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the *OFFICIAL* what-i-did-for-memorial-day thread...


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ok... so i went to montauk for the weekend and im back cause i need to work tomorrow...

when we got there yesterday it was POURING!!! like we could not see out the windsheild it was so bad... ended up seeing pearl harbor, which i loved btw, but we'll discuss that later...

anyway, so we wake up this morning and the sky is blue, the sun is out and it's gorgeous outside... i spent the day roaming the beach, watching some hot surfer's ride the waves and just having a nice relaxing day out of the city in general...

of course, eventually the road trip had to come to an end and we had to come back home... as montauk, the hamptons and long island dissapeared behind us, so did the sun...

get into brooklyn and what do i see? CLOUDS! DRIZZLE! i can't take it anymore.. i need the sun! so that was my Memorial Day...

no drunken parties in the hamptons or seaside... but overall... it was nice to just pack up with my girls and get away from brooklyn for a day and a half...

now... how was your memorial day... i know you guys have tons and tons of stories so post em up!

smooches everybody...

love ~ jess cwm38.gif



life's a ride... pack light...


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No drunken parties?? What the hell did you go away for?

Well, I got plastered and started a ruckus on the boardwalk at Seaside, and got a 3 foot tall Garfield out of it.. yeah, what! Oh, and a few of those rolling among us decided to go swimming naked in the outdoor pool at the hotel.

And even with that, I didn't get laid! cwm36.gifcwm36.gifcwm32.gif



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Originally posted by aphelion:

No drunken parties?? What the hell did you go away for?

Well, I got plastered and started a ruckus on the boardwalk at Seaside, and got a 3 foot tall Garfield out of it.. yeah, what! Oh, and a few of those rolling among us decided to go swimming naked in the outdoor pool at the hotel.

And even with that, I didn't get laid! cwm36.gifcwm36.gifcwm32.gif

oh... you're gonna rag onme for not getting drunk, but you did and couldn't even get laid??? cwm6.gifcwm1.gifcwm38.gif



life's a ride... pack light...


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i myself did no shopping this weekend, which sucks, cause it was the best time for it... growl... rach.. you buy anything good? i must live vicariously through you now...




life's a ride... pack light...


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I went to the Mets game on Friday night in the rain! and then saturday morning headed down the shore....Went to Surf Club on Saturday night, went on my friends boat on Sunday and then was too tired to go anywhere on Sunday...


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by emiliep:

wanna know how exciting my weekend was???? i ironed....and cleaned the bathroom....and did laundry.....need i go on?

Emiliep, sounds like we had the same weekend!

...Where's the Cleaning Crew! Who's got a swifter! Everybody with a swifter in their pocket raise them in the air! Raise up your swifter! Swift 'em up! Swifter-Boy Possssseee!...



"..can ya feel me.."

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worked on more remodelling in the house ... did some more planting in the garden and weeding ... stole a couple of good reciepes from Emeril and the Iron Chefs.... rode vallently through out my homeland upon a magestic white house, reclaiming the boarders of my land by hoisting the great Swifter flag in all four corners for all the people in the land to see (Swifter posse...sattle up) ...

...I did finish one of my sculptures that I've been working on (on and off for like 6 months) ...

.....in retrospect...I think I should have just drunk a 1/2 litter of rum and danced butt naked on a beach somewhere .... oh well there is always tonight



OBE is a thing of beauty

"You're to old fat man...

...and your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch."

[This message has been edited by djstripe (edited 05-29-2001).]

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Originally posted by ecesis:

Emiliep, sounds like we had the same weekend!

...Where's the Cleaning Crew! Who's got a swifter! Everybody with a swifter in their pocket raise them in the air! Raise up your swifter! Swift 'em up! Swifter-Boy Possssseee!...





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I spent the entire weekend visiting my family and loving every mintue of it. smile.gif

In spite of all my hopes, I did not see my aunt's next door neighbor's hottie son who moved away before I ever got the chance to hook up with him. frown.gif


You're only young once


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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

I played in a footbag tournament all weekend. The weather was absolutely perfect. I'm very sunburned now....


Didn't get laid though.... cwm36.gif

OH YEAH?!?!!?.....well, er....OUR WEATHER IN NY.....er um.....WAS JUST AS NICE!!!...uh yeah that's it!



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Yeah, about half of my weekend was occupied with laundry and cleaning- talk about a scrub-down... I scrubbed the kitchen cabinets till my arms could take no more...

Oh, and I also CHOPPED OFF MY HAIR!!! cwm31.gifcwm31.gif OMG- I wanted it shoulder-length, but even when it's wet it doesn't touch my shoulders! This is going to take a while to get used to.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Got too banged up Thursday to go out Friday night..., Sat drove to the hamptons and went to Space and then afterhours(I was SEVERELY f@#$@%ed up that night...LOL)drove back Sunday and then sunday night went to Serena a nice little lounge with a beautiful woman......

so overall it was a rollercoaster ofd a weekend........

now this coming one...I already know it is going to get UGLY............I better start catching up on my sleep now..... wink.gif


oh yea..I betta see all you SEX freakz at my party Friday night at Cream(it just sounds dirty.... cwm11.gif )LOL


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

AIM: AztecNY

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Friday...The beach bar

Saturday day: Neptunes....It was cold and rainy but had an awesome time.

Sat. night: Space...WAY expensive...but had a slammin time.

Sunday day: Back to Neptunes....Awesome time!

Sunday night: CPI....GREAT. Then after hours at space/life.

Monday: Boardy barn....Eggh ok

Needless to say im broke..and tired. But had a slammmmmmin weekand!

SuZie cwm32.gifcwm32.gifcwm32.gif

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Fri: Moved into my shore house, Got way too drunk, went to XS, dropped bombs, danced my ass off, hooked up with some guy and don't know his name or what he looked like, went home and brought some guys back to our house, did some coke, snorted another pill, and bumped alot of K, went to bed at 8am

Sat: woke up around 3, went to XS AGAIN, dropped bombs, bumped tons of K, drank tons of alcohol, hooked up on the dance floor, danced my ass of, stayed up till 8 am

Sun: went to Surf Club, went through way too much coke, had too many rum runners, tried to go to temps got stuck in the rain, went to XS, really danced my ass off, stayed up late, smoked alot of weed

Mon: slept really late, felt like ass, went home late

ALL in ALL, a damm good weekend...........

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