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Violence is down in Iraq 70%

Guest drlogic

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Guest drlogic

An article came out in Reuters yesterday flatly stating that violence is down in Iraq a staggering 70% since June. It goes as far as declaring Bush’s surge a success. Not only that, a tape purportedly by Bin Laden is a communication that the Counter Terrorism Blog is calling “a desperate warning of defeat by a hidden, scared leader.” :

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Violence in Iraq has dropped by 70 percent since the end of June, when U.S. forces completed their build-up of 30,000 extra troops to stabilize the war-torn country, the Interior Ministry said on Monday.

This is the kind of news that should be in every paper, on every news website in America, so this morning I thought I’d take a look at some of them and, guess what? It looks like even our anti-war media can’t ignore what’s happening. This is from the editorial section (the Lede) of the New York Times:

Adding to the good signs reported by Gen. David Petraeus last month, the new Iraqi figures showed a 70 percent drop in violence since June, when the United States completed a troop build-up in Baghdad.

From CNN: Wait....I’m looking. Huh! Son of a gun, I thought I’d find something on this story there. Oh, wait...here’s a headline, “Bush Wants Another $42 Billion For Wars.” Nothing about this one turning the corner and being a success, though. Hmmm. The story about the toxic waste gobbling worms must have drawn their focus.

From Yahoo: Nope. Don’t see anything remotely positive there today. There’s a story about how the residents of Afghanistan think their security is declining, which means that we are not winning there, but nothing positive about Iraq. The Marie Osmond falling down story, like the story about toxic waste eating worms at CNN, must have distracted them.

From the Washington Post: Let’s see.....there’s an article from yesterday about a bomb that targeted Baghdad Shiites, killing seven. Nothing yesterday or today on the Reuters story. Hmmm. Well, they’re busy people. I understand.

From USA Today: Dang. Can’t seem to find a thing on it even with their internet search engine. There is one story from a week ago about violence being down in Baghdad after a coalition crackdown but it’s linked from CNN. Not exactly an original piece from USA Today.

I’m sure there are more non-articles out there about the fact that we have Al Qaeda on the run, that we’re winning not only the shooting war but the PR war as well because the Iraqis have clearly seen that Al Qaeda is not their friend. That’s why they shoot them when they see them now, by the way.

The surge worked. The Democrats and the far left went from a near masturbatory sort of glee when they thought that we were losing and that Bush would be humiliated on a global scale, to pulling a blanket over their head and denying that anything positive has come out of Iraq. They hate the fact that their world view, instead of being the all knowing, all seeing font of wisdom that they tried to convince everyone it was, has turned out to be about as perceptive and accurate as a street corner tarot reader’s. Idealistic dreams do not reality make.

Anyway, I’m sure your local paper had something on the front page about this. After all, a story about the violence dropping that dramatically is important.

Isn’t it?





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Guest jbit

CNN is too busy scaring the shit out of everyone with their "planet in peril" documentary to report that things may be going well in Iraq.

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Guest trancepriest

"Interior Ministry spokesman Major-General Abdul-Karim Khalaf told reporters that there had been a 70 percent decrease in violence countrywide in the three months from July to September over the previous quarter."


3 months whoop the doo. I guess Turkey shelling Northern Iraq and about to invade there doesn't say anything about the racheting up of violence.


"There had also been a 28 percent decline in the number of bodies found dumped in the capital's streets."

O' yeah the residents feel real safe now. I mean 28% less dead bodies showing up on the streets... life is good.


DL when are you really going to support a fight against terror? You do know that Saudi Arabia is the breeding ground for these terrorist don't you?

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Guest musicalmissionary

And it's not even on Fox News. Surprising. Could it be that there's people out there that are smarter than drlogic and consider their sources before running around proclaiming a bit of news as the almighty gospel? Dr Logic isn't very logical.

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Guest trancepriest

LOL... he didn't see any news of Turkey getting prepared to invade Iraq and deal with the PKK (a terrorist organization).

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Guest drlogic
And it's not even on Fox News. Surprising. Could it be that there's people out there that are smarter than drlogic and consider their sources before running around proclaiming a bit of news as the almighty gospel? Dr Logic isn't very logical.




