Carbon actually. Humankind achieves immortality through science, and predictably, organized religion freaks out. In the novel, religion is seen as an aberration, a quirk if you will. People tolerate it, but it's akin to how today's society looks at someone who doesn't have an email address.


One of the characters, a cop, mentions the line when they pass a group of Catholic protesters, who are against a law which demands the resurrection of a person if he or she was the victim of a crime. The main character is from off-world, and doesn't even know what a Catholic is. In this novel's universe, religion never caught on when people started moving off Earth.

Brings up a valid point though. The concepts in the book (and it's two sequels) are quite out there, but it does make you realize that more and more, as us as humans do more with science, the 'miracles' formerly prescribed to religion, will be dismissed as bull since science can easily replicate them, sans the whole guilt trip organized religion puts on you.

A century from now, I foresee a major conflict of scientific ideals versus religious dogma, as science will have progressed to the point where immortality, or at the very least an insanely long lifespan, will be possible, or pretty damn close to it.

Already we see this. Look at stem-cell research. Look at cloning. Half the whining in regards to these life-benefitting sciences is coming from the Vatican, the Southern Baptist Convention, and so forth.

My opinion is that organized religion stands in the way of true scientific and social progress.

If you want to believe in God/Allah/whomever, that's fine, but leave me out of it.

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Guest JMT
Hate it if you want, but chritianity is the tie that binds a large part if this country.


why is morality so intertwined with religion? they are not the same.

they are kinda like the chicken and the egg.

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Guest drlogic

i really don't see anything wrong w/ that? I don't care either way. But I agree, it does sound like Nora is pretty "anti-Christianity". That's too bad. Pity.

I do understand where she's coming from though..I disagree w/ her,,,,that's 4 sure..But i understand.....I view the "man made global warming hoax" the same...poor lil' kids are being spoon fed propaganda which blames man for global warming as if if were undeniable truth. Pity.

Personally, IN THE SPIRIT OF FAIRNESS, I see no problem w/ teaching theories of evolution along side w/ theories of intelligent design.

I personally believe w/out religion there would be chaos....religion pretty much keeps the human race in line.....well,,,,as "in-line" as we can be,,,i guess???? LOL What would people have to look forward in life if they believed.....if they're lucky,,,they'll live until their 70's and get burried and eaten by worms...? people would probably be out looting all over the place. Besides, I believe most of our current laws are derived from Judeo-Christian beliefs, are they not?

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Besides, I believe most of our current laws are derived from Judeo-Christian beliefs, are they not?

that's just rhetoric used to make people feel like they're right.

thou shalt not kill? thou shalt not steal? is there anything else? i don't think so. adultry is "legal", we are allowed to worship other things than God, too, right? what about jealousy? that's legal too.

so, no, we're not founded on judeo-christian beliefs. our laws are pretty simple, for society to exist. this is a case of tying morality to religion. they're not the same at all, in my opinion.

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Guest coach
Look, Norah just hates Christianity....period.

Wait, I thought you agreed with her. Aren't you an athiest?

Anyway, aside from any personal preferences, I think it is kind of dumb of the "christians" to make their own little space and post videos like this on it. If you want to reach out, why not post this on Youtube? It's a cute video and I bet most of you couldn't memorize that much text when you were that age, anyway.

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Guest coach
that's just rhetoric used to make people feel like they're right.

thou shalt not kill? thou shalt not steal? is there anything else? i don't think so. adultry is "legal", we are allowed to worship other things than God, too, right? what about jealousy? that's legal too.

so, no, we're not founded on judeo-christian beliefs. our laws are pretty simple, for society to exist. this is a case of tying morality to religion. they're not the same at all, in my opinion.

Umm... nearly all of the founding fathers were religious, some quite deeply so. A lot of what they used to construct our legal/governmental system grew out of historical documents that were indeed based on the Judeo-Christian stuff. A lot of it also drew from sources like the ancient Greek democracies.

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Guest slamminshaun
Wait, I thought you agreed with her. Aren't you an athiest?

