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Lengendary Club Kids Fired From Twilo

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There's a very jealous manager at Twilo who had really nice people promoting for his Friday night parties for over 4 1/2 years stay. This person was a lengendary club personality on top of that, a well known New York promoter. Eventhough, this promoter didnt get any notiarity or credit. He was apart of the image and growth of the Twilo Friday night scene. Throwing small cosy parties and hosting the main floor was his genre. Living off <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guest list</A> money and small jobs at club stores was his life. His business partner was too a club kid promotor but not from the Limelight family ala Michela Alig/Baby Joe. When people came to Twilo, they expect these two charaters to be there. Which they always were. Big platform shoes, attractive outfits, and a friendly loving vibe [the kind of hosts you'd want in your home]. Anyhow, the manager was honestly jeaous of their attention. It was taking away from him, and he just wanted the space to be a Roseland type venue. No scene, just general admission. The only person to get the attention should be him, and the booked European dj's. Oh well. But this was not the case. Get rid of these guys, he thought. But how? The are my best promoters. Their list does better than the house list at times. Everyone loves them, except for maybe a few homophobes or jealous Saturday night queens on staff.Well, they did it too themselves. I dont think so! On a Paul Van Dyk night, at Twilo Friday's. We saw the unusual. A vogue queen harrassing the Lengenday cub kids. Saying he was going to spread all their personal business and do anything in his power to break up their promotional team and friendship. This kid then got in the face of the club promoter and began to fight. The club promoter wearing the platforms fought back but fell due to big platform shoes. At this time everyone is dancing and rolling on "E" watching this on the dance floor wondering is this some kind of performance. Security didn't even step in, just watching like it was the Super Bowl on ABC.Finally the other promoter gets in to protect his business partner and then a dancer holds them apart. Trying to make it a racial incident but it wasn't. Because the vogue queen was black and the club kid was white. But then the other club kid getting involved was black as well. Well the dance floor closes back up to its normal fun. The manager of the club was told by his promoters to please "86" the vogue queen he's causing major trouble. The manager in return says this is petty. And then desides to remove his promoters from the club and keep the trouble maker in his club. A few days later, the manager of Twilo decides to fire the promotors and "86" them from the block and keep their earnings which is way over $600. The promoters shocked by such a decision delt with their exile and move to another club, Exit. Then later recieved a portion of their earnings but still have a charge "86" from 27th Street location. The promoters were still getting calls, emails, and inquirings about their fallout at Twilo. The most popular question was why did the manager take this other persons side over his senior promoters. We still don't know.It's not like they weren't friends with the manager there was a friendship as well. But I think it has a lot to do with jealousy. And this was perfect to get rid of some attention that was upstaging the club manager. Most managers would have gladly taking the incident in consideration but would atleast hear their employees out, and ofcoarse protect them first.But history always changes. And I hear a lot of changes are always going down at Twilo. No one can stay on top for ever, just look at the New York Stock Exchange. So... To a thick headed bartender gone manager. Lay off the attitude and do the right thing. Take back your boys!


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I just have to say, I don't like the goings on at Twilo. I have been going there for apx. 4 years on and off and I have tried taking notice of the changes in atmosphere, vibe, and management. From the "no sitting on the floor"- to putting in bleacher type stairs in the corner. This new store thing they put in is just rediculous. I hope that goes away soon because it is just too weird.

I refused to go to another PVD show unless I showed up at 4am or later because it is just too outta hand. Well as it turned out, a friend of mine was dying to go-last time he spun...... so I go, and we could not even move in the place! People were pushing and shoving, it must have been the night you described in your post. As the night wore on, I had tried and tried to "claim" a spot to dance for my friend and I, only to get glered at or shoved by some drunk guy. Then I saw this fight. Boy was I upset! It was in the main doorway coming into the main room. I don't think it was the same fight that you described, which makes me more upset because that is not how it is supposed to be at Twilo. I was always the one to describe the "scene" to to all my friends as somewhere you always felt love and could always be yourself, look at people dancing near you w/ smiles on. This place I was at sucked so bad. It just took all my energy out of me and sent me home, early. I know after all those people left, it probably was back to normal, but it hurt so bad being in a much too overcrowded club w/ animosity flying. I don't know if it is because all people are getting off for the summer, or cuz PVD was on K-ROCK the week before and brought in a lame crowd. None the less, I haven't been back since. I guess I'll be spending my Friday's w/ DT and I'll drop in on Twilo maybe 3 or 4am when some "unpopular" (yea right) DJ's are there! PLUR?........................magnanimous


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that's terrible. i love club kids. i love the fact that when people go clubbing, they completely transform into someone different than who they "have" to be during the day, does that make sense?

nonetheless, i remember first going to twilo about 4 years ago and was in awe of the many many club kids that were there--- what happened? i have to say, i would love to get dressed like a club kid to twilo, but i don't want to get turned away at the door for being too "freaky".

i am sorry to hear what happened to these promoters (if it weren't for promoters, we could all imagine how terrible shit may become).. but the worst part? the club will be replaced by the many many curious people that will come to twilo for the sake of it being twilo, the mega super club of NyC. great. i bet i'll be seeing my boss there next time, huh? smile.gif

well, i hope to meet some of you guys at twilo.. look for my purple wig..



*turn it around baby*

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This all seems a little crazy, and familiar. This hierarchy seems to be prevalent in NY clubs, the whole Studio 54 and soundfactory problems all started with power trips and I wouldn't like to see another club self destruct in the same way.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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