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Question for you lovely Clubplanet peeps

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Ok, I'm in Chicago right now, but I've been thinking a lot about DC's clubbing/ electronica scence since I left.

Maybe I just don't know enough yet or haven't even touched the "underground", but it seems like the only nights/parties that seem to draw out a consistent crowd or a group of regular patrons are gay parties, ie. Tantrum Saturdays, Velvet Nation, Chaos Thurdays (didn't 5's use to have a gay party Wed nights?)

I think too many (Buzzlife being the exception) DC production crews are concerned with creating these "catch-all" type of parties, catering to too many crowds, being greedy and trying to make more and more money. Nor is it about customer service anymore, you know? This is a service industry, good friendly staff is key. There certainly aren't any NYC Spa equivalents in DC, so why act like it?

I'm posting b/c I'd like to hear specific ideas and comments yall might have about what your ideal party or club would/should be. Venue size, changes, setup. THemes, yes or no? sound systems (no one suggest Phazon, b/c you know that's not gonna happen in DC) visuals. Anything.

Not sure yet what to do w/it, it might go as far as reaching some heads at twilight, panoramai, day n nite. Or I was seriously talking to some peeps (from NY and CHicago) that thought it might be a fun project to start a new party in DC on Friday nights (though to rival Buzz that night would be kinda scary)

You people and very few others seem to be the few consistent clubbing people I've seen in DC. Your opinions are important. Give me your feedback.

PS- I dont' like labels either, but post whether you think you classify as a clubkid (I don't think there'll be many here) or just a yuppie clubber who likes electronic music lots. (it's ok, Young Urban Professionals bring in the most money. They want your business!)

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very nice because i always like to hear myself talk, i mean see myself write.

i'm a maryland native and i've lived here all my life. i started clubbin in high school. my first clubbing experience was when i was 17 and headed out to the famous gay club tracks. that scene made me come back over and over. i also used to go to fever in b-more. then it was buzz. now twilo. in between those clubs, i've been to all the clubs in dc, the cheesy ones in b-more and a handful in new york.

my favorite by far is twilo. first the venue, all the top dj's in the world play there. secondly, the people. the vibe is great and there are people that go for the music and appreciate the dj's. third, i had to say it, phazon. fourth, the management and security in all my experiences have been very, very cool. no troubles. fifth, it's a club that you can get comfortable, ie no dress code. lastly, the size is perfect, not too big like exit and not to small like 5. all in all, if you had twilo in dc, i'd be there all the time. i know, that's a stretch. besides, there can only be one twilo so i have my standards to compare every other club to.

hey, if you want to start something in dc, let me know. i've always been interested in promoting a venue but i have always looked at promoters rather suspiciously.

my $.02


Life is too short to be small. 6a.gif

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Hmmm. Well I notice a lot of productions in here do try to get *everyone* to come to a specific night. Hence 3 different types of music played in one night in one room. I've been to Platinum where it started off with whatever the hell Z104 plays for 2 hours(top 40 music straight from the CD), then switch to a DJ who plays Dance, NRG(the music I like to dance to), then go 180, switch to another DJ to play Hip-Hop/R&B for another hour or so and end the night with either more Hip Hop, Dance or some House. I think that's the appeal of Buzz because it's consistent and you know what crowd is coming and staying.

Then there are places like Insomnia aka Element that started off nice just playing all dance I think with some Hip Hop but moved that to the 2nd floor. They attracted a lot of kiddies tho. I define kiddies as under 18(despite what you're fake beaten up tattered ID says). Some of their mistakes were with the decor. The stage was good but after a while they didn't let anyone dance on the stage and now it's more of those foam things in the ceilings. They also need like places to sit down and drink without having to reserve a table and do this VIP thing like they do.

The Cage was probably the best club I've been to. Main floor was dance and bottom was hip/hop(always empty by the way). But the neighborhood was shady and parking was impossible. The main floor had a lot of dancing room and air condition was good. Was there a coat check there? I don't remember but coat check would have been nice cuz I remember going when it rained and I was soaked. The lights were decent for it's size.

