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Double Standards for GUYS!


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Am I the only one that really hates how guys can be so hypocritical sometimes. I mean I love em and everything but I hate when a guy that has had sex with a lot of people sits there and expects girls they date to be perfect clean virgins. Or some guys feel they can look at other girls but his girl can't look at other guys. I really hate stupid shit like this. Anyone else feel this way? Or guys do you find yourself doing these things and why do you do it?

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honestly I think it may stem from personnal insecurities and a lack of self confidence...

...but it's not just men that act this way..

...as far as I'm concerned

there are billions of beautiful people in this world.... enjoy the sight of them all...

...and you know what they say...practice makes perfect....

the only thing that should matter to you and you mate...is who your with now ... enjoy your moments while they last



(respect the sig)

OBE is a thing of beauty

"You're to old fat man...

...and your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch."

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The worst part is that because I have been brought up with those double standards too, I feel like I always have to supress my natural impulses rather than act on them (i.e. why I won't sleep around even tho sometimes I really want to). Sometimes I wish I could just do what I really want to do without having to police myself so much.

That said, I don't really think about it much. Boys rock, faults and all! Their being dumb just makes it easier to tell the maybes from the hell-nos... smile.gif



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I find that I still get caught up in this sometimes, but it's totally unintentional. After all, what's fair is fair, especially game. (Get it?) smile.gif

It really doesn't concern me if someone I'm dating (not going out with, mind you) is eyeing other people or even hooks up with others. It comes with the territory, especially in the club scene.

Keep trying.. cwm1.gif



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Guest xfactor834

Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex:

Am I the only one that really hates how guys can be so hypocritical sometimes. I mean I love em and everything but I hate when a guy that has had sex with a lot of people sits there and expects girls they date to be perfect clean virgins. Or some guys feel they can look at other girls but his girl can't look at other guys. I really hate stupid shit like this. Anyone else feel this way? Or guys do you find yourself doing these things and why do you do it?

Very nice point...but unfortunately, many of these problems come from insecurity from the guy's side.

If a guy is secure with his being, he wouldn't care if his girl looked around.

You can't 'forbid' your partner to look at other good looking people. That's silly.



Just win baby

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Originally posted by xfactor834:

Very nice point...but unfortunately, many of these problems come from insecurity from the guy's side.

If a guy is secure with his being, he wouldn't care if his girl looked around.

You can't 'forbid' your partner to look at other good looking people. That's silly.




OBE is a thing of beauty

"You're to old fat man...

...and your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch."

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looking is definitely not wrong....leering of course is.....we're only human and to think that another person isnt gonna look is totally unrealistic. and just because you look at a girl/guy doesnt mean you want to sleep with him/her, you can simply admire that a person looks good.

as for a double standard....any person who sleeps around with no consideration of the other person(s) or themselves is a slut...regardless if youre a man or woman.

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yes, I agree these double standards exsist. Coming from someone in a commited relationship I have to say...boys will always "look" it doesn't bother me because I know no matter where he looks he'll never find someone he wants more than me...and as for me I don't waste my time looking, I've got what I want. cwm38.gif

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Originally posted by goddessoflove:

The worst part is that because I have been brought up with those double standards too, I feel like I always have to supress my natural impulses rather than act on them (i.e. why I won't sleep around even tho sometimes I really want to). Sometimes I wish I could just do what I really want to do without having to police myself so much.




in my experience, the consequences of sleeping around were SOOOOOOOOOOOO not worth it! it's a really sucky thing to get a bad reputation and it's hard to get rid of. you can have the "i don't care what other people think of me" attitude, but at some point it's gonna matter to you....whether it be because you're interested in someone but he/she thinks you're dirty or because of respect in general.



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There's a part of me that wishes that I could have that kind of attitude that would allow to me to do whatever my little heart desired but I've never been that way and I probably never will be b/c that's just not me.

But my parents and even my older brother taught me to have respect for my body and for myself and basically not to be slutty (lol)....I guess it just stuck with me.

It may have inhibited me from doing alot of things but I think in the long run, I'll be happy with the choices I made for myself.


You're only young once


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I do admit that there can be a double standard when it comes to women. However, with communication between you and your significant other, there can be an agreement of some sort.

I think that there's nothing wrong with looking. However, there's a way of going about it. If you really care about someone, then have the common courtesy of not making it so obvious. There's folks out there who glance when they're with their significant other. Shit is annoying. Especially when you have a partner who does it in spit. Ah!! the drama.

Sleeping around.......been there, done that. Don't get me wrong, it's good to do what your mind and heart desires, but is it really worth the risk? Worth getting an STD? People, you can get genital herpes with a condom.....Hello......there's no cure.

That's what made me just stop. I've had my share and fortunatley walked away without an illness....thank God. Besides, when you meet someone who is worth your time, you'll realize that in the end, just not worth it.