Stick to your MDMA supositories and skipping in place in your puddle of sweat until the heroin junkie scank who's been passed out in cornder of the club finally decides to give you a sample of her yeast infected twat which resembles a petri dish more than a "toto"...LOL

As for the original post....I guess this reply will suffice:

Not surprised. That’s how they function…As always, it’s what the press DOES NOT report that is always far more telling than what they do. (remember that, write it down, take a picture….love it, live it!!! That’s da’ DAMN TROOOF!)

Their news must fit their preconceived template of “bush is wrong/conservatives suck” if the new does not fit that template, then they either ignore it or burry it on page 20(so as to be able to claim objectivity). (CAN YOU SAY “BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME?)

Thankfully, those media monopoly days are over..THANK YOU AL GORE for giving us the internet. Fox news has more viewers than all other cable news outlets COMBINED!!!!! (Yet Demz refuse to debate on Fox so as to not give them legitimacy…LOL Talk about elitist!!! hahaha ) New Corp (the parent company of FOX is owned my Rupert Murdock) recently surpassed Time Warner as the most valuable media powerhouse on the planet.

So, while the main stream plays to the ever dwindling kooks on the far left while ignoring the 800 lb. gorillia (ie..FOX/Talk Radio), the people know when their being bamboozled. That’s why the left fringe groups attack talk radio as much as they do. They can’t compete w/ it, so they seek to destroy it…..like the good little Stalinists that they are!!!They no longer need the CNN’s of the world to tell them HOW to interpret the news. The can now access the raw news, read perspectives from both sides and come to their own conclusions. The lazy among us will just read the NYT headlines and assume it to be true…….God help them if they try spewing that garbage to a well informed conservative……cause they’ll get eaten alive….which is why they always wind up trying to change the subject or resort to name calling.


"It's not that liberals are ignorant, it's that what they believe is wrong."

-Ronald Reagan

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Guest obby
LOL... he didn't see any news of Turkey getting prepared to invade Iraq and deal with the PKK (a terrorist organization).

and you didn't see any news of them already attacking!!!!!

Turkish Planes Bomb Rebel Positions

Oct 24 09:43 AM US/Eastern


Associated Press Writer

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkish warplanes and helicopter gunships reportedly attacked positions of Kurdish rebels along its rugged border with Iraq on Wednesday, as Turkey's military stepped up its anti-rebel operations.

Several F-16 warplanes loaded with bombs took off from an air base in southeastern city of Diyarbakir, private Dogan news agency and local reporters said. The warplanes and helicopter gunships bombed mountain paths in Turkey used by rebels to infiltrate from neighboring Iraq, Anatolia reported.

On Sunday, Turkish helicopter gunships have penetrated into Iraqi territory and troops have shelled suspected Kurdish rebel positions across the border in Iraq, a government official said Wednesday.

U.S.-made Cobra and Super Cobra attack helicopters chased Kurdish rebels three miles into Iraqi territory on Sunday but returned to their bases in Turkey after a rebel ambush killed 12 soldiers near the border, the official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

He also said Turkish artillery units shelled rebel positions as recently as Tuesday night but did not say which areas were targeted.

ANKARA, Turkey (AP)—Turkish warplanes and helicopter gunships reportedly attacked positions of Kurdish rebels along its rugged border with Iraq on Wednesday, as Turkey's military stepped up its anti-rebel operations.

Several F-16 warplanes loaded with bombs took off from an air base in southeastern city of Diyarbakir, private Dogan news agency and local reporters said. The warplanes and helicopter gunships bombed mountain paths in Turkey used by rebels to infiltrate from neighboring Iraq, Anatolia reported.


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Stick to your MDMA supositories and skipping in place in your puddle of sweat until the heroin junkie scank who's been passed out in cornder of the club finally decides to give you a sample of her yeast infected twat which resembles a petri dish more than a "toto"...LOL

jeez, dude, where the hell did that come from???

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Guest drlogic
jeez, dude, where the hell did that come from???

truthfully, that was for my own selfish enjoyment. i thought it would sound funny....i laughed the whole way through typing that post. ha!

Really, it's just my own mongolic way of illustrating how I view liberals (and their logic..or lack there of).

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Guest Mattivi

you are a special enlightened soul DrLogic, godbless you and your ilk....and the war in iraq is indeed going swimmingly...