*whew takes a deep breath* My two cents. I could be very wrong. I also don't think DC has the critical mass to pack the number of clubs we have.

Hmmm...did I stray from the topic? I'll see after I post this and read the question again.



Ok read the last question. I am probably not a raver or club kid. Most likely the Yuppie guy who likes the commericially dance songs --> Alice DJ, Aqua, Amber,Imperio, Alexia Phiilips. High NRG songs with words, ya know? I admit some you just can't dance to but they're great to listen to.

I would like more music like Darude's Sandstorm or Cosmic Gate's Exploration of Space EXCEPT that those songs are SOOOO played out. I can live with a few more playings of Exploration of Space sticking around but Sandstorm has got to stop.

Anyone else agree(slightly) or did I just invite a firestorm and ostricized myself? cwm6.gif

[This message has been edited by mcs328 (edited 05-16-2001).]

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good lord, i'll try to stay true to the topic.

i 150% agree w/ egg in that twilo is the mother of all clubs. however, i think that the elements that make twilo twilo are 1) not feasible to bring down here, and 2) even if you could, which is impossible, i agree w/ whoever said that dc doesn't have the critical mass (although it would certainly bring in more people from out of town).

specific suggestions: while phazon is not a possibility, i was once told that buzz's sound system is also top notch, and 5 is not too far off either. definitely do NOT get whatever system they have at platinum - it's more to produce volume that quality sound, IMO.

definitely FRIDAYS need work, now that 5 is hip hop half the night (i went there for its first hip hop night last fri - hip hop was supposed to end at 12:30 but it didn't until 2:30). IMO ty t is a pretty decent dj, but he's at volt, which is an awful venue for dj, IMO. my favorite local dj's are buster, alex whalen, scott henry, saeed - so if anything ever does come out of this, i'd love to see some of these guys as residents.

your comments about only gay parties having a true and loyal crowd - i wouldn't agree w/ that 100%. buzz definitely has a usual crowd, and even 5 has the normal clubbing people that i see a lot. glow i don't know too much about - i've always had bad experiences there so i don't go often. speaking of, though, i hear glow has a new light show.

light shows are key. themes - not terribly important to me. but i think production companies love the idea of themes, so whatever.

DO NOT go and do something completely retarded just to generate hype and $ like the oxygen bar at 5. i'd rather see time, effort and resources spent on getting awesome dj's, like sandra collins, dave seaman, and, dare i say it, digweed.

whew, i've written a book. i love talking about this stuff, though, and i feel like i have a million things more to say.

and oh yeah, me - i guess i'd have to be classified as a yuppie who's all about the electronic (progressive) music. but i'm only 23 - does that make me a yuppie?? i'll cry if you say yes. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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My perfect club? Three rooms of music: One w/ very progressive, dark house. One with more upbeat trance/house. One chill room w/ drum & bass or even hip hop. Lots of free places to sit and chill - no VIP. Excellent sound system. No dress code. Top DJs. No attitude from staff or patrons. Decent light show.

I'm not asking for much, am I? cwm4.gif

I agree w/ the others - Twilo is awesome - but I don't know that it would work here. Maybe something on a smaller scale?

I'm not a club kid - but I'm definitely a club veteran!

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Just when you thought you were rid of me... cwm1.gif

Personally I'm loving this topic. My company is currently running several of those parties that are out to get as many people as they can by whatever means they can (and for those of you that think that emailing panorama will help that, don't hedge your bets -- they partner us on one of these parties). I would LOVE to see us go for a slightly more, shall I say, REAL party? But I have to warn you, Scratch, the reason why nobody really has in DC is because there is next to no chance of making money off that kind of thing. It's really nice to say you're going to run a party just for the music and to bring out a real club crowd and create the scene, so on and so on, but the fact is that chances are high you'll lose money, and that is a big incentive to give up shortly thereafter. Not saying it isn't possible but it's a usual reality. OK enough about that.

