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Guest web_norah

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Guest web_norah
The sad thing is that people "need" the threat of possibly-fictional eternal damnation to stay "good".

i can name a few 'damned' non religion affiliated individuals who used to be party animals, scenesters, hedonists who became born again or turned to Yoga/ Buddha/ Islam and now they're deemed 'good' people, Nobel prize types....

anyone remember Prince's ex Apollonia? or Antony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers? they found God apparently.

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Guest trancepriest
Hmmm... so much wrong-thinking in this comment, I can't even begin to address it all in a timely fashion. I agree that much of the so-called Christian established has strayed far from Jesus' original teachings. I don't understand what you are talking about when you ask about work-time vs church-time, that's utterly irrelevant.

Most people work in corporate America. Which is a secular system... that means you have to leave your believes at the front door. You can't pray (in a recognizable manner) and you can't spread the gospel. You have to be apart of things that you don't believe in (like working with gays and heathens). Most christians don't think of the moral implications (compared to THEIR believe system) of being caught up into this entity. They are happy with the schizophrenia. Just like a woman that wears a G-string at the beach but then dies of embarrassment when someone sees her in panties and bra at home.

They don't think very much of the moral character of the company that they are working for. Collectively they commit sin and individually somehow hold themselves blameless. It's all a part of the worldly entanglements. Basically what I'm saying is christians don't care how they make their money. They also support their government in dubious wars for corporate profit.

Put it another way... 99% of christians can be lead astray by the dollar. How strong is your core religious believes if this is possible? I'll also go further and say corporate identity and christian identity is the same thing. Which is all a system of mass control.

If I was running a company I would love to hire christians. Chances are they would have kids, be married, have "professed" family values and have a house, car and don't do drugs. That by itself is the system of control. They need the money.

This worldly entanglements is why we created monks and priests. A group of people which are suppose to be above this need. No family, no woman and mostly no car (well at least buddhist monks LOL). In the West this class of people then became corrupted and loss their value. Which is a further spread of greed be that sexual or monetary. Very few people here could live an enlightened lifestyle. Corporate consumer identity and its influence is too widespread.

In the end what you do is who you are. Prosperity gospel here we come... Amen brother.

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Guest michael^heaven
Most people work in corporate America. Which is a secular system... that means you have to leave your believes at the front door. You can't pray (in a recognizable manner) and you can't spread the gospel. You have to be apart of things that you don't believe in (like working with gays and heathens). Most christians don't think of the moral implications of being caught up into this entity. They are happy with the schizophrenia. Just like a woman that wears a G-string at the beach but then dies of embarrassment when someone sees her in panties and bra at home.

They don't think very much of the moral character of the company that they are working for. Collectively they commit sin and individually somehow hold themselves blameless. It's all a part of the worldly entanglements. Basically what I'm saying is christians don't care how they make their money. They also support their government in dubious wars for corporate profit.

Put it another way... 99% of christians can be lead astray by the dollar. How strong is your core religious believes if this is possible? I'll also go further and say corporate identity and christian identity is the same thing.

To be honest & fair, it seems like you haven't met any true Christians in your life. By true, I am referring to individuals that have accepted Jesus in their hearts, all that goes with that, & that live their lives accordingly. Just because you have to work in 'Corporate America' with 'gays & heathens',as you say, does not make one any less of a Christian. I'm a perfect example, being a Christian, working for a large company & my boss is homosexual. Not sure if we have any heathens about but I'll let you know. lol.

Anyway, I wouldn't work for this company if they were killing babies or distributing crack. What would you say to the entry-level jobs at the toy companies that are distrubuting lead-filled products to children? How about chemists at pharmaceutical companies that make a drug to help people but it ends up hurting people? What about people that make cars? Cars pollute the environment. I could, basically, throw just about any company under the short bus for a multitude of reasons.

Oh, & I don't support the govt in 'dubious wars for corporate profits.'

Also, I hate to inform you that corporate identity is not the same as Christian identity. (Whatever that means)

I'm not trying to be mean but you seem a bit close minded by identifying all Christians as the radical right. We're not all fanatical, wack-jobs that throw their religion in the face of others but don't live as Jesus taught.;)

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Guest michael^heaven

BTW, I 'beefed up' my font, not to prove a point, but because I'm going freakin' blind reading all of this small print. One more thing that sucks about the upgrade.:P

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Guest trancepriest

Do you support abortion or gay rights? BTW far right christians are probably the true christians. The fact that you are not far right probably means that you don't go by the scriptures.

