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Who wants dinner....???????


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Well it was my night to cook again....

planed on cooking a nice lil three corse meal which included baked stuffed clams, london broils w/a shallot,mushroom,pepper,whiskey reduction sauce and a few other simple side dishes....

....roomate is a no show again..... good thing he's not a date or I'd really be pissed.......

....but I'm kickin it solo tonight with all this grub.....

...someone bring over a bottle of Cabernet and some trees and help me eat this!!!!!

....and why is it...every time it's his turn to cook......which he braggs so much to everyone that he can ...we always end up eating pasta with Jared tomatoe sauce and water???? WTF is that....especially when I at least do two caorses minimum!!!! Lazy MOFO........

oh well ....anyone hungry????



(respect the sig)

OBE is a thing of beauty

"You're to old fat man...

...and your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch."

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Originally posted by djstripe:

...someone bring over a bottle of Cabernet and some trees and help me eat this!!!!!

As we all know Im always hungry....So I'll eat! But how about a saucer of milk instead of that Cabernet crap

cwm27.gif I'll lap it up on all fours for you!!




*Lick it, Stick it, and Smile cause your with it* ~^.^~

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Originally posted by djstripe:

no takers???

...oh well.... frown.gif

left overs for days I guess......

you can just save those for me when i move into that apartment next door to you......that is, if the frickin landlord ever returns my call!



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hey... whoever ends up movin in next door might wanna do swap cookin duty night???....hmmmmmm

Frank has't called you back???....strange...try again today...he's back in town...his been next door with other workers fixin the place up for the past couple of days ... if you don't here back from him by tomarrow...PM me...I'll see what's up...

.....did anyone else get a call back from him yet??? .... he might be waiting to get the place close to being done before he starts showing it....I'm not sure though



(respect the sig)

OBE is a thing of beauty

"You're to old fat man...

...and your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch."

[This message has been edited by djstripe (edited 05-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by djstripe:

if you move in next door....we can swap cooking nights.......Frank hasn't called you back???....he's been next door everyday with workers fixin the place up..... re-wiring the place and redoing the drive way..... have you been able to come look at the place?? ....call him again today...if he doesn't return the call by tomarrow....shoot me a PM and I'll go next door and see what's up for ya......

thank you thank you! i just left another message on his machine. i'll letcha know what happens! i really appreciate your help




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wow djstripe a guy who knows how to cook thats just hot !!! I know u have a line of chicks around here traying to get u so I just say congratulation to u for cooking thats something really nice



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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Originally posted by scaredgirl:

wow djstripe a guy who knows how to cook thats just hot !!! I know u have a line of chicks around here traying to get u so I just say congratulation to u for cooking thats something really nice

I don't have any girls over here cookin for me ....I got to eat somehow smile.gif

(i can only imagine the comments that this post will spark) wink.gif



(respect the sig)

OBE is a thing of beauty

"You're to old fat man...

...and your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch."

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