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I've only been on CP for 5 months now. But it gets addictive. It becomes a part of your life - a community.

The time may be coming for me to move on as I don't live in NYC and eventually you have to take things to the next level and make the people a part of your real life - something I can't do.

But it has been quite a ride and I just want to thank those who made it so educational, entertaining, and moving.

CMB1975, DJMoonshine, TastyT, Glowgirl, Lickmylipz, Imnikki, ClubKat, DJStrype, Orchid21, Unbound, Rachel, XXlea, Peaches, MissKitty, and anybody I have forgotten (I am really drunk right now so excuse me) I love you all. You have all taught me a great deal, and funnily enough, I think I will always remember my CP days. It was 5 months that seemed to last a lifetime.

I'll be around every now and then but it is clearly time for me to move on - both in posting and AIM. I wish you all good luck and happy lives. You all deserve it. And remember, that to be truly happy, find life partners as open to adventure and sensuality as you all are.

I'll miss you all.

Wyatt Dick

(The joke was that Mr. Dick is my real name)

(And I don't care about posting my real name here as their is nothing I am ashamed of)

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yo, sober up dick

where the fuck are you going!?!?!?


Originally posted by mrdick:

I've only been on CP for 5 months now. But it gets addictive. It becomes a part of your life - a community.

The time may be coming for me to move on as I don't live in NYC and eventually you have to take things to the next level and make the people a part of your real life - something I can't do.

But it has been quite a ride and I just want to thank those who made it so educational, entertaining, and moving.

CMB1975, DJMoonshine, TastyT, Glowgirl, Lickmylipz, Imnikki, ClubKat, DJStrype, Orchid21, Unbound, Rachel, XXlea, Peaches, MissKitty, and anybody I have forgotten (I am really drunk right now so excuse me) I love you all. You have all taught me a great deal, and funnily enough, I think I will always remember my CP days. It was 5 months that seemed to last a lifetime.

I'll be around every now and then but it is clearly time for me to move on - both in posting and AIM. I wish you all good luck and happy lives. You all deserve it. And remember, that to be truly happy, find life partners as open to adventure and sensuality as you all are.

I'll miss you all.

Wyatt Dick

(The joke was that Mr. Dick is my real name)

(And I don't care about posting my real name here as their is nothing I am ashamed of)


AIM: morph10010

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yeah why all of a sudden do you feel the need to "go" anywhere? you're still gonna be in the same place... cwm13.gif i mean... there are lots of people that "can't take things to the next level" but to not come to the site anymore doesn't make sense... take clubplanet for what it is... and don't make it out to be more...



life's a ride... pack light...


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Hey Kids smile.gif

CP is addictive as hell. Its hard to have a middleground. I spend way too much time here.

As I said, I will be aorund every once in a blue moon but I gotta focus more energy on my real life.

Its been fun. Love ya all.


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good luck on your journey my friend ... hope that it's filled with lots of tasy pussy ... and if it is, come back sometime and let us know about it.... smile.gif



Next total solar eclipse:

21 June 2001 Zimbabwe

(look for live web broadcast)

"Are there really Angels? ... Or are they just in our mind?"

RIP - Mota20 ... your gentle words of ncouragement will be remembered

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