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I am in a bit of a situation. I would really like to have a threesome with my boyfriend and another girl, but I am terrified to bring it up. We have just been joking around before and I asked him if he would ever want to and he said no. Should I bring it up again on a more serious note, or just forget it. We have been together for about 3 years and I luv him to death and really don't want to ruin our relationship over this. What do you all think I should do? What would you do?



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

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Originally posted by sinergygrl:

I am in a bit of a situation. I would really like to have a threesome with my boyfriend and another girl, but I am terrified to bring it up. We have just been joking around before and I asked him if he would ever want to and he said no. Should I bring it up again on a more serious note, or just forget it. We have been together for about 3 years and I luv him to death and really don't want to ruin our relationship over this. What do you all think I should do? What would you do?

test the waters


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Oh Sinergygrl! What a dilemma. Well, when I was in college, I had my first threesome. Me and my girlfriend at the time were mutual friends with this guy. So I brought it up to her and she was really hesitant but said yes because she knew I wanted it. At the time, it was awesome. I mostly wanted to watch her with him and wasn't really interested in him. Oddly enough, I got a little jealous afterwards because I thought she started liking him. That's what basically broke us up. I guess I couldn't handle it.

The second one I had was with 2 people I was friends with but didn't care about "in that way". It was ten times better than the first.

So I guess if you really love him, you might want to really think about the consequences. If you're looking for a the third party, Over Here!!! Just kidding!

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I think your boyfriend may be afraid that if you do have a threesome, you'll start to have strong feelings toward the girl and you will leave him for her. If he's not the shy type, what other reasons are there for not wanting to have a threesome? Just my opinion. I know I might feel like that if I was in that position.

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What's a girl to do? I think I am going to have to put some serious thought into this. I love him with all my heart, and some things just arn't worth ruining a relationship over.



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."

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ok heres what you do

hide the other girl in the closet, get your boyfriend drunk, start getting frisky with him, then say the secret passcode. and then the other girl comes out of the closet, and BOOM! youre all set...




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Originally posted by trancend:

ok heres what you do

hide the other girl in the closet, get your boyfriend drunk, start getting frisky with him, then say the secret passcode. and then the other girl comes out of the closet, and BOOM! youre all set...

or you could act like a mature adult and flex your comunication skills and let your boyfriend in on what you've been thinking about.... thats how you maintain a relationship .... open and honest



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This is a toughie... if you're really thinking about it you need to have a serious discussion with him. It's really not a good idea if you're in a commited relationship... buuuuut... my bf and I did it and plan on doing it again so who am I to be a hypocrite!

Seriously tho you do have to prepare yourself mentally. Jealousy is definitely a factor. But if it's something you really want/ need to do it's not just going to go away.

For me, even tho the first one ended up pretty badly, it's definitely something I need to do again; it's a part of my personality that needs further exploration. Imagine if you were to marry your bf without experiencing this? If this is more than just a fleeting curiosity- then you really need to do something about it.

Good luck sweetie.


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is a little risky why dont u think about it better and talk with him more think about the worst things can happend so in a way you will be prepared to everything.

in my case I would do it if I was single with someone that I dont love because

I wouldn't risk my relationship



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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I think honesty is best way, ask him cause you will never know if you don't ask. You probably mean a lot to him, so I don't think he will leave you. Discuss it with him, always remember good communication is key to any relationship and also remember communication is a two way street.


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