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Guest drlogic
you are a special enlightened soul DrLogic, godbless you and your ilk....and the war in iraq is indeed going swimmingly...

r u saying u'd like 2 b kissT b4 u get FOHKT?

actually, war by def. is CHAOS....With that as a starting point, I would say there is always room for improvement. No war in the history of man has ever gone "accordingy to plan". The victors usually are those who learn from mistakes, adjust and never lose focus on the mission @ hand. God, I would love to have played your kind in sports,,,,................at the first sight of struggle your "ilk"(LOL) screams "faggot", throws rocks, then runs & hides under a bed. But I digress........................Lmao

Mind you, if not for "war", we'd still have slavery and Nazi's. But maybe u'r right? Wars never solved a thing? Go fig'r??????????

God, I've missed you guys!!! I forgot how fun this is. Bring it, bitchezzzzzzzzzz!!!!! LOL

Thank you for that blessing..God knows I need it. SHUKRAN!("thank you" in Arabic!)

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Guest Mattivi
r u saying u'd like 2 b kissT b4 u get FOHKT?

actually, war by def. is CHAOS....With that as a starting point, I would say there is always room for improvement. No war in the history of man has ever gone "accordingy to plan". The victors usually are those who learn from mistakes, adjust and never lose focus on the mission @ hand. God, I would love to have played your kind in sports,,,,................at the first sight of struggle your "ilk"(LOL) screams "faggot", throws rocks, then runs & hides under a bed. But I digress........................Lmao

Mind you, if not for "war", we'd still have slavery and Nazi's. But maybe u'r right? Wars never solved a thing? Go fig'r??????????

God, I've missed you guys!!! I forgot how fun this is. Bring it, bitchezzzzzzzzzz!!!!! LOL

Thank you for that blessing..God knows I need it. SHUKRAN!("thank you" in Arabic!)

man you sure extrapolate a whole lot from so little...get over yourself dude! ive never really been a harsh critic for or against the war, but i still think that it was a war that should have been apporved by congress formally, but for some reason that was deemed unnecessary by the current adminstration and in turn circumvented. for me i would have just liked a little more honesty and disclousure from the bush adm, not all the BS about freeing the iraqi people and ousting a vicious dictator which for any person with a modicum of an intelligence knew that was a front and the PC reason for war, but not the real one.. because lets be frank, or sally if you like, if you think this war was for anything other than to gain a military, econonmic(oil), and democratic foothold in the region, than youve been huffing a little too much of that sherwin williams son! freeing the iraqi people and taking out a few terrorist in the process was just window dressing.

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Guest drlogic
man you sure extrapolate a whole lot from so little...get over yourself dude!

It ain't bragg'n if you can back it up.

ps...y so sensative bro? keep it up and I'll start calling you "clit".



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Guest Mattivi
It ain't bragg'n if you can back it up.

ps...y so sensative bro? keep it up and I'll start calling you "clit".



Ok Hannity-Lite!!! BOOYAH!!!

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Guest obby
i still think that it was a war that should have been apporved by congress formally, but for some reason that was deemed unnecessary by the current adminstration and in turn circumvented.

Ummmmm are you saying the war was not approved by congress? Are you for real bro?

I really trip out on those (I'm not say you Mattivi) who cry that innocent civilians are being killed in Iraq yet when a report is released by the Iraqi Government stating that violence has dropped 70%, those same individuals concerns are suddenly silenced (where are you guys? I hear crickets). To me that shows they are not truly concern about the Iraqi's. They have another agenda and I'm sure I do not have to detail what that is.

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Guest Mattivi
Ummmmm are you saying the war was not approved by congress? Are you for real bro?

I really trip out on those (I'm not say you Mattivi) who cry that innocent civilians are being killed in Iraq yet when a report is released by the Iraqi Government stating that violence has dropped 70%, those same individuals concerns are suddenly silenced. To me that shows they are not truly concern about the Iraqi's. They have another agenda and I'm sure I do not have to detail what that is.

thats exactly what im saying there was never a FORMAL DECLARATION OF WAR. Yeh Bro, for real, check it out. a majority of members of congress are on record saying they approved it(which i guess suffices), but their was never a formal declaration, thats all im saying. to me it legitimizes the war, and than members of congress(dems) cant really go back later and use it as a cop out that the war was never formally declared, like they are now. bush could have saved himself a lot of grief had the process truly been completed.

