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Everything posted by DimaNYC

  1. Alright guys, it's been fun debating with you. I've said all there is to say on this subject. All your questions on this topic are answered in my previous posts. I can not continue repeating my self. Thank you everyone.
  2. Alright guys, it's been fun debating with you. I've said all there is to say on this subject. All your questions on this topic are answered in my previous posts. I can not continue repeating my self. Thank you everyone.
  3. bigpoppanils, I'm not the one to give free advice. But just for you. Learn to read and pay attention to what you read and actually absorb it, it does wonders. Note how I didn't say nor imply that that is the only way. I mean I've only made around 15 posts how I view it as a genetic disorder as well.
  4. Give it time. It has already begun. We only mapped the human genome not too long ago. Let it develope. Studies will continue. Besides I never neglected the fact that it can also be a learned behavior. Also try to refrain from flattering your self with your miniscule attempts to make me "look like an ass." Salvage your composure.
  5. sd, you got me. I couldn't resist not posting here. Let me clear up a few things. All I was trying to get across is that publishers at NY Times are not for the rights of same sex parents or I should rather say for their right to adopt children. That is the sole reason for which I printed those quotes out of context like that. And also "the last quote (that) puzzles...", I should have put emphasis on the latter part of that statement. "will provide ammunition for opponents of adoption and foster-parenting by homosexuals." Again, this is only to discredit those who claim, or even slightly imply that NY Times advocates same sex parents ability to adopt. Considering that article was brought to my attention as some sort of proof. Lastly, when you said, "i would have a much easier time accepting your views if their was some sort of foundation for them." Okay. Let me make it easier for you. I believe that it is a disorder, being gay, not to discount that it can not be a learned behavior. From that I base my views and opinions. Oh I almost forgot. One more thing. You said, "most opinions such as the ones that you have displayed, are ones associated w/ closed mindedness." Have you ever thought that it isn't close mindedness. As I already stated previously. I'm very aware of my surroundings. And I base my views because I'm aware of all the facts.
  6. wackydream, I am still enjoying the moment of making you look like an ass. I read everything hence my statement in the previous post, let me quote my self for you, "It has views from both sides leaning more towards the view I disagree with." My emphasis are on "THE HAMER STUDY". There is no mention of the word disorder per se. But, when you find a gene that predisposes you to alcoholism? Is that a genetic disorder? That might be a bad example, but should get the point across.
  7. wackydream, spare me the personal attacks. Here's a link to a web site which I found in less than a minute. Clearly confirms what I've stated. It has views from both sides leaning more towards the view I disagree with. http://www.frc.org/iss/hsx/retrieve.cfm?get=IS00D2 And let me gloat a little by making you look like an idiot for making this statement "find me proof that being gay is a genetic disorder, i triple-dare you! there is no such research in existence." Follow that link, that's your proof.
  8. lavendermenace, it wasn't clear to me what that article was supposed to prove. It had mixed statements. In any case I will not discuss this here any further as there are clearly strong opinions which I strongly disagree with, especially considering I already discussed this thoroughly in an other thread. You're welcome to post there. sd, spare me oh wise one. Since when did you begin to assess ones intelligence and knowledge based on their opinions? Ever since you were introduced to those opinions that differed from yours? Do not make such childish conclusions. I give you more credit than that. For every doctor that supports raising children in a family with same sex parents there are 100 that do not. If that's the article that was in New York Times, it is very clear why it was printed, if not for anything but this quote "probably more likely to explore homosexual activity themselves." Believe me, publishers at NY Times aren't siding with the idea of raising kids in the household with same sex parents. I believe the reason for that article in NY Times was to lobby against same sex parents ability to adopt children. And this quote confirms my beliefs "Some gays worry that the report, in the latest issue of the American Sociological Review, will provide ammunition for opponents of adoption and foster-parenting by homosexuals. " And since I won't bother discussing this here further, let me remind you that these are my views, popular views, that majority agree with. Take it as it is.
