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Better Living Through Circuitry Review...

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Last night I saw the "other" movie about the scene. The movie was a documentary style movie with a large amount of dj's being interviewed about the culture, spirituality, bonding, dancing, and business of the rave scene. It takes you from the very conception of Acid House in Europe to the Hardcore of today. Although the trip the movie takes you on seems to drag on a bit at the end, it is a movie you should see if the scene has effected your life. DJ's that were interviewed, to only name a few, were Carl Cox, Crystal Method, Keoki, BT, Roni Size, and many more. The rave scenes were done very well, and the music went perfectly with the interviews and dancers.

If I had to make a negative comment on the film, it would be that it was a little too long and repetitive. How many different ways can you hear a dj describe the scene? The movie could have been called "How many adjectives I can use to describe the rave scene." But other than that is was informative and all in all a good movie.

If anyone else has seen it, I'd like to discuss it with you.


Keep it movin'!



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I saw it when it first came out 2 weeks ago..and I liked it alot. I would much rather see a documentary film like this about electronic music than a "hollywood-ized" film about it...(although, I did see Human Traffic and it was F***&^^%ing hilarious)

Maybe it was more interesting to me cause I first started liking electronic music back in 89-90...back in the day of the british "acid-house" raves and the 140BPM and up techno..and the first 12" I ever bought was a Moby remix..brought back memories...

I also was pleasantly surprised when I heard the music of Electric Skychurch..had heard of them, but never their music before. Now I am not a huge goa fan, but I would def. check them out after now...


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June 16 (Friday) - Better Living through Circuitry presented by Slang! Magazine

On Friday June 16, Slang! Media group presents the Boston Premiere of “Better Living through Circuitry” at the Kendall Square Cinema in Cambridge. Following the Movie opening is an all night (10PM - Late) party at undisclosed location. Spinning the party will be some of Boston’s hottest DJs including Sachi, Simone, Traylor, Courtney and More. Walk-up tickets are $20; $10 with a movie stub. (All party favors included).

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