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Guest web_norah

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Guest cire

...have a problem with organized religion (ie: The battle between denominations). However, I think there's a common misconception that people of faith are supposed to be perfect in all aspects in life. Which is basically impossible.

Agreed .

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Guest pod

I don't expect people to be perfect in their faith. But there's certain aspects of a faith which are "easy" to follow.

For example, Christianity teaches 'Thou shall not commit adultery'. It's not that difficult to be faithful to one person. Yet I see people who call themselves Christians committing adultery like it is going out of fashion.

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Guest coach
Norah, do you feel there might be less moral fiber, so to speak, without the presence of religion?

Agreed on the body count Dan!

Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Karl Marx, the Chinese regime (whose name escapes me at the moment), yep, yep, all great example of Atheistic leaders. Why do you guys even bother posting comments if you aren't even going to aquire the knowledge necessary?

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Guest coach
Religion & politics are, by far, two of the most passionate subjects one might discuss. Also, the most difficult to bring about change in one's opinions & beliefs.

Oh please. Tastes Great, bitch. You and your stupid Less Filling argument is phull of phail.

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Guest slamminshaun
I don't expect people to be perfect in their faith. But there's certain aspects of a faith which are "easy" to follow.

For example, Christianity teaches 'Thou shall not commit adultery'. It's not that difficult to be faithful to one person. Yet I see people who call themselves Christians committing adultery like it is going out of fashion.

You're pigeon-holing again.

All three of the monotheist religions teach that....that commandment was found in the Old Testament, which by the way, is what the Jews go by (and Christians too). The Koran also contains this commandment, although it goes something like this "And come not near unto adultery. It is an abomination and an evil way."

Not for nothing, but I'm starting to believe some of you are more anti-Christian than anti-religion. It's starting to show in the posts....

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Guest pod

That's why I said for example. I know Judaism and Islam frown on adultery as well, I just did not know the specific "commandment" for those two religions.

I'm not necessarily anti-religion, I just feel if you're gonna claim to be an adherent to a faith, halfway measures aren't acceptable, and if that's your thing, you're a hypocrite.

Christianity has a whole laundry list of stuff I don't agree with, and I'm sure if I looked deeper into Judaism and Islam, I'd probably find plenty to gripe about as well.

What most of you people consider "liberating" I consider a social straitjacket.

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Guest slamminshaun
That's why I said for example. I know Judaism and Islam frown on adultery as well, I just did not know the specific "commandment" for those two religions.

I'm not necessarily anti-religion, I just feel if you're gonna claim to be an adherent to a faith, halfway measures aren't acceptable, and if that's your thing, you're a hypocrite.

Christianity has a whole laundry list of stuff I don't agree with, and I'm sure if I looked deeper into Judaism and Islam, I'd probably find plenty to gripe about as well.

What most of you people consider "liberating" I consider a social straitjacket.

Well, the 10 commandments originated with Moses, hence, they are exactly the same for Jews and Christians. The difference with Jews and Christians is that one believes the Messiah has yet to come, the other believes he died on a cross. Other than that, they're very, very similar.

I don't agree that not living up to all commandments all the time makes you a hypocrite. The bar was set very high for good reason. These are principles to aspire to, although the human nature in us will inevitably mean you'll fall short....that's when you sin. Think of it like global warming....we all know we need to do better, but do we? Is EVERYONE a hypocrite just because they have a carbon footprint? Again, the standards are set high...you do your best to live up to them.

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Guest pod

Yeah yeah yeah, but what I'm getting at is that a lot of people are blatantly selective about which tenets they will adhere to. For example, you'll have someone who follows only seven out of the ten Commandments because the other three are just too "inconvenient".

Religion isn't a buffet, in my opinion.

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Guest coach
Well, the 10 commandments originated with Moses, hence, they are exactly the same for Jews and Christians. The difference with Jews and Christians is that one believes the Messiah has yet to come, the other believes he died on a cross. Other than that, they're very, very similar.

Um, wow, not. How come you keep talking about stuff you don't know anything about?

One big thing is that Christians no longer live under the Old Testament law. They live under the grace of Jesus Christ.

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Guest pod

Let me ask you this, do you think the natural state of a human is to fuck his fellow beings over? Is that why one needs the 'threat' of a pissed off old man in the sky to stay on like?

