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is the perfect 10 really a good lover?


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i think you already answered your question.....but....the mean is best, someone that is good looking and intelligent, this is fairly hard to find....the person...your soulmate is the perfect match for you so you will find everything you need in that person both looks and personality....the only problem is finding that person

but to answer ur question anyway...hehe...um i think those people that are all about looks might be fun to fuck to but not fun to love i think that you have to be one of those people to be in love with one of them hehe, im not oh well......... my 2 cents


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Originally posted by menionleah:

i think you already answered your question.....but....the mean is best, someone that is good looking and intelligent, this is fairly hard to find....the person...your soulmate is the perfect match for you so you will find everything you need in that person both looks and personality....the only problem is finding that person

but to answer ur question anyway...hehe...um i think those people that are all about looks might be fun to fuck to but not fun to love i think that you have to be one of those people to be in love with one of them hehe, im not oh well......... my 2 cents

what he said


imo if i'm attracted to someone that's all that matters, everyone else and their mama could think your the ugliest person in the world, but that doesn't matter. i do like a man that takes care of himself since that's very important, but there's a line. some people get too consumed in themselves that they forget about any/everyone else. i see people like this, but would never get involved with someone like this.


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i think narcissists make lousy lovers. when i say "narcissists" i am referring to the people who spend all of their free time in the gym, at the hairdressers, in electrolosys, in a tannning booth, at the shopping malls, on the stage at a nightclub, or on the phone with their friends talking about working out, tanning, shopping, and nightclubbing.

pls dont get offended if you think i am talking about you. i am probably not. most ppl in our scene maintain ourselves by working out, tanning, etc. we can look good, have social grace, yet not become totally shallow and self absorbed. the kind of person i mean is the one who obsesses about their physical and social *appearances*. these ppl value skin deep beauty over anything else and use social interaction primarily to satisfy their emotional need for attention.

there are plenty of ppl like this in our scene and you may, in fact, be one of them. i dont want to put anybody down for being different from me. i am not suggesting that the lifestyle of the narcissist is somehow inferior to my geeked-out existence of computers, books, and the occasional bit of fresh air and exercise. i am only wondering what everyone here thinks of the narcissist as a lover. does their excellent physical appearance make up for their generally shallow character? i know its enjoyable to get down with someone who is totally georgeous, but ultimately, would you prefer to have a person who gets more pride from pleasing you than they get from putting together a stunning outfit? is the "perfect 10" who lets a bad hair day ruin their libido really a good lover?


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the only reason i brought this up is bc of what i read on this board. i hear about selfish lovers. i hear about the "one pump chumps" or the girls who look good but are basically stiffs in the sack.

yet, when i go to a club, it seems that *everybody* is always after the *hottest* POA in the room. personally, even for just a hookup, i dont consider that a good idea.

i was wondering if it ever crosses anyone elses mind to not even look at the "perfect" 10s. i dont. i am rarely attracted to the hottest woman in a room bc i know that to look so stunning she is prob too self absorbed.

i guess nobody disagrees!? ...or, more likely, nobody who disagrees has bothered to read my long-winded post!



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i agree with u. do i seem like i go after the hottest guys...actually i don't go after anyone..but um. i don't anyhow.


"You're only young once and if you work it right, once is enough"

"A dirty book gathers no dust"

"Often fame is a matter of dying at the right time"

"Hollywood drink-Marriage on the rocks"

"Don't look before you leap, it'll ruin the surprise"

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Taste is so subjective... what I see as a perfect 10 may not be what you would consider to be perfect. No, I don't like people who look like they spend more time working on their appearance than their personality. I feel like telling some people to spend less time at the gym and manicurist's, and maybe read a good book instead! And like Star said, I've been very attracted to people who weren't all that good looking, there was just something about them I found intriguing.

And when it comes to just wanting to hook up in a club or wherever... there are still so many factors. Someone may grab my attention because they're dressed really funky, or they dance really well, or maybe they just look kinda freaky. Most of the time the guys and girls that get all the attention do not interest me at all. I may be attracted to the hottest man or woman in the room, but they are someone who is hot by MY standards.

I'm not sure if that answers your question.


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