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Another XTC Report on Fox 5 Last nite

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Another x report on the news again last nite. WTF is going on?

It seems like every nite there is something related to these "designer drugs".

Is it really that big a problem for so much coverage?

And where do they find these kids to interview? They all look & sound like "Crackhead Bob".

Enough already.



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im a big fan of this "designer drug" label honestly....it's amusing to me that it gets the label from people who don't use it. is the drug popular because it is "cool", or because it feels good?...the funniest part is, that the people in the media who are labeling "club drugs, rave drugs, designer drugs"...they are the same hypocrites who snorted all the coke they could handle when it was the chic designer drug back in the day.

when will they have a tv special about all the little kiddies sniffing diesel (H), like its going out of style in the suburbs?. i think thats a far greater problem we face.

one Steve's opinion...


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Ecstasy is a big problem, but most of these "informative" shows that are being played are not helping. A lot of their so called "facts" are a so far from the truth. I understand that to know most of what we know is because we have experienced it.......but like Wizard said most of these people were probably blowing lines when it was the cool thing to do.........people always fear what they do not know. This is all new to the older generation and they act as if it is worse than the shit that they did.


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I might have missed th etalk on this one, but the TIME magazine article on E and the E-generation was very unbiased and never really said it was a bad thing and came up with a number of positive stories. Everyone should give a once over.


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Maybe i phrased my question wrong. Extacy is a problem as any drug is. But it's all relative.

The news media is making it (along with GHB & K) out to be the latest craze. The news report on Fox 5 made it seem that these "designer drugs" are as easily accesible in High Schools as weed is. I don't really believe that.

I personally don't think it's anymore of a problem than weed or cocaine or heroin for that matter. Granted none of these things are okay.

But it's definately not worthy of receiving the coverage that it does.

..just my feelings, and it's still "all Good"


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When I go back home all I see (not just in Dance clubs), is people on E. It is getting to a stupid level. They estimate that 7 million pills are taken every weekend, this is in a country that only has 55 million people. 55% of under 16 year olds have taken drugs in the UK, forget the 60's, the 90's is where the drug problem is.

There has been many stories of people in clubs like Gatecrasher, having competitions to see who can take the most.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not anti drug. But some people just cannot handle it. Some people can take drugs without it becoming a problem, some people abuse drugs. That may sound hypocritical but it is true.

These kids haven't got a clue what they are doing.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that the potential for a real problem with E is huge and I think (at some point), the government over here is going to have to give up there present tactic and start educating on the real facts.

The current trend seems to be to make the sentences longer etc. Again this happened in England, one case a read about was a girl who got caught with 5 pills which were for her friends. She was charged and sentenced to 2 years in prison. She was an accountant that earned 60,000 pounds a year, she didn't need to deal drugs, but the courts didn't see it that way.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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Originally posted by thomaskm1:

I might have missed th etalk on this one, but the TIME magazine article on E and the E-generation was very unbiased and never really said it was a bad thing and came up with a number of positive stories. Everyone should give a once over.

It is a big problem. A lot worse these days than it was 5 years ago. Hands Down. I see so many "random" people from high shcool in clubs these days that I never thought would be there all fucked up. THE ROOT OF THE DRUG PROBLEM THESE DAYS IS THAT CLUBBING IS SO COMMERCIAL NOW THAT EVERYONE'S "TRYING" IT OUT.

They're having huge drug busts at these commercial ass clubs.

All I'm sayin' is open your eyes.

If you ganna do it, do it. But don't go through doin' it with your eyes closed.

Johnny Blaze "ain't a damn thing changed"


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This whole E thing is a big deal right now since most high school people use it. It's one of the trend right now to take E at a club (Since it is a club drug), but the problem is more and more teenagers r using it. It's one of the best shit to sell too cause u can make a lot of money off of those pills (ofcourse selling other shit will make u money).

It is not accessible like weed but it's not hard to get AT ALL. Trust me I'm 18 and I see kids dealing those things and I see kids talking aroung and trying to get E. E is everywhere and kids experiment with it all the time.



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yeah i remember that shit from back in HS when they came around and talked to you about shit like angel dust and pcp...lolol...i remember when coke and heroin where the in drugs...whatever...they'll always be drugs...it creates jobs and money for the government...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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it's funny how when we were growing up and went to school, we got all this information on marijuana, crack, cocaine, heorine, but i never learned anything about the ill effects of extacy or K..maybe that's why we do so much of it without thinking



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yo drugz arnt a problem, if u dont want to do em thats fine but if people have a good time fuckin up there bodies thats there bizness and i for 1 am for it. and beside someone said that weed,coke,nerion,xtc are all a problem what about alcohol thats a drug but i bet u get drunk when u go out and that isnt a problem.



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