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What's wrong w/ cj???

Guest eroc0411

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Guest tijuanarave
:rolleyes: yep going to see enchanted with the gf and kids for me is >over clubbing and getting fucked up

Is it the same girl you were with at the Buzzin Fly party at Sobe Live this year?

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Is it the same girl you were with at the Buzzin Fly party at Sobe Live this year?

that girl was just some chick i met that nite.. some attorney girl.. she came up to me and thats the last time i saw her lol.. out of towners seem to be really nice esp to locals. prolly wanted me to get her in free to other clubs.. she was out of gas. i left that buzzin fly party fast i was bored to tears except for the opener

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Guest Cosmigonon
remember when i used to spam the boards and get like on avg 50 posts a day lol

Of course I remember, that was like... what... 3 weeks ago?

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Guest JMT
There will always be edm clubs in Miami, but they will be tourist traps. No longer can pablo refi his house and blow it all on bottles at Mansion. Now he's up to his eye balls in debt and has 3 dollar gas for his hummer he bought on his Heloc.


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Guest coach
Sure, it's different....seems like people were really interested in meeting other like-minded people on here back in the day. Not so much anymore. It's a shame, because I've met some really fun people through this board. Remember the roll call threads? (Present!!!) Don't see those too much anymore. Remember the lengthy reviews and trainspotting threads? Don't see those too much anymore either.

Junkie Chat is boring as hell so I don't bother posting in there as much as I used to....only TechJunkie was clever enough to debate me and he's banned. All the rest of you commies suck a monkey's nipple, j/k. ( = <-- And there's another thing, gimmie my emoticons back damn it!

To me the board was like a funny TV show. We all have our personalities and idiosyncrasies, which made for GREAT entertainment when stirred together in the pot known as Cool Junkie. Today, I guess you could say it's more like an infomercial for clubland.

Now we all know the boards are over because I totally agree with Shaun. I remember just a few years ago when the "youngsters" would kind of organize gatherings at this club or that and you could easily see 20+ CJers show up and hang out. And this was a regular happening, once or twice a month. Now, most of those peeps are too hold to get up the stairs to a club on their walker, but the difference is, the new set of kids do not seem to do that as much.

Maybe they have other ways of networking and making new friends. Maybe the new crowd is more introverted. I'm not sure what the deal is, but that's the big thing that I say is missing, that real sense of community, where people would drop by a specific club, even just for a little bit, *just* to hang out with other CJers.

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Guest ICON

do you people realize that there are now websites such as MySpace, FaceBook, etc? People now organize these things through the social networking sites.

All Vbulletin type message forums are old, outdated, and boring to other forums of website/community. The technology is so 2001ish and people want the ability to create profiles, add videos, add party pics, music, etc to their personal spot on the web.

Sure, the forums were upgraded to VBulletin, but the old format and this new VBulletn formats are very similar. It doesnt have the "WoW Factor" that is needed to grab people back to the site.

About 3 weeks ago we launched a social network on our site and the growth has exploded.... If CJ wants to jump on the web 2.0 bandwagon.. I think now is the time... if not, someone else is going to do it.

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Guest 00crystal00
Now we all know the boards are over because I totally agree with Shaun. I remember just a few years ago when the "youngsters" would kind of organize gatherings at this club or that and you could easily see 20+ CJers show up and hang out. And this was a regular happening, once or twice a month. Now, most of those peeps are too hold to get up the stairs to a club on their walker, but the difference is, the new set of kids do not seem to do that as much.

Maybe they have other ways of networking and making new friends. Maybe the new crowd is more introverted. I'm not sure what the deal is, but that's the big thing that I say is missing, that real sense of community, where people would drop by a specific club, even just for a little bit, *just* to hang out with other CJers.

i can agree with this and am guilty. i am not that new to the board (major lurker) but don't know too many people. I know i go to events everyone is at but never get around to meeting other CJers. and i am not a youngster so not out every weekend any more. can't promise i will get better but we are all guilty on some level

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Guest pod

Half the issue here is community fragmentation. Everyone's split along bullshit musical lines. For example, your Blue/Laundry Bar music nerd crowd usually won't be caught dead in Space, or vice versa.

Awhile ago, I remember people used to go out to (gasp!) have fun, rather than sweating the DJ so much.

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Guest CxA7
Half the issue here is community fragmentation. Everyone's split along bullshit musical lines. For example, your Blue/Laundry Bar music nerd crowd usually won't be caught dead in Space, or vice versa.

Awhile ago, I remember people used to go out to (gasp!) have fun, rather than sweating the DJ so much.

this music nerd crowd thing this... label, isn't that exactly what you are doing by splitting lines. Just because some people are interested in something different, something new. I mean come on the miami scene is exhausting having fun becomes just doing the motions thinking its fun when in reality maybe someting new or something else can be fun as well.

we've all done our space rounds,cameo appearences, mansion vip but have you all given the "music nerds" some chance? I mean it is about the music essentially and having fun is a given... nothing should be type casted to the point where nothing should be given a chance, come by check out the nerd scene and maybe have some nerdy drinks but atleast the music will be good and the crowd, hey be nice!??

Im a newbie cjer, a youngster alright and we are not the problem we're the future so embrace us. welcome us. and maybe those friendly fun chats that you all seem to be so nostalgic about can happen once again.:cool:

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Guest pod

There's nothing wrong with seeing something new. I won't decry anybody the right to do that. What I'm saying is that sometimes being "cutting edge" sometimes overrides the original reason a lot of us started going out to clubs, and that was to have a good time. The music nerd crowd (not my term, but it is apt) these days, they've seemingly forgotten how to just have fun and not worry about the guy behind the decks.

