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Twilo: Fri or Sat?


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Millele and the rest of our crew will be going on Sat...Tenaglia and Digweed (Twilo's 6 year anniversery) - a dream team!!!

Though I do like PvD...I just cannot handle that crowd...hopefully the crowd on Sat won;t be as bad since its 21+.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


[This message has been edited by raver_mania (edited 04-09-2001).]

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Oh Hell yeah. I can't wait. I'm going both night. My family will be pissed off come Sunday's Easter dinner, but how could anyone miss this.


Well your honor I do believe I'd be better off dead

And if you can take a man's life for the thoughts that's in his head

Then won't you sit back in that chair and think it over judge one more time

And let 'em shave off my hair and put me on that execution line

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Oh the dilemma. I guess I could go to both. I've been to the nites when PVD plays and it's just too packed to dance. I'm going up with a few friends and an assortment of relatives. Woe is me when I get off work Friday and fight 95N traffic during the rush hour.


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i hear ya about the rush hour traffic. raver mania and i leave after work and don't usually get into the city until 11 or so.

hotels - the ramada new yorker on 34th and 8th, i think, usually has good deals. or try the parker meridian. or the hotel newton, i think. or try going to travelocity, cheaptickets.com, and another one - may be it was hoteldis or dischotel.com or something - it's a great site, but i can't quite remember it. let me know if you can't find it, and i'll try to dig it out.


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Originally posted by millele:

i hear ya about the rush hour traffic. raver mania and i leave after work and don't usually get into the city until 11 or so.

hotels - the ramada new yorker on 34th and 8th, i think, usually has good deals. or try the parker meridian. or the hotel newton, i think. or try going to travelocity, cheaptickets.com, and another one - may be it was hoteldis or dischotel.com or something - it's a great site, but i can't quite remember it. let me know if you can't find it, and i'll try to dig it out.


I found a place that goes for $100/night. The hotel is uptown at W77th. That's what...like 50 streets away from Twilo? It's gonna be an expensive weekend including the clubs and parking. Ugh.

I putting in extra hours this whole week so I can leave early Friday...hopefully I'll get there by 8ish without the rain.


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well, at least you're on the west side and hopefully you'll be a straight shoot down to twilo, ie no cross-town action involved which is a bitch IMO.

which night are you going to twilo? i know pvd has major die-hard fans but everyone should def. try to go sat night too - it's twilo 6-yr anniversary party, so it's going to be UNbelievable. i'm sure they'll have the insane light show going, maybe there will be those people dressed up in clown outfits or whatever. going to be unreal!!!!

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I've seen PVD @ Twilo before. Some of my friends want to see PVD because he was so good when he came down here. My plan is Sat night after spending the day shopping and some dim sum. I tend to run out of gas around 4am and probably jet around that time. cwm7.gif

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Ok, my friend booked the hotel by surprise smile.gifBad news-I need to be put on guestlits and each time I go through clubplanet (just past 20 mins), I need to update my account info (phone #,address..)for some reason,it pops up that there's error-what can I do?I've emailed 2 clubplanet.com address' already-Iam so stressing out.I just want to get everything settled.And why isn't PVD listed on the clubplanet newletter?

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I just signed up for <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> for Twilo this Friday about 3 minutes ago. I thought it would ask me for confirmation and then I would cancel but I guess I'm committed to go now. They'll be sending me confirmation via email. Try signing up for <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> again.

What does it mean my gueslist request depends on my male to female ratio? What...I'm not man enough? *looks down* cwm30.gif

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I am so envious of all of you !!!! But if I had to choose, it would be Danny and Digweed all the way until the very end......just thinking about it gives me goosebumps!!! Have fun and be safe all! smile.gif

At least I'll get to boogie to SAndra Collins and some garage....



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i don't remember the male:female thing, but FYI, you're not committed to going even though you're on the list. it gives you $5 off, but it's not like they're going to hunt you down or refuse future requests if you don't show up.

can't wait for the weekend!!!

ps you leave around 4am???? seriously, the music is best post 6am or so. you should rest up, take some hyrdoxycut or something when you're about to go out, or drink red bulls or something. if you leave before 6, you might as well not come at all, IMO!!!

i'm not picking on you, just trying to get you to see the light. smile.gif

Originally posted by mcs328:

I just signed up for <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> </A> for Twilo this Friday about 3 minutes ago. I thought it would ask me for confirmation and then I would cancel but I guess I'm committed to go now. They'll be sending me confirmation via email. Try signing up for <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> </A> again.

What does it mean my gueslist request depends on my male to female ratio? What...I'm not man enough? *looks down* cwm30.gif

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4am ?!?! Dude, seriously you have been missing out coz the truly amazing, hard stuff only gets dropped after 5 or 6am! Do what some of my friends do...take a nap till 3am, and then go! You ahve to stay AT LEAST till 6 or 7am this Sat!!!


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Hehehe...well with all these youngins and teeny boppers at club these days, I sure feel old. I've met some who have older brothers my age or I say my youngest brother is your age. Hey we have something in common *groan* cwm31.gif

I like how I can post these lil smilies. cwm12.gif

What time is everyone leaving for NYC and Twilo? 4pm from DC and midnightish to Twilo for me. *mental note: stock up on red bull and sneak out of work for 'a soda'...come back monday morning*

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Quick question...what is the dress code for Twilo for Friday night and saturday night? Are we talking slacks and breaking on the banana stuff OR we talking sneakers and jeans and t-shirts. So clubby or whatever the hell you want? Need to know ASAP.

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twilo has no dress code. since most people are there for at least six hours or more, comfort is key. pockets are key - chapstick, gum, etc etc. look for me - i'll be wearing my glow-in-the-dark holographic glasses!! (wow - i sound like a raver kid, but i'm really not).

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Look for me wearing red/burgandy sorta raver pants, and a black t-shirt with Caffeine on it (white, glow in the dark letters). I also sound like a raver kid but I'm not really...in spirit I am smile.gif

Don't worry, we have some old people on this baord - I'm 26.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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I hope to be there tonight. I'm having ppl problems so I'm bringing a six pack of whoop-ass if they get out of line b/c I really don't need to go and I'm not as desperate to go. I'll be the one trying to dance with those lil light thingies I got from Glow yesterday. For some stupid reason I got Christmas colors(red and green). What the hell was I thinking?? Blue is fav color but I'd look like everyone else. cwm25.gif

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raver_mania and i always hang out in the same place - under the disco ball. if you hear a guy with a whistle who's also under the disco ball, we're close by (ask the whistleman for millie). it'll be really crowded until at least 6am, i'm guessing.

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