  9. barvybe, no language games. Calling someone an idiot and pointing out idiotic statements is two completely different thing. One can be an educated, intelligent person and yet still make idiotic statements. When I said "As soon as you tell me how two fags can procreate (and don't tell me they'll impregnate two dykes and they'll all live happily ever after) I'll write you a thesis on why I think the way I think" it was completely relevant. It was not an example it was a continuation of my point from my previous posts. Stating that if we lived in a perfect world fags just would not last. The 5th avenue parade was a poor example. I retract it, I shouldn't have even said that. It is not the topic of the conversation. My views are formed not only by reading, but also by social surroundings, and just education in general. I can not be more specific. My point is that we should not glamorize gay life style. Or praise it, or celebrate it. It's a disorder, a genetic disorder. For which we should find a cure. That's my view on this topic, every other point that I've stated arouse from the debate that pursued.
  10. lavendermenace, you are kidding, correct? That is just so ridiculous. Please tell me where I can look at the results of that preliminary research. And who conducted it. And what was it based on. And who were the subjects and the duration of that research. Thank you in advance. Please don't insult us, straight people, by saying what you've said.
  11. barvybe, as you can understand it is very difficult the get my point across and have everyone understand it since you can't hear my tone and emphasis. I'll emphasize, understand it not necessarily agree with it. Firstly, just to get it out of the way. I have not called anyone an idiot, you did. Try not to speak for me in the future. Secondly, to answer your point number 2. You don't have to be able to procreate to be good parents. I have no idea why you're even asking that, I'm sure you knew the answer to that one very well on your own. I guess you made an assumption based on something I've said or thought I implied that somewhere, even though I do not see where. Thirdly, I already agreed with you on point number 4 in my previous posts, well in a way I did. Yes, "a ton of people base the answers to difficult questions on what they are told." I agree. But I have to repeat my self "a ton of people" does not constitute a majority. And lastly, I do not live in ignorance I am very aware of my surrounding. I choose to ignore fags, hence my quotes. "How are people rubbing this in your face?" By having a parade on 5th avenue. Just to name the obvious one. Anyway, that isn't really important, that is not the point I was making. I already forgot the point I was making (not really).
  12. thughes, you are being very difficult, I like it. Your statement/question even with the "if" in the beggining of it was an oxymoron. Care for a lesson in english grammar? Also, have you heard a saying "Assumption is the mother of all mess ups?" And lastly to answer your question, obviously my point had significance since it did upset so many people.
  13. thughes, how do I approach this correctly. Do you see an oxymoron in your last post? I will point it out to you. In one sentence you managed to make a conclusion and answer your own statement. You first concluded, wrongly, that my point had no significance and contradicted your self in the same sentence by saying "why did it upset so many people." I hope that made sense what I've just said. A little confusing, even to me. Or wait, was the a rhetorical question you posed? cmb1975, was I not being helpful as well by pointing you in the right direction? Thank you for bringing it to my attention, that was very inconsiderate of me. I should have thought of that on my own, that not everyone is familiar with my first post. I apologize.
  14. cmb1975 you're being very rude when you conclude that others have as bad of a memory as you do. To refresh your memory you can do a search on the topic that is mentioned in the first post of this thread. thughes, must there always be a significance in everything we discuss or debate over? In any case if you're interested how this discussion got started do a search on the topic that is mentioned in the first post of this thread.
  15. nightgroover, I understand its early morning, well in the States anyway. But are you reading between the lines? What's all this about gay marriages? Thank you for trying to enlarge my views I'll return the favor and will try to "enlarge your view(s)", some states do allow gay marriages here as well. And also, "alot of people" does not constitute a vast majority of the world.
  16. Thanks guys, I've had a laugh this morning. Has anybody thought of washing their hands before going to the bathroom and touching your self with your dirty hands? This applies only to guys in most cases. Or are you just thinking of everyone else and not your selves?
  17. bigpoppanils, are you joking? Guy read your post, don't make me outline your idiocy. Anyway, too late. Didn't I ask not to post examples that can't relate to what I've said? Actually since you think the vast majority of this country kills people for a living and commits incest then I will also "thank god" that you don't live with "the "moral" citizens of this country." This is where I yell at you, "READ A FUCKING BOOK YOU SIMPLETON", but I won't do that. Just thinking out loud. And just to satisfy my curiosity where do you live if not with "with the vast majority of america?" barvybe, it wasn't negative, if you read carefully you will see that my last post was not negative. You probably caught on to my sarcasm that's all. If we're all looking to perfect this world, hmm wait, read my previous post about that. And yes I do read a lot. Dinosaurs ruled the world some time ago (is this out of place? Well so were your examples.) As soon as you tell me how two fags can procreate (and don't tell me they'll impregnate two dykes and they'll all live happily ever after) I'll write you a thesis on why I think the way I think. I also have a quote for you, "Out of sight out of mind" and another one "Don't ask don't tell"... and a personal one "Be, just don't rub it in my face!" Oh and one more thing, I think I missed where 'the politically correct bunch' "expressed reasons why" (if not only for my views that differ from theirs, my popular views I might add [i'm not being sarcastic.]) they speak so highly of me. Mind pointing it out? One last thing you've said "of course, this isn't really thinking at all but just convincing yourself that the views of really conservative institutions, like the church for example, are right all the time." Do you really believe that? Do you actually believe that most do not think for them selves?
