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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

For the beautiful ladies of the nite, I must know !??!


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As I gaze across the crowded room, a pair of ocean blue eyes meet mine. We focus on each other for a only second, but that second is long enough for me to lose my breath. Her beauty glows across the room. To me she is a goddess with hair like silk and lips that could melt my soul. The thought crosses my mind to go over and talk to her, my knees go weak and heart starts to race. But her heart probably belongs to another, beauty is never alone. For me to venture over there, would only end up in heart break........ So I put my fantacy behind me and I settle for drunken whore who just got hit by the ugly fuckin cruise ship, who has been grabbin my ass for the last hour...... But for the rest of the night, and the following day, I ponder what might of happened. If only I would of had the courage to speak words that were flowing threw my mind. But what if she was thinking the same thing. What if her heart skipped a beat as well and was seconds away from speaking the sweet words that only comes in dreams. Well..........were you?

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You should have gone over. The worse thing other than her boy friend kicking you ass cwm17.gif is she says no.j If she likes you then your in. If not you go back to the druken whore. But now you will never know and thats the worst is to have regrets.

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Well, I'm not quite a Goddess yet (just 40 more posts to go) but feel free to think of me that way anyway. cwm1.gif

But seriously, you have just gone up to her! What do you have to lose? If she digs you, then you're golden. If not, then there's always the drunken whore. Either way you're getting your kicks!


You're only young once


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