Way back when, I'm talking '02-'03, I can remember when this crew of people would just go out to a whole variety of events, regardless of the DJ or the music. For example, you would see self-described househeads out at a Paul Van Dyk event, since they knew a lot of other people from the forum would be out there too. They might not be diehard PvD fans, but they were out anyways because it was a fun event and their friends would be there.

Then, for whatever reason, people became isolationist, and didn't go out for variety or fun.

I enjoy my job since it doesn't marry me to one particular form of music. In a given week, you will see me at anything from a full-on trance massive event like Paul at Spce, to a stopover at a "music nerd" event at LB or something. Why? Because people I know are at those events and more.

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Guest ddg
It's definitely different around here than it was a couple of years ago, but it's laughable to think that that is an indication of a suffering clubland overall. Things change, people change, friends change, lifestyles even change, but there will always be people who want to party, especially in Miami.

Yeah we're all older and many of us don't frequent the boards (or the clubs) as often as we used to, but it's still nice to have somewhere to get your gossip and obtain some guidance when you do decide to venture out for a rare night on the town.

very well said big chicken wing t.....things do change..i still read the boards all the time, just dont post as much as before...still go out pretty frequently and see lots of people which is nice, and meeting some new folks is cool too...i will say this...im glad for this board, met a lot of cool peeps, lots of drinking has been done with peeps on this board

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Guest pod

Also, it tends to happen that the core group of users will communicate directly about when and where they go out.

For example, no "roll call" for a big DJ at Space is needed, since it is just assumed that a good portion of this user base will be there.

And yeah unless you're really "industry", people grow out of it and move on. I've seen this happen a few times now. Some of you might not go out as much, but there is still certainly a crowd out there on any given weekend.

There's a lot of lurker traffic here certainly, and for better or for worse, sometimes the establishment does come across as being a little rough on the new guy. I've tried my damndest to make it easier though, in the forms of the little guide that has been perpetually stuck at the top of the forum. Now, if they don't read it and make obvious mistakes, well, I have no pity for them and they get what they deserve.

And again, I'd rather have 1000 quality users than 10000 monkeys that forgot to take their Adderall the day before.

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Guest slamminshaun

Way back when, I'm talking '02-'03, I can remember when this crew of people would just go out to a whole variety of events, regardless of the DJ or the music. For example, you would see self-described househeads out at a Paul Van Dyk event, since they knew a lot of other people from the forum would be out there too. They might not be diehard PvD fans, but they were out anyways because it was a fun event and their friends would be there.

This is what I'm talking about. I got turned on to a variety of new things simply because I was more interested in having fun with the CJ'ers that were there as opposed to who the DJ was. Remember when Bling was a hardcore Tiesto fan? He opened his mind to new sounds (in part because of this board) and now he's a deep house junkie.

Shit, I remember seeing the same people at the Lust 4 House parties as I did at the Tiesto/PVD concerts....today, it seems like you're either a forward-thinking-progressive-xeroxmachine-minimalistix fan or an old fart like me who realizes it all sounds the same after the 4th Patron shot....

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Guest pod

Exactly. What ever happened to those days?

You mention Bling, and he's a perfect example. He 'discovered' deep house via this forum mainly, but sadly, he's turned himself off from the original purpose of just going out for fun. Now, I'm not suggesting that he is required to go out X amount of times a week, since yes, I know he has a personal life now, but from his commentary, it's worth a bit of a laugh since in my mind, he's missed out on some grand old times because his sweaty deep house 'friends' would massacre him if he just happened to drop by Cameo one evening for Sharam, or something of that nature.

Again, the community is too fragmented and exclusive right now. Minimal kids don't hang out with deep house kids, and neither of those groups and other genre-specific people wouldn't be caught dead just going out to have fun.

Sometimes I think I'm the only one who goes out just looking for a good party. My preferred sound track is dance music, but that's about as specific as I'll get.

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Guest ramon
Exactly. What ever happened to those days?

You mention Bling, and he's a perfect example. He 'discovered' deep house via this forum mainly, but sadly, he's turned himself off from the original purpose of just going out for fun. Now, I'm not suggesting that he is required to go out X amount of times a week, since yes, I know he has a personal life now, but from his commentary, it's worth a bit of a laugh since in my mind, he's missed out on some grand old times because his sweaty deep house 'friends' would massacre him if he just happened to drop by Cameo one evening for Sharam, or something of that nature.

Again, the community is too fragmented and exclusive right now. Minimal kids don't hang out with deep house kids, and neither of those groups and other genre-specific people wouldn't be caught dead just going out to have fun.

Sometimes I think I'm the only one who goes out just looking for a good party. My preferred sound track is dance music, but that's about as specific as I'll get.

don't you know that deep house is the new minimal?

c'mon dan get with the program it was on RA months ago


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Guest pod

I could honestly give a flying fuck what was on RA months ago. I'm not running a music site here. Someone shoot me if this ever turns into one.

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Guest DB-CMG

ppl dont open their minds to different things... can a human being enjoy sharam and hawtin at the same time? apparently not... one is too commercial, one is too underground...

then i get ppl saying they wont dance to a certain kind of music...

come on... get outta here.. have a f*ing drink!

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Guest NicoleC

I don't know if I agree with some of what is being said here. I like all types of EDM and do see more then a few faces that also genre hop.

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Guest djcarlosf

good music is good music, regardless. even better when its a part of a good party.

dan ill save you from a post and just quote your +1 lol

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Guest pod

I've always espoused a good party is a combination of things. The music, the venue, the staff, and the people in attendance. If any is lacking, it's really not a good party. I've been to events with amazing DJs, and there's been like five people in attendance. Even if I know those five people, I'll usually dip for more active events.

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