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to everyone who cries about cheesy music/clubscene

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first off, i'm surprised nestor even uses a computer! you should handwrite your posts and send them to clubplanet via messanger pigeons, but thats neither here not there. music isnt getting cheesier, its the clubs that choose to play commercial shit for commercial crowds, its called getting paid, capitalism, America , get it. as for the bitches who cry about no one plays deep, and the shit out now sucks, dont go to fuckin exit or factory or whatever. change is natural in everything, especially in art, which music is. for everyone's info, there's a lot of good music being produced currently, you just need to know where to go. check out dt, and you'll see that deep house isnt dying out, its evolving, and for the better if you ask me. obviously if you go to exit where they're not only playing cheese, but the same cheese from 2 years ago, its gonna look like music is going to shit. but there is a mainstream market for that stuff and people feel comfy hearing commercial crap. to each their own, if they're having a good time. bottom line being, if you're into music, and have specific needs within music, you will find what you're looking for. there is more music being produced now then ever before, so if you claim to be a big house head, or trance head or metalhead or whatever, spend some time looking for your music/scene instead of crying on this board about the good old days.


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Wizard your right that everyone is going to have their own opinion. That's a given. And people do go out and find what they're looking for. Most of those who stop, do so b/c they're no willing to pay for a party when more fun would be had by listening to it on their own b/c the crowd is better.

Why hasn't the old scence come back? B/C it can't think of all the promoters that threw all those parties. They've pretty much been black balled. Either b/c they come with the whole drug association or b/c the club owners won't let them throw parties like they were back them, they weren't money makers. They'll hand them 3 comps and be like call your people. My friend threw a party at the Tunnel a couple months ago and even he left the club. Promoters now aren't given the option of really running the show and setting up the party they're given a reduced list at the door.

But don't worry all those pro Capatalist America cause this is the end of my part in this whole topic. You'll soon see what a Cap America really means.



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You know just the other day about 2 weeks ago I picked up my very old Danny Tenaglia tribal CD which was my favourite when it first came out, "Can Your Pussy Do the Dog?," from 1994 I think, and put it in. I still like it, but it made me realise how far music has come, and how Danny has always been innovating and staying on the cutting edge, while many others (Junior Vasquez for example) seem stuck in a time warp while the rest of the world has left them behind. People are doing so much with harder more banging styles today that make it great and smooth to listen to, unlike early rave music or the pounding techno of the mid-90s. Dance music really is getting better. It's also gradually getting more popular, which creates other problems, like tons of commercl DJs running around to play for clueless crowds. Don't get me wrong, I have frequented Body and Soul and really like that style of music, but there's more things happening people, things change, enjoy it.



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i hear you loud and clear dclarke, and Cap-tain America is going to change....the clubs are seeing the "Home Depot Economics" take charge......build super clubs, offer everything...give me all your money, shut down the actual service, the actual down home feeling of a thing, take away its personality, make it into a factory instead...come, get what you're looking for or not, dont ask me for anything, and leave when i tell you...this too will change, all things are cyclical....



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wizard, I agree with you completely.Maybe i shouldnt have used the word "they".When I say they I refer to people making ignorant comments about music and styles..ect.. Your right if you do not like the dj dont GO !

I hope nyc can open up a little, thats all.

including the DJ's.Arent we supposed to be the MECCA of house music ? Well, the same music thats getting played in NJ/conn/tristate is getting played prime time in the city...Whats making NYC so special ? just my opinion.



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yeah....uuhhmm.....wise, who are the "they", that you speak of? are 'they' the same 'you guys' that nestor speaks of? this is all such a drag to read over and over on this board, yet the drama continues. im not a big advocate of positive/negative arguements, im in search of the real, the genuine article.

bottom line is this, personally i agree with pooh, dclarke, saint, nestor, joel, tranza, and whomever else has an opinion on the matter....and here is the key...TO AN EXTENT!

i dont think anyone would want to be agreed with unanimously anyway, what fun would that be, no stimulation involved. it's everyone's right to have a say.

this whole thing about the 'dead scene' we live in, here's whats amusing about it....who's fault is it?...how come none of you take credit for it?...when will any of you take credit for it not getting any better?....it's easy to place the blame, but rather, wouldnt it make more sense to analyze the situation, and decide what next must be done to make it better?....

the arguements are futile around here these days, there is no point in arguing tastes and styles and choices. where does it end?....if you like tsettos, good for you, go listen to him spin, if not go somewhere else. instead of living in the 'glory days' about the party scene... which by the way, can be in likeness to a bunch of 30 year olds talking about when they used to play HS football together, and how great it was, and how bad they wish they could do it all over again, BUT THEY CAN'T...

actually, i think that is the bottom line...

im done for now, any more and nobody will read it....lol...



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