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this wouldn't be so big a deal if girls didnt always wanan probe into the past ... i have had girl i barely know ask how many partners i've had .. and bee liek what /? after constant questionin i give them an idea and never ask back ....... the brief silence is alays followed by a " dont you wanna know how many i have had ?" in which i reply " no, its none of my business." think about it , how often does teh guy bring up the past partners ... we DONT want to know .. let us think we're the only one .... and everyone will be happier ...


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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex:

Am I the only one that really hates how guys can be so hypocritical sometimes. I mean I love em and everything but I hate when a guy that has had sex with a lot of people sits there and expects girls they date to be perfect clean virgins. Or some guys feel they can look at other girls but his girl can't look at other guys. I really hate stupid shit like this. Anyone else feel this way? Or guys do you find yourself doing these things and why do you do it?

I think it is healthy for everyone to look. I think it's unhealthy if someone doesn't look.... I mean you might be on a diet, but that doesn't mean you can't still like the thought of a chocolate moose pie....

I agree with you, except for one fact... It's not as one sided as your statement makes it appear. The last woman I dated was always looking at other guys and telling me how hot she thought they were... it didn't bother me, but what did bother me was once, I said something similar to what she had be saying to me for MONTHS and she went totally ape shit! She is not the only one who has done this to me, just the most recent.

I think it really depends on the person. Yes, I believe it is probably more common in men, due to whatever factors (society, genetics, etc etc.... that's a debate for another thread), but it is not ONLY the guys that do shit like that.





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Or how about this one "It's ok for me to look at girls and not ok for you to look at guys because you're bi and I'm straight." Goes on to elaborate that he can get a better idea of what kind of woman I'm attracted to based on my reactions to his observations.

Just one reason why this shit don't fly: IF he's looking simply to see what kind of girl I like... and so maybe we can even meet one together... then he should stop looking when I tell him I think the woman he's looking at is busted. Just following his logic. But guess what?

Anyway I completely agree that it's total double-standard BULLSHIT... as long as you're respectful of your partner and not drooling open-mouthed over someone else... why should it matter???


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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I think looking for guys is just Nature. Like when your driving down the road and there is an accident people slow down to look or in a club there is a fight and everyone wants to see it. I mean how many times have I ran into walls, open doors and fire extinguisers because I could'nt take my eyes off some HOT girl. Embarrassing yes,but if IM with someone I try to make a mental effort not to look or at least make it a quick glance. cwm1.gif


"Smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks."

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I know that I am not normal in this respect. I might even be twisted.

Virgin fantasies, slut fantasies, ideas of purity etc... are all legitimate male fanasies about women. Variety is the spice of life and I' love to fuck a virgin once or twice and sure, being the first would be a buzz.

But for a partner - well, a partner should be a PARTNER. Though I am fairly sexually inexperienced I do know that I have an exceptionally large libido and virtually no inhibitions or conventional morays. As such, as long as we are both clean (get tested - always a good idea) I want my partner to be ahorny slut. The only double standard I have is thatI want her to be bi but I don't do guys.

So I want her to stare at men and women - drool occassionally even. If she has done hundreds of guys and is still clean then awesome - think what she can show and teach me. I want her noticing guys and girls so she can bring other people into our bedroom for fun. I don't want to do all the work so I need her to be aggressively sexual. I want her to show up after work sometimes with the bag of weed, pornos, lube and her best friend.

I love sex and I want a woman who feels and thinks about it just like I do. Some people cannot get over jealousy and feeling threatened - its just the way they are. I respect that. But if you can then I think its the way to go. So much fun to be had.

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Well, My policy is this.

Once a guy starts saying that stupid stuff, and starts these rules, --- you betcha I'll never ever talk to that guy again.

Once I went out with a guy and my cell rang. I answer and it's one of my good guy friends. Then the guy asks, WHO IS THAT? And I'm like, it's just my guy friend. And he's like TELL HIM YOU'LL CALL HIM BACK. And I'm like WTF? First of all fuck you, you can't tell me wTF to do, and if you have a problem that I have guy friends, then fuck you again.

I never spoke to the guy again.

Any girl that gets treated LIKE SHIT by her boyfriend, she should never talk to the guy again.

Another example, I have a girl friend that lets her guy treat her like SHIT.

1) She couldn't leave the house

2) No guys could call her. Even a guy friend.

3) She can't leave till she tells him where she's going. If she's going to get her nails done, she better be home in an hour.

4) She couldn't come and hang out with me, in fear that I was gonna have guy friends over and she can't hang out with guys. Unless they are married, or have a girlfriend, and the girl is there too.

Fucking guy smacked her, called her names, choked her, and what not.

Girl didn't bother to run away from the guy till it was 9 months too late. She will be forever scarred and now thinks that that is the Right way for a guy to treat her. What kind of bull shit is that?????

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