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You wanna hear my story of my favorite toy...

It was a little Gumby figure. I loved it, put it in my pocket where ever I went. Then one day my dog ate it. I cried for DAYS, and then... my wonderful single mother went outside for days searching for the gumby that she said would soon "turn up". After a little while my mom came in with... MY GUMBY!! She had spend hours searching then disinfecting my gumby for me... I love mommy.

Hey, you asked... it's a sweet, yet yucky story.

Oh, but other than that... wooden blocks were my favoirte, they were like legos but older.

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I loved my starwars action figures! I remember that I prided them so much, that I wouldn't let my friends or cousins play with them. I think that my parents still have them in their basement. ($$$) Being a boy, I also prided myself in building the best treehouse/fort in the valley!



"Take the red pill and stay in wonderland and then you'll see how deep the rabit hole goes..." Morpheus

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I grew up in Pittsburgh which is extremely mountainous and green.. when I moved to Chicago I felt so sad during the winter because there were no hills for the kids to go sledding..

No real forests or backyards to build forts or treehouses..

Probably one of my most vivid childhood memories is being about 10 years old, we just moved to a new house and my friend came knocking on the door after school and yelled at me to follow him.

We proceeded into the woods and found this rundown, shell of a treehouse, falling to pieces.. he searched through the rubble and pulled out a box..

And guess what was in the box???

That's right boys.. dozens of playboy magazines... we had hit the gold mine.. this was the days before the Internet and when HBO was the only pay channel..

Both my friend and I were too scared to take the playboys into our houses, for fear of getting caught.. so we left them there.

Unfortunately, after a few days.. the "owners" must have come by and they were gone!

Damn the shit we had to do back then to get a glimpse of some boobs..

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Did anyone have a Hippity Hop? Those were too much fun. And (no comments out of the peanut gallery) but the Sit N'Spin was fun too although there was a lot of nausea after that.

Barbie's ruled life for a few years and I'm w/Ang on the Shrinky Dinks.

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Ha ha throwing stars!! A man after my own heart Marcel.

Scalectrics were pretty good, and i was also in to the Star Wars stuff.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Kim... I was raised in the North Hills (Pittsburgh)..

i just remembered what has to be the ultimate toy of all time.

The Big Wheel..

no kid should ever grow up without one.

although i'm still kinda wondering why they had plastic tassles on the ends of the handlebars.. that was kinda gay.. after all, this is a lean mean racing machine.

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Yeah, you guys brought back alot of good memories. I think we all have alot in common. I loved lite-brite, legos, lincoln logs, my skateboard of course( actually still love it now), bicycle, I loved to go down to the end of my street and pile my skateboard up with wooden pallets from the glass shop, push them down the street and build a maze of forts under are cigar tree. In my yard we had two big trees, the cigar tree I just mentioned and a cherry tree we made two strory treehouses in both w/ trap doors to get into the 2nd floor. Yeah and it would be fun cause all the kids in the neighborhood wood steal there dads dirty mags and they'd end up in my tree house. You could really escape from everything up there. Did you guys have any caves in your home town? I also really got into chinese stars and other martial art weapons. I'm not a violent kid I just loved how the weapons worked in old martial art flix.




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Awwww. I loved reading about everyone's childhood. I didn't have a favorite toy, but I remember doing a lot of crazy shit in playgrounds and climbing trees. It was like a competition of who could do the most fucked up stunt. I've got tons of scars to show!

Hehehe, I remember once my aunt tried to make me "play like a girl" by giving me this Little Miss Makeup doll. When you wet certain parts of her face, makeup would show up. She had all these pretty hair bows and everything. Hhehehe, my friends and I decapitated it and buried it.

oohhh, I wish I was 7 again, I would still be doing the same things. Hmm. . .(I still kinda am)

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Originally posted by tranceaction:

Kim... I was raised in the North Hills (Pittsburgh)..

i just remembered what has to be the ultimate toy of all time.

The Big Wheel..

no kid should ever grow up without one.

although i'm still kinda wondering why they had plastic tassles on the ends of the handlebars.. that was kinda gay.. after all, this is a lean mean racing machine.

The Big Wheels were BAD!!! The tassels were the first thing to come off of it. That's the first time that I knew that I was a straight male!!!

Months of riding it craked the wheels and gave it a deep guteral sound. I enjoyed waking up the neighbors on my early morning sidewalk drags...!



"Take the red pill and stay in wonderland and then you'll see how deep the rabit hole goes..." Morpheus

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I must admit, all your toys do bring back the memories, but I would have to say my favorite toys would have been J.I. Goe and Transformers, those things were great!! I had the Base, the fighter jet, the jeep, you name it I probably had it, and better yet, they had cartoons about these guys. And come on, Transformers??? You got the decepticons and Optimus Prime and the idiot bad guys who always mess up and have to answer to the boss. Man, talk about memory lane.

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