Anyway, aside from any personal preferences, I think it is kind of dumb of the "christians" to make their own little space and post videos like this on it. If you want to reach out, why not post this on Youtube? It's a cute video and I bet most of you couldn't memorize that much text when you were that age, anyway.

See, you say it's dumb they created their own "Godtube", but ironically, liberal elitists would've protested them posting on Youtube if that's what they had done, a no-win situation by virute of being Christian....liberals like Norah demonstrate once again why liberalism means you are only tolerant of diversity as long as they're just like you.

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Guest web_norah
i dont think norah's as pissed with the messasge, but that it's been viewed 3.7 Mil times, thus confirming the power of the religoeus right in this country. Hate it if you want, but chritianity is the tie that binds a large part if this country.


(someone got the memo here)

i think it is totally scary how people use (INSERT RELIGION INCLINATION HERE) to manipulate children, a nation, political sectors......

Shaun, i've asked you again and again, to STOP labeling me without knowing what i believe or not believe in, there are many Christian values i admire on a personal level so please shut up already...for the most part, i detest religious 'anything', extremists namely, i don't appreciate people trying to slap their morals in the name of their own righteous agendas......

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Guest Buck White

(someone got the memo here)

i don't appreciate people trying to slap their morals in the name of their own righteous agendas......

Well, honey, you need to thank the lord you werent around during the papal inquisitions.

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Guest trancepriest

Liberal elitist... that sounds good for some strange reason. Can you call me a liberal elitist too SS? Pretty please.

The only religion in America is the worship of green. In my sojourns through this reality I've never once found a christian (i haven't visited the Amish yet). It's almost impossible to be a true christian in the western matrix. It's just not programmed into the code. People are way too worried about their material survival and the infrastructure wasn't built for any spirituality (religious or not). Whenever I see a professed christian.. I always ask them if they are greedy. As soon as they say no... I'm like ah ah.. you damn lying bastard. Then I proceed to ask them how much time they spend at their jobs vs in church. You see its simple.. what you do is who you are. Heck at least the muslims pray 6 times to Mecca in a day. The hindus and buddhist seek their non worldly enlightenment (i appreciate their non-pedophiliac monks too). The christians just work 60+ hour weeks and try to get more stuff (well at least the old breed). The more stuff you have the better christian you are. I like christian woman though... such kinky creatures. Sunday sex right after they come from church is the best.

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Guest web_norah
Well, honey, you need to thank the lord you werent around during the papal inquisitions.

i think my lucky charms and reincarnation karma....that's about it!

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Guest coach
See, you say it's dumb they created their own "Godtube",

Sorry, I only meant dumb from a marketing standpoint. I mean, by doing so, they are basically preaching to the choir.

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Guest coach
Liberal elitist... that sounds good for some strange reason. Can you call me a liberal elitist too SS? Pretty please.

The only religion in America is the worship of green. In my sojourns through this reality I've never once found a christian (i haven't visited the Amish yet). It's almost impossible to be a true christian in the western matrix. It's just not programmed into the code. People are way too worried about their material survival and the infrastructure wasn't built for any spirituality (religious or not). Whenever I see a professed christian.. I always ask them if they are greedy. As soon as they say no... I'm like ah ah.. you damn lying bastard. Then I proceed to ask them how much time they spend at their jobs vs in church. You see its simple.. what you do is who you are. Heck at least the muslims pray 6 times to Mecca in a day. The hindus and buddhist seek their non worldly enlightenment (i appreciate their non-pedophiliac monks too). The christians just work 60+ hour weeks and try to get more stuff (well at least the old breed). The more stuff you have the better christian you are. I like christian woman though... such kinky creatures. Sunday sex right after they come from church is the best.

Hmmm... so much wrong-thinking in this comment, I can't even begin to address it all in a timely fashion. I agree that much of the so-called Christian established has strayed far from Jesus' original teachings. I don't understand what you are talking about when you ask about work-time vs church-time, that's utterly irrelevant.

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Guest drlogic

haven't liberalism and tree huggin' become religions as well? I think there are many similarities in what libz claim religion pushes and what libz try imposing and shoving down everyones throats.

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