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For the women... Sexy tattoos on guys...


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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

The only people that get tattoos are criminals, insecure and uncreative people, that's just to name the majority. How many intelligent people do you know with tattoos? None. Intelligent people do not get tattoos. I personally would not want my Doctor or Attorney to have any tattoos. Just think, would you want your child to be treated by a Doctor who has his arms tattood or his neck. Or would you want your attorney that manages your money, etc. to be covered in tattoos.

I do not think so.

Tattoos are cool - on someone else.

Not you again?

cwm25.gif I thought you were in the hospital having your head extracted from your arse. Obviously not.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by tastyt:

Not you again? I thought you were in the hospital having your head extracted from your arse. Obviously not.

Well, as it is very obvious, TastyT is proving me correct. Thanks much TastyT. =D

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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

The only people that get tattoos are criminals, insecure and uncreative people, that's just to name the majority. How many intelligent people do you know with tattoos? None. Intelligent people do not get tattoos. I personally would not want my Doctor or Attorney to have any tattoos. Just think, would you want your child to be treated by a Doctor who has his arms tattood or his neck. Or would you want your attorney that manages your money, etc. to be covered in tattoos.

I do not think so.

Tattoos are cool - on someone else.

BRAVO BRAVO.........

<clapping hands boom thunderously throughout the message board>

Bravo Bravo........

Ladies and Gentlemen ...... a perfect display of how Ingnorance is Bliss!!!

Thanks for the demo ...DimaNYC



(respect the sig)

OBE is a thing of beauty

"You're to old fat man...

...and your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch."

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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

The only people that get tattoos are criminals, insecure and uncreative people, that's just to name the majority. How many intelligent people do you know with tattoos? None. Intelligent people do not get tattoos. I personally would not want my Doctor or Attorney to have any tattoos. Just think, would you want your child to be treated by a Doctor who has his arms tattood or his neck. Or would you want your attorney that manages your money, etc. to be covered in tattoos.

I do not think so.

Tattoos are cool - on someone else.

well.... lets see- how to respond in a mature fashion --- hmmmm

i happen to have plenty of tattoo's and love them on myself, as well as on others- I am a very intelligent person, I work very hard every day, to support myself in a world that is ruled by those who feel that judging others based on their exterior is acceptable, and the "norm".

Let me ask you this one - I am sure there is someone in your family, or close to you that has suffered from Cancer, or some sort of fatal disease that they contracted at no fault of their own - If the scientist working in the laboratory that is researching cures for these horrible diseases had a tattoo on his hand - would you not take the rose from it???

Maybe you need to open your mind, and realize that just b/c someone is open to different forms of expression, physically, mentally or in any other way shape or form, that does not make them incapabale of performing miracles.

On an end note - be careful whos feet you step on today, because you might be kissing them tomorrow... ---


dont hate the playa - hate the game

"ouT 4 doL"


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Honestly people, I think you're better off simply ignoring someone like DimaNYC. There is a person like him on every message board on the internet. He thrives on the protagonist/antagonist dialogue you're creating. Every response to him directly, no matter how poignant or seemingly accurate, merely strokes his ego. JMO.


Too hot to handle!



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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

The only people that get tattoos are criminals, insecure and uncreative people, that's just to name the majority. How many intelligent people do you know with tattoos? None. Intelligent people do not get tattoos. I personally would not want my Doctor or Attorney to have any tattoos. Just think, would you want your child to be treated by a Doctor who has his arms tattood or his neck. Or would you want your attorney that manages your money, etc. to be covered in tattoos.

I do not think so.

Tattoos are cool - on someone else.

LMAO!!! That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!!!


Thanks... I needed that-- cwm14.gif



sen·su·al·i·ty (snsh-l-t)


1. The quality or state of being sensual or lascivious.

2. Excessive devotion to sensual pleasures.

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Originally posted by devilishgrin:

Honestly people, I think you're better off simply ignoring someone like DimaNYC. There is a person like him on every message board on the internet. He thrives on the protagonist/antagonist dialogue you're creating. Every response to him directly, no matter how poignant or seemingly accurate, merely strokes his ego. JMO.

The sad thing is- and I'm basing this on his past posts as well- I don't think he does it to create drama. I think he really is this ignorant.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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