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Guest obby
thats exactly what im saying there was never a FORMAL DECLARATION OF WAR. Yeh Bro, for real, check it out. a majority of members of congress are on record saying they approved it(which i guess suffices), but their was never a formal declaration, thats all im saying. to me it legitimizes the war, and than members of congress(dems) cant really go back later and use it as a cop out that the war was never formally declared, like they are now. bush could have saved himself a lot of grief had the process truly been completed.

I know a declaration was never signed by congress! And who do you blame for that? Bush?

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Guest Mattivi
I know there isn't! And who do you blame for that? Bush?

its not about assigning blame, and are you related to slammin shaun's always parroting this "blame bush" mantra? jeez, i just call it how i see it, and it is what it is, and as a american citizen i like to see all the channels of govt working in agreement when something as big as a war is going to be waged. did bush neccesarily have to convene congress for a formal declaration? from previous precedents and the inherent vagueness of the constitution, its probably an unfirm no. but would it have been due dilgent to have done so? hell yeh. its all immaterial anyways, because whats done is done.

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Guest obby
its not about assigning blame,
but for some reason that was deemed unnecessary by the current adminstration and in turn circumvented.

I would take that as you pinning the blame on Bush. Am I wrong?

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Guest Mattivi
I would take that as you pinning the blame on Bush. Am I wrong?

So what if I am, does that invalidate my point? does that make me unpatriotic? spare me bro, and honestly i dont see what your aiming at to begin with.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

The violence is down because there are less people to kill.

Several million people have left Iraq so there are less people do kill.

I really love Dr Logic when the news somehow swings over to you opinion and then you post it on here like it's the front page news or something.

This after the fact that you Dr Logic always seem to make fun of people for listening to the news and media when the news is anti war or anti Bush.

You have claimed on numerous occasions over the past 2 years or so since you started posting on Cool Junkie that people who listen the the media are in you words 'Mental Midgets'...

What's wrong Logic? Sick of hearing on the news on every news station, radio station, Internet site and news paper that the war in Iraq is a lost cause and that hundreds of thousands of people have died and millions more have fled their homes?

Or are you going to deny that?


Better yet, things are going so good in Iraq that those millions of people are moving back to Iraq.

Face it Logic. Your and your boy Bush's war in Iraq is not going as planned.

I can think of a million different ways to spend nearly $1 TRILLION DOLLARS on making our country and better yet this world a more secure place then it is now.

So go ahead and keep 'copying and pasting your so called intel'. It ain't going to change the fact the there is no end in sight in Iraq and that we have created another revenge state in the region...

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Guest Mattivi
The violence is down because there are less people to kill.

Several million people have left Iraq so there are less people do kill.

I really love Dr Logic when the news somehow swings over to you opinion and then you post it on here like it's the front page news or something.

This after the fact that you Dr Logic always seem to make fun of people for listening to the news and media when the news is anti war or anti Bush.

You have claimed on numerous occasions over the past 2 years or so since you started posting on Cool Junkie that people who listen the the media are in you words 'Mental Midgets'...

What's wrong Logic? Sick of hearing on the news on every news station, radio station, Internet site and news paper that the war in Iraq is a lost cause and that hundreds of thousands of people have died and millions more have fled their homes?

Or are you going to deny that?


Better yet, things are going so good in Iraq that those millions of people are moving back to Iraq.

Face it Logic. Your and your boy Bush's war in Iraq is not going as planned.

I can think of a million different ways to spend nearly $1 TRILLION DOLLARS on making our country and better yet this world a more secure place then it is now.

So go ahead and keep 'copying and pasting your so called intel'. It ain't going to change the fact the there is no end in sight in Iraq and that we have created another revenge state in the region...

Military Industrial Complex comes to mind....and terry this might be the reason why there is "no end in sight" simply because they dont want it to end any sooner than it has to. the plan was never to "free the iraqi people" or "take out that evil kook Saddam", that was just the republican romantisized spin... this war was always about war profiting, and gaining a political, economic, strategic, and military foothold in the region. this was never a war of altruism and good will or even taking out those evil al qaeda terrorist(tho a benefical byeproduct) like hannity-lite would have you believe. were is Techjunkie when you need him he always balanced out the cowboy lovers on this forum with rational, objective reasoning.

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Guest obby
So what if I am, does that invalidate my point? does that make me unpatriotic? spare me bro, and honestly i dont see what your aiming at to begin with.

