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Long hair or short hair


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Do you girls like guys with long or short hair and why? Guys do like girl with short hair and does it really matter?


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[This message has been edited by tonyv (edited 06-01-2001).]

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Originally posted by imnikki:

so does this mean that im out of the racE? =*(

LMAO noooooo Your hair is about the same length as mine! smile.gif LOL I just cut mine, as you saw at the meetup, which is pretty short for me. YOur fine! LOL



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It really depends on the person... but usually I don't like really long hair on guys... jaw-length is about the cut-off point.

And in defense of my new haircut... yeah, short-haired women rock!

Oh yeah, and it's still long enough to get a good grip on.


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[This message has been edited by tastyt (edited 06-01-2001).]

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Short hair for the boys; the shorter the better. Long for me for sure.

Tried it short-short for a while and then realized - there's never been a playboy centerfold with short hair, has there? And the only short-haired girl in the porno is that third 'extra' girl who never gets it *good* from any of the hotties. Of course short haired girls are sexy too, but for better or worse, long hair is traditionally a sex symbol accessory and for someone as sex-obsessed as me it's a no-brainer.



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I"m not a big fan of guys with long hair, but I don't like bald heads either. I need texture up there!

As for women I like girls with long hair but not those chicks who let their hair grow way down to their butts and the ends are all scraggly....UGH!


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Originally posted by rachel1997:

It really dosen't matter. As long as the girls hair is longer then MINE smile.gif

And the guys hair - MUST be shorter then MINE! smile.gif

so does this mean that im out of the racE? =*(


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I think long hair on girls can add to their beauty, but some girls that have short hair really look hot with it. You really haveto have the face for it to carry it though.

I have really long brown hair, almost all the way down my back, I'm to scared to cut it and I do love having long hair.

As for guys I love them with long enough hair to spike it all messy, but not long. Very few guys look good ith longer hair.

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