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Guest slamminshaun
Um, wow, not. How come you keep talking about stuff you don't know anything about?

One big thing is that Christians no longer live under the Old Testament law. They live under the grace of Jesus Christ.

Funny, they sure shoved the 10 Commandments down our throats in Sunday School when I was a kid....it was a Methodist church. One of the first things we had to memorize! Perhaps there are denominations that do not follow the 10 Commandments, but I have no idea....

And yes Pod, the idea of God(s) was created by man to fulfill whatever need it was they had at the time. Depending on the situation, God has come off as a god of war, a jealous god, a loving god, a vengeful god, etc. Some needed a god to provide hope, others needed one to strike fear into their hearts. All depended on what you wanted...Compare the God of Moses to the God of Abraham to the God of the New Testament....you'll find they seem to have a case of split personalities. The personalities were man made, as was God as we know Him.

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Guest pod

Are you willing to concede the possibility that the concept of God (whichever one you believe in) could quite possibly be an entirely man-made concept of control?

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Guest web_norah
Are you willing to concede the possibility that the concept of God (whichever one you believe in) could quite possibly be an entirely man-made concept of control?

very possible.

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Guest michael^heaven
Oh please. Tastes Great, bitch. You and your stupid Less Filling argument is phull of phail.
Religion & politics are, by far, two of the most passionate subjects one might discuss. Also, the most difficult to bring about change in one's opinions & beliefs.

Interesting response. Especially since my statement did not contain any argumentative content.lolfr9.gif

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Guest michael^heaven
Compare the God of Moses to the God of Abraham to the God of the New Testament....you'll find they seem to have a case of split personalities. The personalities were man made, as was God as we know Him.

Well, as the Bible teaches, since man was created in the image of God, perhaps this is why men have multiple personalities also. I do not feel, however, that God was man made. The exact opposite, IMO.

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Guest web_norah

and speaking of religion freaks:

BALTIMORE, Maryland (AP) -- A grieving father won a nearly $11 million verdict Wednesday against a fundamentalist Kansas church that pickets military funerals in the belief that the war in Iraq is a punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.

Albert Snyder of York, Pennsylvania, sued the Westboro Baptist Church for unspecified damages after members demonstrated at the March 2006 funeral of his son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, who was killed in Iraq.

The jury first awarded $2.9 million in compensatory damages. It returned later in the afternoon with its decision to award $6 million in punitive damages for invasion of privacy and $2 million for causing emotional distress.

U.S. District Judge Richard Bennett noted the size of the award for compensating damages "far exceeds the net worth of the defendants," according to financial statements filed with the court.

Church members routinely picket funerals of military personnel killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, carrying signs such as "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "God hates fags."

this is taking things to extreme, in the name of the Lord.

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Guest slamminshaun
Are you willing to concede the possibility that the concept of God (whichever one you believe in) could quite possibly be an entirely man-made concept of control?

That's what I was actually saying. Depending on the control needed at the time, God conveniently manifested himself accordingly in scripture.

Make no mistake, OUR image of God is completely man made. Don't take what the bible says too literally. The city of Babylon was supposedly constructed to the specifications of heaven itself. Sure, "God" exists....before the big bang theory, there had to be something. Divine intervention indeed.

But the human psyche is not capable of comprehending the idea of God literally, therefore, we rely on idolatry, ceremonies, scripture and meaningless rituals. The real God most likely has no concern with us, if He is even feels concern at all....God has been over humanized through the ages, but as we'd all agree, God is not human...the point is that God is beyond anything that we can possibly comprehend.

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Guest pod

Suppose God is really an

- alien?

- a machine? (i.e we're all in The Matrix).

I've watched too many movies and read too many books, I know.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if God is something that is comprehensible.

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Guest trancepriest

My theory is that all angels are aliens. When you read the bible and replace angels with aliens it makes for a more interesting story.

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Guest coach
Interesting response. Especially since my statement did not contain any argumentative content.lolfr9.gif

See, it was humor. I was humorously comparing it to other "passionate" arguments. Maybe you're too young to remember that commercial.

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Guest michael^heaven
Suppose God is really an

- alien?

- a machine? (i.e we're all in The Matrix).

I've watched too many movies and read too many books, I know.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if God is something that is comprehensible.

Just curious if you've ever heard of 'The Great Deception'?

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