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best experience money can buy

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We all bungee jumped in Cancun last year. I was fun as hell. Then hit the mechanical bull at like 5 in the morning. What a mess.

Sky diving is very addictive. The school I use to go to in the South had a club and those guys would see their furniture so that they could support the habbit. That is a little extreme. It is expensive and time consuming to get your liscence as well. But it looks fun as hell. Some places let you jump with a static line your first time. As soon as you leave the plane you shoot is pulled. It takes away from the free fall but I have heard that it is just as fun.

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Skydiving is definitely one of the best things I've ever done in my life. Jumped tandem (cause there's no way I could've gotten myself off the plane) and it was absolutely incredible. Did the whole cheesy thing - got the video & pix - but totally worth the xtra $$$.

I can't say I've had another feeling that even compares...Highly recommended. I'm going again next year w/my sis in cali... biggrin.gif

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B2B, where did you do the heli-skiing/snowboarding? i tried it for my first time in december in Austria, and then did it again for two days int he wasatch mountains....really cool, dropping into 3 feet of powder is ecstacy for snowboarders and skier.s.....

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