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Obama showing his true colors?

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest yume

That was a dumb mistake for him to make. Maybe he doesn't go to sports events much. I know that's the only time I sing the national anthem.

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Guest pod

If I throw trash at him will I get arrested?

At the least I know some of you jackoffs will attempt to shoot me. Attempt because I don't think there's a competent marksman amongst y'all.

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Guest trancepriest

He's an idiot... he should know that while running for president you've got to wrap yourself in the flag. I can't believe he's that stupid. It's really incredible... I really don't know what to think of it either... other than to tar and feather him. I'm really surprised to see that. Can you imagine a guy like that commanding troops? What a fucking idiot.

SS... that's perhaps the only insightful post you've ever made to the boards. LOL

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Guest slamminshaun

SS... that's perhaps the only insightful post you've ever made to the boards. LOL

At least people read my posts.....ahem!

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Guest Dj_Peace
If I throw trash at him will I get arrested?

At the least I know some of you jackoffs will attempt to shoot me. Attempt because I don't think there's a competent marksman amongst y'all.

Always fired expert with my M-16..also won gold schuster badge form he German Army for qualifying expert with their weapons...can shoot the nuts off a mosquito from 2 football fields away with the right windage adn elevation

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Guest slamminshaun
Always fired expert with my M-16..also won gold schuster badge form he erman Army for qualifying expert with their weapons...can shoot the nuts off a mosquito from 2 football fields away with the right windage adn elevation

Saw you on a flyer this morning at Uncle Sam's....Autumn Music Festival I think?

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Guest Dj_Peace
Saw you on a flyer this morning at Uncle Sam's....Autumn Music Festival I think?

at the risk of my own safety from those wacked out far righties ...yup

j/k...come on out...should be a blast...plenty of women, affordable drinks all along the riverwalk and plent of parking to accomodate all of the revelers...and the weater should be ace..three is truly something for everyone..********wondering if I should have TP work security in anticipation of an attacke from the Bushy brigade*****

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Guest obby
If I throw trash at him will I get arrested?

At the least I know some of you jackoffs will attempt to shoot me. Attempt because I don't think there's a competent marksman amongst y'all.

You're in my crosshair already. Be afraid!!! Be very afraid!!!!!!

: )

He's an idiot... he should know that while running for president you've got to wrap yourself in the flag. I can't believe he's that stupid. It's really incredible... I really don't know what to think of it either... other than to tar and feather him. I'm really surprised to see that. Can you imagine a guy like that commanding troops? What a fucking idiot.

SS... that's perhaps the only insightful post you've ever made to the boards. LOL

TP, call guiness.......cause I actually am with you on this one.

I belive he is the first president in US history that refuses to place his hand on his heart during the national anthem. Showing his true colors indeed. Then again maybe he is trying to win the imagrants votes by doing so.

The hand over your heart thing while singing the anthem is a crock of shit anyway. Your heart does not reside on the left side of your body, its in the middle between your lungs.


Wow, I can't belive you just posted that. Please tell me you're joking!

tisk tisk

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Guest slamminshaun
wondering if I should have TP work security in anticipation of an attacke from the Bushy brigade*****

Doubt it....at the club, we're all hippie liberals in disguise! The debates end here...

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Guest Satan

communist piece of shit anyway, don't really see why anyone cares about Obama.

unless theyre hoping he can put in one of those Venezuelan ammendments allowing indefinite "re-election" of the shitty regime.

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Guest coach
Interesting. I laughed about the lapel pin "scandal", because I agreed with Obama. Not sure what to make of this though. He's on his own...

click here

The picture looks hilarious, too. Did he have to go pee-pee or something? Maybe he had a stain on his pants? Maybe he's hiding a boner from being so all-fired up by the patriotism shown by the singing of a song.

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Guest pod

I never said I liked any of the people in the running. Ron Paul, maybe, but I would only see him as a stepping-stone to a more decentralized government and the eventual restructuring of the United States into a loose confederation of semi-independent states.

Will someone get mad if I call Obama Theo Huxtable?

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Guest Dj_Peace

actually this is really a non issue. decorum and tradition dictates that you stand and place your hand over heart while reciting the "Pledge of Allegiance" whereas one is expected to merely stand for the singing/playing of the Naional Anthem. For those in uniform you are expected to come to attention and salute the colors . If you are wearing a hat, decorum dictates removal of your hat while singing or listening to the National Anthem. The fact that this is getting all of this media attntion is truly sad. Meanwhile, we have a bunch of flag pin -on -the- lapel wackos running around eradicating our democracy at every chance they can get, denying health insurance to children and in the same breath asking for hundreds of billions of dollars more for war...now those are the type of un-American, unpatriotic things that worry me...

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Guest cire

^ I agree. I am by far a far left bedwetter, but I would vote for Obama before Hillary any day, month, second, hour... Anywho, preach your satanic ways satan :)

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Guest obby
denying health insurance to children.....now those are the type of un-American, unpatriotic things that worry me...


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Guest obby
facts are facts, not elaborate. denied further funding for children's healthcare, but still fund an illegal ass war.

In other words you do not know the details of why Bush vetoed the SCHIP? You simply state it as "facts are facts." You complain about "out of control spending" yet it's ok for the Demz to modify the SCHIP bill and do exactlly that.

You're sharp!!!!!

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