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I love the feeling you get about 3 or 4 in the morning when you're in the middle of the dance floor. The music slows down to a peaceful calm. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to recover from the 2 hours of dancing you just did. The lights dim to a romantic level, and you smile at your girl in front of you. And then out of no where, a baseline drops that shakes your soul. The beat begins slowly, and your anticipation grows. The beat gets faster and faster as your heart races in anticipation of what is to come. Everyone is begining to bounce together in harmony. Your body begins to tremble, and the urge the yell in joy grows greater. And then the build up climaxes and the music erupts, causing everyone the throw their hands in the air and dance uncontrollably. And the best thing is that you still have another 6 hours to go.

That's what I love about the club scene.


Keep it movin'!



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Yeah Cholo!

I completely agree with what you're saying! For me the ultimate

high of the evening is when in the midst of the driving melodic

bassline, the vibrating floor from jumping dancers, and the flashing

lights you look up from your intense dancing to look at the people

around you. Everyone is dancing their individual butts off, what more

can you ask for? Hundreds of people, each an individual, from different

backgrounds and age groups, race and religions, fusing at the very

core of their souls, sharing in the joy that we call music. To me...

that's what it's all about, peace out folks....


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Cholo & Human!!! HELL YEA!!

I love it when it's 8 in the morning and my arms have turned to jello and the bones in my legs crack with each step I take. And yet when PVD finishes his last track my heart and soul scream for MORE, MORE, MORE!! And I find myself jumping and screaming along with the rest of the crazy crowd for another 15 minutes of painful bliss! And then when the lights die down and the music starts again, I give my boyfriend that lil' look and we both dance our hearts out one last time! THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT!! DANCING AND THE MUSIC!



Music is the language of souls . . .

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It's definately the MUSIC and the DANCING!

Cholo, you nailed it, just reading your description started to give me that high I get from dancing and music alone. You should publish that cause it's pure inspiration.





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there are sooo many things i LOVE about clubs!! mostly i love how everyone looks different. i love to get dressed up. i love the music,. i love that everyone is literally rolling to the beat. and i love all those sexy men and woman dancing. and and and ...need i say more ....i just LOVE the club scene smile.gifsmile.gif


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