I'm going to venture to say that I am definitely a yuppie, just because my lifestyle is like, the Yuppie Template. OK, stop laughing cwm16.gif And personally, I love what 1223 has going on -- a real upscale crowd, very few sketchies. I love that kind of atmosphere, where people dress nice and act like they have some class. I like VIP rooms. I also love cages and platforms, like at Space and Zei. Well, provided that they keep the good dancers in and the hoochie mamas out. Music-wise, I'm really not too uptight about it. I will dance to and enjoy pretty much everything, house, trance, and yes, I love hip hop, but the brittany spears crap that Darryl spins at 5 lately is a sure way to get me off the dance floor immediately. As for sound systems and layout of the club, that's not something I worry too much about because it's not something that the patrons or even the promotions companies can change -- you just have to suck it up. But my ideal layout would be a large, multi-floor club with floors or rooms for house, trance, hip hop, and maybe something else... A place with classy, modern decor (I love black lacquer and big, cut mirrors).

Alright so now that I've just stated something like the exact opposite of what everyone else here is looking for, I'll be the scorn of the board for a while as I browse your responses. If I can tack on a little request to suggest your favorite venues outside of Nation (looking for the less obvious places here), things *are* in the works for something new and hopefully, geared to something more real cwm9.gif


"EVERYBODY wants to be ME!" ~Goldie Hawn, Overboard

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Hi everyone! I don't post too often, but this topic is just making me speak up. Now I am 3hrs SE of DC so I don't know it as well as everyone up there but I do frequent it as often as possible (I LOVE DC! cwm7.gif )

I've been hitting all sorts of clubs and parties for nearly 8 years (25 now). In DC, I've been to Tracks, Hung Jury, 5, Red, ESL, Heaven & Hell, Nations, the Edge, 11th Hour/the Saint, the Cage, and probaly a couple more I can't remember.

My ultimate fave place to go to in DC is Red - particularly on Sundays - it is small and intimate, the vibe is incredible, and the music is awesome.

Fave clubs venue-wise are Tracks, Nations, and I actually see alot of potential in the 930 Club if they worked on the lighting and sound (I like the layout - went to see DD there and had a fun time). Oh another gem we have found is Andalau on Sundays! Now this is a classy, cozy, intimate place.

My ideal club would be very classy, loungy, and cozy....but as well as have a nice-sized dancefloor with good lighting and sound. Absolutely love House, the progressive sound, some trance, 2-step, breaks, intelligent dnb....

As of late, I have been more into the smaller, intimate venues because the vibe tends to be incredible...don't get me wrong I do miss the large clubs (ie. Buzz - we saw MJ Cole and were very impressed - great vibe in there too!) but they just haven't been doing it for me like they used to. *shrug* The M3 parties are always fun. Not a big fan of the "catch all" type parties, but hey to each their own. smile.gif

So all in all, I usually go to a party or club for a particular dj and/or vibe to dance my ass off.

As for how to "describe" myself...well I'm not a raver and my definition of a clubgirl tends to be different from others....so let's call me a danceaholic!

Ummmmm, I hope I answered some of the questions. Take care and keep on dancing Dc - you all have a great thang. tongue.gif



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Thanks all. I enjoyed reading everyone's responses. I'll definitely pass it along.

I know everyone loves it when world-class talent makes their way to Nation or 5, but how many of you would frequent a place (regularly) to hear local, not-so-famous DJs? (there seems to be a local following for Alex and Buster) Not exactly an amateur night, but something in b/t? I've seem some flyers for local showcases for the d n'b scene but nothing much else.

(BTW I think Kaffa House Sundays are an excellent place to chill before starting the week out, really intelligent stuff, I think they might be starting breaks there too)

My friends are looking into some other cities too. But who knows, maybe there'll be a new party next winter/fall for us all to have a clubplanet meetup?

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