Anyway, I wouldn't work for this company if they were killing babies or distributing crack. What would you say to the entry-level jobs at the toy companies that are distrubuting lead-filled products to children? How about chemists at pharmaceutical companies that make a drug to help people but it ends up hurting people? What about people that make cars? Cars pollute the environment. I could, basically, throw just about any company under the short bus for a multitude of reasons.

Exactly. Lots of companies support killing babies though. The entire system leads to corruption and a christian caught up in it... more than likely is corrupt. Just like humanity as a whole is going astray.

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Guest michael^heaven

That's a tough one! I do support a woman's right to choose but I don't support the attitude of 'Oh, I can have casual, unprotected sex & just get an abortion.'

As far as gay rights, I think everyone is created equal & should have all the rights as everyone else. Regardless of race or sexual orientation.

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Guest michael^heaven

Actually, I try to follow the teachings in the scriptures very much so. However, I'm not perfect & the Bible is subject to interpretation. Especially, since it's been re-written 242587625102341 times.

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Guest trancepriest

Dude the ten commandments is not subject to interpretation. How simply can... THOU SHALT NOT KILL get? But even though its that simple you support abortions. You are not a true christian. If it's subject to so many interpretations.. why do you even believe in it?

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Guest michael^heaven

I don't support those late-term abortions which are a whole different story. This, of course, is a whole other argument.

Scenario: Let's say your mom gets car-jacked on the way home from work & gets brutally raped by some psycho on crack that's HIV positive. Abortion or no? I'm going with abortion.

I don't support the outright killing of an individual, hence the death penalty, but abortion in itself, as I said, is a tough one.

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Guest trancepriest

OK since the bible is subjected to so many interpretations. My take on it is that heaven is an alien planet and angels are astronauts. There was a war in heaven.. woe unto the inhabitants of earth for the opposers are amongst you. Don't let me start preaching brother. Me and and you are just the same.. true christians that don't believe in shit... talking on cooljunkie.

BTW when did christianity become about doing the most convenient thing? I'll tell you when... when corporate identity and christian identity merged. Ok I'm done preaching for the night.. back to my meditation chamber. Have a good day true christian.

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Guest michael^heaven

Actually, I thought we were having a good discussion.:(

My take on Heaven is that it's located in another dimension as are, also, demonic entities.

Yes, we are the same, I'm no better than yourself & vice versa. I do have many beliefs & being or trying to be the best Christian that I can be is a daily struggle. Especially, as you pointed out, in today's society. I'm not perfect & never claimed to be. I just try & lead a good life & be positive. I don't force my beliefs onto others but do enjoy discussing such subjects.

BTW, doing the most 'convenient thing' is usually not the 'right thing.';)

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Guest pod

What if one day the existence of what someone deems 'God' becomes scientifically provable?

For example, if I was to live amongst a primitive tribe with zero connection to the modern world in the rainforest, but I had with me the conveniences of modern life, they could mistake me for a deity. Especially if one of them was sick, and I healed them.

There's a saying, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

It could very well be possible that what people regard as God could just be a member of another race.

Yeah, it's campy, but there was an episode of Star Trek (TOS) that dealt with this. The Greek Gods were just a group of really advanced aliens that screwed around with Earth a few thousand years ago. Or heck, the movie Stargate, where the Egyptians worshiped aliens who took the pose of their deities, too.

Movies, yeah, but a valid idea nonetheless.

It could be possible that in the future, humans prove that God exists, scientifically.

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Guest trancepriest
I don't force my beliefs onto others but do enjoy discussing such subjects.

That's not christianly at all.

Heck when I'm on the bus and one of the wacko christians start preaching (happens about once a week and usually always a black woman).. i cringe a little but also I admire the way they are out of their minds to do it. I say wow that's one crazy true christian. Jesus forced his believes on to others. O' yes child... he sure did. He sure as fucked wasn't into pleasant... please everybody... hi how may i serve you... corporate identity. I for one admire john the baptist even more than jesus christ. That was a real soldier. Hopefully one day I can be as crazy as him.

It could be possible that in the future, humans prove that God exists, scientifically.

I believe in this. Well the bible does give you some clues. You take when the astronauts came down from heaven and had sex with the daughters of men. That alien/human race (nephilims) was more violent, stronger, taller than regular humans. It says in the bible they were all wiped out... but i don't think so.

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Guest pod

If I have a 'religion', I guess it would be science. I do believe that for every myth out there, there's a scientific explanation which can prove or disprove it.

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Guest trancepriest
If I have a 'religion', I guess it would be science. I do believe that for every myth out there, there's a scientific explanation which can prove or disprove it.

I think that singularity resides in a certain part of our brains. We are already Gods. We don't need no nano assemblers to achieve this. Everyone is already enlightened.

