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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Dicklicker - what the hell is your problem?!

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I have been posting on ClubNYC since 1998, long before you came on the scene. I have met and become friends with a LOT of people on this board, and had intelligent exchanges with many other, and I think any of those people could attest I am not the stupid, snobby bitch you think I am. I don't know your problem is with me, but I suggest you keep your derogatory comments to yourself. There are many times I have stopped posting on this board because of this very reason - people like you who come on for no other reason to start drama with people you don't even know.

ClubNYC is a community that I have grown very fond of over the years. This is a place where all sorts of different people with different backgrounds, ages and interests can come together because of one thing in common - their love of clubbing and music. While there are OFTEN disagreements and differences in opinion, we all generally respect each other.

I don't know why you have such a problem with me and my posts, because in my 2 years of posting on this board, I have NEVER had a beef with anyone.

Anyway, go ahead and trash me all you want - I could care less what you think, you don't even know me, so I really don't understand how you think you have me all figured out after reading 2 posts by me. The only person who you are hurting with your negativity is yourself, so be my guest and waste your time if you have nothing better to do. The only person you're making look bad is yourself.



"Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"

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Good for you alexandra....but next time...you be the better woman and just ignore this dickhead...and any other dickhead's stupid ass comments...these people thrive off this kinda shit.....unfortunately..we live in a city/ world of assholes..oh well frown.gif

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Just in case you didn't read this before, darling... oh, and by the way, I' WILL see you at PVD on July 21st!

smile.gif Alexandra


"Sometimes I wonder if my dreams are wild... Sometimes I know they'll all come true" - Ascension, "Someone"


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all i have to say is you go girl!!!!

people like dickhead should not even

be given the time of day.

ignore and the dick will go away!

dick...why don't you go live your

great life some place else,thats if you

really do have a life.


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Dicklicks problem? See my his post contained in his post about "What we all do for a living" Perhaps it will give you some insight to his neurosis. biggrin.gif



If a man does not keep pace with his companions,

perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

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