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Starting Club, need opinions

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My dream is to start a club. But I want it to be all about what the people want. So this is what i am looking for. What makes a club standout? Why do you go to the clubs you do? What kind of music do you like best at clubs? What kind of an atmosphere? And if anyone wants to give me some added help on what I need to do to start a club, such as how to get the ball rolling, who to contact, where I can get any help let me know! I look forward to working with you, and cna't wait to get this club open!



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Please don't enter a contest to see who can build the biggest club. That gets annoying because then you have to get a bunch of commercial DJs and let everyone in to fill it up. The way to build an internationally-known "superclub" I am convinced would be to have about a 1000 capacity, get a lot of DJs who are not yet well-known but who are basically as good as the superstars but who don't just copy them either, have a door policy to only let in people with good vibes, and within 2 years you and your DJs would be just like Gatecrasher and PVD now. The problem is very few club owners seem to understand music, so they build clubs with all these cheesy theatrics to make up for it.

Well, whether you'd have the next superclub or not, I'd love you for doing it.



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I'm very very serious about this. I am really looking to start a club. I know it's going to take a ton of money and a ton of work, but I know it's what I want to do. I'm only 19, bu tif people can decide their first year of college their majors then I can decide at the same time tha tI am going to open a nightclub. I don' twant it to be enormous, but I want everyone to dance like crazy and have a blast.


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A club eh? I have the sme dreams myself. I already have it planned out, since i have EVERYTHING planned out. Quick disclaimer: nothing n life goes as planned.

Anyhow, I'd like to see some experimentation with holigraphy. Only downside is that it is expensive.

I'm only 21 but know it is very unrealistic to open my own club unless I cna convince investors of a good idea and have some serious cash of my own to put up too. Since hoboken is my home for the next few years, it would be cool to do something wild here. Perhaps in 8 years or so the music will beceom integrated like it is in teh UK so that you can put up a club in other parts besides just the cultural mecca and still have a good turnout.

Nice dream, but focus on a reasonable reality. Picking a major and graduating is much more reasonable than opening a club.


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I totally agree with Randy.

Unless u're parents are rich... and willing to give u some money to make u're dream come true..or won the lotto... or u inherited the money.. or invested in the right stock market... or went on the "do u want to be a millionaire" show.. and the list goes on.... I really think u have a unrealistic dream. I want to be open up a club myself... but I KNOW that it's only silly dream. Ofcourse maybe I will be able to =P

U just gotta meet the right people.. and know exactly what u want.. new ideas, new setting.. etc.. If u have great ideas then all u need in tons of money and getting connected to people who know what's going on.. and can help u.

Good luck to u =) and I hope u can make u're own club.


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Hi kirra,

nice idea!! we r starting an ecom venture, that could be helpful to u. we r starting it from NYC, and we plan to go national. as a part of our marketing strategy we intend to enter tie ups at many places. if u think i make sense then may be we should get in touch.

and dont worry about the money. good business is never really done with dad's money.

best of luck!!!


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i think every1 has had this dream at some point in their life, i dont wana burst your bubble, but dont put all your eggs in one basket....besides the massive finacial backing youll need, theres those connections with the shaddy underground, youll probably end up establishing wiether you want them or not...anyways..first step would be to get a good accountant and lawyer, investors..then worry about finding space/dj/promotion..ect...


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You know? Someone once said that the only dreams that are realized, are those that are pursued..and I intend on pursuing mine. And I'd like to thank you all for being SOO supportive. It's so good to see people say, that it's a silly dream. Yeah people probably said that to the first person who wanted to go to the moon, but this is a club not NASA. As I said before, I REALIZE the finances involved and I intend on making this club happen, no matter what it takes. I AM going ot college, for Graphic Design, I'm no idiot. You haven't discouraged me, rather, you have made me want to do it even more. SO thank you. Now back to the matter at hand, I wanted ideas......what makes a club a grea tplace? What makes you want to keep going back? Thank you again....have a nice day.


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