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At S/F last Sunday....

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I heard that an E dealer was caught... and rumor says that he was raped by gay people in the back.. as well as beaten up really badly. So umm.. any of u guys who do that kinda stuff... be very careful..

My friend was almost caught too by under cover cops... since it was an asian night (if any of u guys don't know.. white people can not tell asians apart.. we all look alike to them)he was able to escape.

Just a little update on what happened at S/F last Sunday.

I heard it was great though.



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getting caught stinks, but if you're going to do it, understand the consequences. if you do understand, then make sure you got a fuckin plan to not get caught.

in addition, i am asian, and i don't think it's cool that you say that "all white people" can't tell us apart-- no doubt, it feels like a majority of people can't tell "us" apart, but yo- i got mad friends of all races/colors/origins/backgrounds, and they ain't trying to tell me that we all look chinese, ya heard? smile.gif

racism stinks--let's not make it any worse! wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

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I'm sorry =( I didn't mean to say "all white people"... bad wording.. my bad. Well I just meant to say the majority have a hard time telling the asian people apart. Even I have difficulty telling asians apart even though I am japanese. I didn't mean to sound racist. I'm probably the last person to be called "racist" since I have so many different friends.. all ages, race, gender, class, etc etc.

well ofcourse there's consequences... everything in life has consequences.. =P

just try to keep outta trouble... =)



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it's all good! i know what you meant, we just don't want to be hurting anyone's feelings, you know? i heard about this supposed "asian rave" at SF. so was it like that? i think that is also slightly whack-- no need to segregate.. oh wells..

i'm a bit japanese too! smile.gif korean though. hehe! mad asianz i see in clubs these days.. no doubt.. represent wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

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haha.. yep MAD asianz at club these days and I totally agree with u.. no need to segregate.. I heard that almost everybody there were asianz. I didn't go but my friends told me. It was PACKED~!

Korean? haha... I have lots of korean friends =) very cool.. ghetto haha.

Know any people from Westchester area? =P


SMILE every1


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