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Guest trancepriest
i must have missed the part of the new testament where Jesus said everyone should live in a cardboard box.

Matthew 19:24 (New International Version)

24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Seems homeless people are well covered. Jesus loves homeless people... lol. Why do you think John the Baptist was the chosen one to baptize him?

Matthew 6:24-26 (New International Version)

24"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

Do Not Worry

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

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Guest JMT
Matthew 19:24 (New International Version)

24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Seems homeless people are well covered. Jesus loves homeless people... lol. Why do you think John the Baptist was the chosen one to baptize him?

so what's a "rich man"? $100k a year, or $500k? lol.

i take it your film production company is non-profit.

what did Jesus say about loving your wife and children? exactly how are you loving them if you only have the motivation to live in cardboard box?

24"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

serving money and providing a life for your family are 2 different things. who'd have thunk you were such a Bible thumper.

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

and i say he feeds me by providing me the ability and means to feed myself.

To whom much is given, much is expected. - Luke 12:48

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Guest trancepriest
so what's a "rich man"? $100k a year, or $500k? lol.

i take it your film production company is non-profit.

What did Jesus say about loving your wife and children? exactly how are you loving them if you only have the motivation to live in cardboard box?

I'm not a christian. I'm more of like a professional bohemian buddhist.

Well the bible said you are suppose to put all your faith in God and he will provide. That's what it says dude.. if you don't believe in the scriptures well then that's another problem... lol. Have faith man.. have faith.

To whom much is given, much is expected.

That could be referring to either spiritual or material. Still doesn't negate the point that jesus made. I know that a camel can't go through the eye of a needle.

serving money and providing a life for your family are 2 different things. who'd have thunk you were such a Bible thumper.

Is that your scriptures? The only life according to jesus is serving God. No other life or lifestyle exist.

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Guest JMT
I'm not a christian. I'm more of like a professional bohemian buddhist.

Well the bible said you are suppose to put all your faith in God and he will provide. That's what it says dude.. if you don't believe in the scriptures well then that's another problem... lol. Have faith man.. have faith.

That could be referring to either spiritual or material. Still doesn't negate the point that jesus made. I know that a camel can't go through the eye of a needle.

again, how much money makes one rich?

God helps those who help themselves. - Hezekiah 6:1

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Guest trancepriest
again, how much money makes one rich?

God helps those who help themselves. - Hezekiah 6:1

God helps those who help themselves" is probably the most often quoted phrase that is not found in the Bible. This is actually a quote from Ben Franklin and it appeared in Poor Richard's Almanac in 1757. In fact the Bible teaches the opposite. God helps the helpless! Isaiah 25:4 declares, "For You have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat..." Romans 5:6 tells us, "For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly."

Don't lead the flock astray with your heathen quotes JMT. I come to preach it to you brother. My grandmother was a black christian that believed that jesus was blonde hair and blue eyed.. and I presume that by default she believes God was too. She used to drag me to church 4 times a week to worship the white god. I learnt a lot from her insanity.

Anyone who has servants is wealthy. Anyone who has great quantities of clothing. Anyone who has an abundance of gold and jewelry.

Basically anyone that has great influence on human beings. I would say any money over a 100k would put anyone into that category.

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Guest JMT
Anyone who has servants is wealthy. Anyone who has great quantities of clothing. Anyone who has an abundance of gold and jewelry. Basically anyone that has great influence on human beings.

thanks, that really clears it up.

here's another one i found: Judge not, that ye be not judged. - Matthew 7:1

so basically, anyone who tells you what they think you need to do to be a christian can kindly STFU.

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Guest trancepriest
thanks, that really clears it up.

here's another one i found: Judge not, that ye be not judged. - Matthew 7:1

so basically, anyone who tells you what they think you need to do to be a christian can kindly STFU.

LOL. Don't judge terrorist then you need to STFU and stop posting on here. As a matter of fact no man should judge another man even in a system of law. :-) If I see a catholic priest fucking a lil kid then I guess i have no right to say that he's not a true priest or christian.... fuck anything goes in christianity.

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Guest JMT
LOL. Don't judge terrorist then you need to STFU and stop posting on here. As a matter of fact no man should judge another man even in a system of law. :-) If I see a catholic priest fucking a lil kid then I guess i have no right to say that he's not a true priest or christian.... fuck anything goes in christianity.

huh? i think you lost something in translation there.

when i commit a murder, i'll stop judging murderers. until then i will judge to the standard i can be judged to.

in my opinion, yes a lot should "go". now you are getting it. but i also remember hearing about Jesus saying something along the lines of, "it would be better for a man to cast himself into the abyss than to harm a child", so there is no room for pedophiles.

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