"Those who do not know history tend to repeat it"

You blame Bush and his admin for something congress failed to do. As simple as that! Does it make you unpatriotic? No! Does it mean you have yet to grasp the details in how our Democracy and Government here in the States works? Yes!!!!!!

The fact is that Congress has declared war on only five occasions; the War of 1812 against Britain (1812-1815), the Mexican War (1846-1848), the Spanish-American War (1898), World War I (1914-1918), and World War II (1939-1945).

There are more than two hundred instances in which presidents have sent armed forces into hostile situations to protect US lives and property without a declaration of war. On our own lands, US forces fought many battles with Native Americans from the 1840's to the 1860's to protect settlers and clear routes to the West for Americans seeking a new life to farm, mine and log the vast reaches of the nation beyond the Mississippi. Our first intervention outside the US was an undeclared war with the Philippines with intense battles between 1899 and 1902. Prior to that, in 1887, US power established our claim to Hawaii.

In more recent times, the US fought 95% of the modern wars in Korea (1950-1953) and in Vietnam (1959-1975) without a formal declaration. Desert Storm in 1989 and our incursion into Afghanistan were and are full-blown conflicts. The hard reality is that only the US has the military power to address threats to peace in the world. No other nation comes close.

There are so many examples of the assertion of US power in our history that one wonders why there is a fuss today. Baffles me.

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Guest drlogic

I guess this reply would be for Mativvi:

In reference 2 u'r post about Bush not being honest and congress not declaring war, etc..etc...

You've got your history wrong. Seriously! I know I'm beating a dead horse, but it seems u'r suffering from Bush-Derangement-Syndrome...although from what I can tell, to a lesser extent than some on these boards. So, you're not all bad..LOL (j/k dude...).

After 9/11, congress decided to give Bush the authority to "handle this shit!"(ie...terrorism). IMHO- They did so out of cowardice....pretty much politically motivated. Even w/ this authority, Bush still took the issue to the U.N. twice and debated it endlessly w/ congress over a span of like 1 1/2 yrs. Congress knew everything Bush knew. Most demz chose to play the ignorance card at the first sign of struggle.....but by authorizing Bush,,,they could claim credit if things went well and place blame if they went bad. In the mean time, Bush still had a threat to deal with. On top of that, he had a corrupt U.N. pocketing cash from Saddam w/ that UN Oil 4 Food program, Saddam firing rockets @ allied aircraft in the no-fly-zone, Saddam paying families of suicide bombers w/ the PLO and/or Hamas to kill Jews/westerners, providing safe harbor for KSM(Mastermind of 9/11) & giving medical assistance Zarqawi for some leg injury he got fighting Americans in Afghan...On top of that, he was in violation of like the 17th UN resolution by barring inspectors access.

In a nutshell, Bush had a lot on his plate. I may have issues w/ a lot of stuff Bush has/hasn't done, but standing up our enemies isn't one of 'em. He definitely hasn't chosen to take the easy road on many issues. He's tackled 'em head on.

Truth be told, I truly believe most of this drama stems back to election 2000,,,how Gore handled it and the lack of class and civility he planted in today's modern democratic party. It's only gotten worse since then. Everything has been viewed through the political prism for demz since then...Pity! So now we have many on the left suffering from what Charles Krauthammer calls "BUSH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME". Leftist in this country have blamed everything from blackouts to wildfires to hurricanes on Bush. While I must admit I personally find amusement in how obsessed Demz are w/ Bush, @ the end of the day is just sad.

Word to the wise: Try adding alternatives to the complaints and then there might be a chance @ some civil, thought provoking debate in this country. While leftist in this country continue to wish pain and suffering for our president, his admin and conservatives while bending over backwards to make excuses for terrorists, then you'll always have folks like me who refuse to take the left seriously. they've yet to prove they're willing to deal w/ this issue like sober adults. They show more hate for Bush than OBL? Go fig'r?

That's my take, at least. Complaining is easy.....Coming up w/ alternative solutions is not. Thus far, only the right seems willing to get their hands dirty, while the left sits up in a tree tossing water balloons. For the left to come down from that tree and ENGAGE the right would be to admit error in judgment on their part and in a political environment and w/ the unfulfilled thirst for power we've seen from the left, I doubt that's ever going to happen. Pity!

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