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Ideal Job?

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I think the ideal job for me would to be a food critic for a major publication. These guys make a lot of money, and get to travel all over the world to the best restaraunts in the world, and get paid for it. How unfair is that. All of their expenses are paid for, so the money they make goes straight to the bank. Now that's the job for me. Other than that, everything would be more fantasy, like being a NBA player and silly things like that.

Thanks for reminding me how much I hate my job, lol.


Keep it movin'!



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The one I have now. Freelance computer consultant.

I know it's boring, and it's a conversation killer but listen to the plus points.

I can move where I want because I have a skill that is difficult to come by. This year Chicago but maybe Singapore next, maybe NY.

I get paid large amount of money by the hour. I don't have to work particularly hard, I can "work from home" whenever I want.

It is a little satisfying to know you are making hundreds of thousands of peoples jobs easier.

AND computer programmers are the new rock stars, everybody know that.

But I would give it all up tomorrow to either have the closing set at space or be a porn star (and I know Saint would too).


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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My ideal job, and this is with all fucking sincerity, is to be a poet. I don't care about recognition as far as acadamia goes, because they're all screwed up anyway. I'd like to break all the crutchs in which I rely on the dollar bill to keep me full and sheltered. If I knew I was never going to starve to death and get frostbite, I would quite my job today and roam the world, looking like a furry slim jim, reciting poetry everywhere. I grow tired of this conformed life we live: Take off diapers, go to school, get lots of heartache, keep going to school, get a full time job, get a full time career, get married, buy a dog/house/car/boat/land/will/burial casket/life insurance/cheap blowjobs. It's all wack to me. I have no interest whatsoever in careers. I've worked for the library since I was 14 and have read millions of books about millions of jobs/occupations/professions/off-the beaten road jobs...none of them thrill me. Well, the ones that did thrill me I cannot do (Navy Seal---eye sight fucked that up for me). It's like, being a poet is the only thing that fulfills me. I'd like to make movies one day, little independant movies, star in my own joints, and give all my money away to buying toys and shit for kids dying of cancer. Why do I need millions for?

So, a basic rundown, I want to open the eyes of America and the world and make everybody love each other, I want to put a smile on the face of kids that may not live to see the next day, I want to get boned by the hottest woman in all existence...and I want to love her with all my cunnilingus power...I want to be, simply, a fucking poet...Saint!!!


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B2B's, your job sounds cool. I can't deal with all the computer programming shit though. I know how to use mad software programs...I type almost 94.3wpm, blah blah blah, and I hate it. I couldn't see myself learning pc language. But, for you, it works, so I give you all the respect. I'd like to have your freedom one day...only, within the poetry circuit (but we all know poets don't get paid). I'm trying to find other alternatives besides the poetry thing to release my creativity...I've found a couple, so I'm working on that. Anyways, the point is, move to Singapore, I hear you can fulfill many sexual desires there (LEGALLY)...hahaa. Saint!!!


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My ideal job would be . . . a photographer for some-sort of a travel magazine. So, I can go all over the globe and take pictures and party on the companies expense!!

YEAHHH!!! That would be my ideal job!! biggrin.gif



Music is the language of souls . . .

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B2B, I'm not too sure about you not being able to be a porn star. I met these two guys yesterday @ Bar 13...they were two lovers. Anyways, they are the first gay jewish porno producers. They were mad cool, they read a poem each and got mad luv and respect from the crowd. I would have asked them if they knew how I could get into the business but something about the un-hetrosexual thing turned me off...hahaa. Anyways, all is possible. We could conglomerate on that...I have mad ideas for phat scenes...you find the capital, and I'll provide the creative scenes...we share starring roles...and I'll get feroxnyc and crystalmethod to bring in all the luscious ladies...we could do this (Literally) Saint!!!


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Sorted saint, well I am running some boat parties in Chicago, but I may just have to cancel them and re-direct the capital:-)

The shit that's around at the moment is crap, but non of the US porn stuff real Amsterdam type stuff is what is needed!! Then you just cut it to fit other ordinances.

If your around when I come over, we will have to hook up and discuss ;-)


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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i got the same job and i feel the same way as you do about it. it sucks balls, but when i work a 60 hr week, i get paid for 60 hrs, and the money you make is a lot more than the effort required, atleast i feel that way. i plan on retiring in at most 5 years. can't beat that.

Originally posted by back2basics:

The one I have now. Freelance computer consultant.

I know it's boring, and it's a conversation killer but listen to the plus points.

I can move where I want because I have a skill that is difficult to come by. This year Chicago but maybe Singapore next, maybe NY.

I get paid large amount of money by the hour. I don't have to work particularly hard, I can "work from home" whenever I want.

It is a little satisfying to know you are making hundreds of thousands of peoples jobs easier.

AND computer programmers are the new rock stars, everybody know that.

But I would give it all up tomorrow to either have the closing set at space or be a porn star (and I know Saint would too).


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do you have a contract in NY at the moment?

I am thinking about moving there when my contract is up here. The money is much better, but i here you need to pay $6000 a month for a decent place downtown?


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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My ideal job would be a DJ. I love music, it's a passion. I would listen to music all day. I would love getting the crowd all pumped up. I think I could be an awesome DJ. I'd love to produce also. I would have a lot of extra time to read and write which would be phat.

I would do that or be a race car driver, but not cheesy nascar. I would race GT or F1.


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Actually, $3,000 - $4,000 a month will get you a decent flat around the Soho area (which is downtown New York). I know a friend who's paying $3,500 for a place in Soho and it's a fairly large flat for Manhattan that is.

But you can a awesome apartment, probably twice as big in the Newport area for the same cost. Newport is right across from the water in the New Jersey side. Great view of the city and only a path train (10 minutes - not even) away from the city.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Fuck Amsterdam. Budapest is where the porn scene is now. More porno movies got made here in the last 2 or 3 years than anywhere in Europe. Cheap labour. And more beautiful women willing to be on film than anywhere. You hetero guys out there have to check this place out. I will miss it. frown.gif



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My ideal job is the job Sasha, Digweed, Coxey, Oakey have.

They travel all around the world, play at the best clubs, make people dance and smile, get treated like a VIP, and get paid a shitload of money for it.


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