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Karla Kerlin - in "music is mind control" shocker

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This is what happen when you have urban white minors popping drugs. So sad. Raves can be such a good experience but the media has to make it look so bad. frown.gif



"None is more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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I guess it has gotten a little out of hand though. I mean, how positove can things be when you're up on Meth, down on herb, back up on coke, out on E and anywhere but there with acid in one night. I hate sounding like an old fart but it seems that the rave scene is just an excuse for abuse these days.

But then again, Its not all that way...

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Its the beat it unifies each of us into our eternal bliss moment. There is no mind control only mind merging. Rave culture has reached a critical mass and those in power are truly frightened because there worst fears are being realized. An entire generation of financially powerful, intelligent, technologically and philosophically, superior youth. This is just the trickle that beckons the coming flood. Our world is changing if only you knew how much.

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North America is currently in the grips of yet another rave backlash. Anti-rave

legislation has been passed in a number of states, stoked by a number of tabloid

television exposés. The current climate of hysteria kicked off when current

affairs programme 'Dateline' ran an 'evils of rave' special. The reporter

alleged drugs such as ecstasy, LSD and ketamine are offered to youngsters "as

innocently as hors d'oeuvres". Then 'Time' magazine ran a 'What Ecstasy Does To

Your Brain' cover story. Matters were compounded with a drugs bust on May 11th

at San Francisco International Airport. US Customs officials seized nearly half

a million ecstasy tablets, the largest haul in American history. If that wasn't

enough, clueless police and government officials have been airing their opinions

about dance culture. In an interview with San Francisco's Guardian newspaper, LA

District Attorney Karla Kerlin claimed "raves have nothing to do with the music;

it's all about drugs. And the music is a facilitated sort of mind control."

Kerlin admitted to the paper that she's never been to a rave or dance event in

her life.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.


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  • 7 years later...

Hi. I am Karla Kerlin. Imagine my surprise to find this online. I did not make the quote attributed to me and repeated again and again. A young, irresponsible journalist called me after I spoke on drug-facilitated sexual assault at a conference on this topic and also on raves. She needed a quote on raves. I told her that that was not my area of expertise but that I was present during the raves presentation (for which I was in the audience as an audience member.) From this conversation, she spun a quote which she attributes to me. I have never professed to be an expert on raves, I don't know anything about them, and they have no relevance to my life. So, there you have it. Not my quote!!! KK

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