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question guys...


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ok i work as a salesgirl in a store and there is this guy that always comes in and flirts and shit and then there will be other guys that come in such as for example today: a guy came in was checking me out even my manager was like hes checkin out your ass haha but they all do this ut thats it why dont they come up to me and say something!?! i mean its fun but it gets boring i need a challenge! so guys would you ever approach a salesgirl???????

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Yes /... "I" would, but don't try to sell me a bunch of Shit!?! cwm27.gif

J/K :

But seriously, If I'm in a store and the sales girl is hot... I check her out, If Im single, I may throw some "vibez" and wait for a responce. Often I don't want to bother them at work... So if I feel something I'll come back later.

If he's the REAL ONE he'll come back and talk. Or he just might like to window-shop cwm13.gif

If I were you I would approach Him, some guys like that (I LOVE it!!)

walk up to him verry slowly looking him in the eyes and ask;

"See something you like?"


"Do you ever plan on buying anything? ...because checking out my ass is not FREE" (LOL)

cwm27.gif <I'm sorry, I just can't help myself sometimes> cwm27.gif



The DJ From Another Planet ™

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yeah id hit on a girl at a store if it felt right...




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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If I find a girl really attractive, and it seems like a good time to talk to her, chances are that I will, but I understand what you're talking about. It's weird how it works. For example, I never bother flirting with a bartender b/c I know she probably got hit on 100 times earlier that night. I will actually talk to her, but I'll never just come out with some stupid lines. She probably heard them all before, plus that's just not my style. cwm12.gif



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it could be many things....these guys couldve just been checking u out cause theyre married or are taken, or they couldve been shy.

as an aside, if i were a girl and some guy i never saw before walks up to me and starts talking and asks me out, i'd be a little weary. if he comes back to the store and buys some more stuff (ideally as just an excuse to talk to me), then that seems like a cool guy.

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Only if I felt the vibe that she'd be welcoming that. I'd been hit on at work before by women I absolutely did not care for, and I understand that business-related friendliness and such is frequently mistaken for real attraction, and how it sucks when you're obligated to be that way when you actually want to kick the other person in the gonads.


In G We Trust

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Welcome to the wonderful world of me and my friends. What we often forget is that guys are shy or they are afraid of rejection. It takes some balls to just start a random conversation with someone. Most often they do a lot of staring - and if they are real pigs, they let the comments fly. Ignore it - I deal with it everyday on the streets of NYC.

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