  18. Just found this post, thought I'd reply. Since I did find some of the replies amusing or naive rather. jaysea, don't get upset like that. I just voiced the opinion of the vast majority (HELLO!!!! there is world outside NYC, ya know?). I apologize if you were oblivious to that fact and had to hear it/read it for the first time. I should have been more gentle. Oh and another thing, 'you' started what? Are you educated at all? There were underground clubs since before your parents were born. Which slowly evolved in what we have today. Don't insult everyone by saying that 'you' the gay community started the "NY club scene", whatever that means. Tasty T, yes it is "Pretty amusing that someone will say proudly 'I am a bigot! I hate!'", considering you had that in quotations, made me curious who you quoted. Also Tasty T, you said "I resisted the temptation to respond to that post," hmm, so what happened? Couldn't resist after all? back2basics, hmm, one thing, back to basics. cmb1975, here's what you've said "Thats why i love this girl!!!" ... well I have one thing to add to that: Great minds think alike girls. visions, you're very uninteresting. Your replies to this post are elementary. You change 'your' opinions as soon as someone contradicts you. Have a head on your shoulders. Pussy! Just kidding, about being a Pussy, not everything else of course. Now if we lived in a perfect world, where would fags get children to adopt? Anybody wants to get creative and tell me? Oh wait if we lived in a perfect world there wouldn't be any. But since we don't live in a perfect world, the vast majority thinks like I do. I really do feel for you if you're not aware of that fact. So who's ignorant? And please spare me the rhetoric and examples that don't, won't, can't relate to this topic in any way.
  19. The most primitive, elementary movie I have ever seen. If you decide to go see it, prepare to see an almost cartoon like movie, I know it's a fantasy but very poorly written and directed, horrible acting. If you're a fan of Rushmore, American Beauty, Ghost World, and alike, you will regret wasting time watching Planet of the Apes. Like someone said, this movie is to be watched at 11 years old sitting in your dads lap. Also someone mentioned "loop holes", contradictions. If you fancy details in a movie or just in general, this movie will definitely piss you off. How the fuck did the original monkey become two monkeys in the end? Anyone? .... ehh just pisses me off talking about it, it was that bad.
  20. All this moral and pc garbage is just that, garbage. I got one good advice for you. Which you'll probably follow anyways. Deny, deny, deny. Your friendship will never be the same again if you tell him what happened. Believe me, he'll always have that in his head. And there forever be a part of him that won't trust you the same again. If he confronts you about it (assuming she tells him). Think of something clever. Like she is just lying because she wants to hurt him. And what better way to hurt your ex if not by getting with his best friend. If you deny it to the end, even if he believes her over you, he will always have a doubt, - "what if she is lying." But you mustn't change the way you act around him. Even if he surprises you out of now where and confronts you. You made a mistake, now don't make another by telling him, and hurting him. Got it? Alright.
  21. Just in case you don't get that job, goto soundfactoryny.com They are looking for dancers, bartenders, etc. Look around their web page and you'll find all the info.
  22. Only in America. What's next? Guys with big balls month? Why should fags have their own month? It's enough how our young children are opened to this disgusting practice in the media. I just hope scientists find a cure for faggots. Most recent study shows that people aren't born faggots. It is a genetic disorder. Looking for a cure should be priority number 2 next to AIDS cure. Call me a bigot, call me homophobic. Does not matter. This needs to be stopped. What family values can two fags teach to a young kid. This is so wrong.
  23. Because government does not have enough resources to be conducting surveys for fun. What you're proposing in this post would not be scientific and thus of no use to the government. I think. =]
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